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Created February 21, 2018 17:26
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MutatingAdmissionWebhook Example with OPA

This is a quick example of how to use OPA as a Mutating Admission Controller in Kubernetes 1.9.


  1. Register OPA as a MutatingAdmissionWebhook
  2. Load a policy to test mutation
  3. Exercise the policy

1. Register OPA as a MutatingAdmissionWebhook

The steps in Kubernetes Admission Control show how to deploy OPA as a Validating Admission Controller. To deploy OPA as a Mutating Admission Controller, follow steps 1-3. In step 3, instead of creating a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration, create a MutatingWebhookConfiguration:

kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
  name: opa-mutating-webhook
  - name:
      - operations: ["*"]
        apiGroups: ["*"]
        apiVersions: ["*"]
        resources: ["*"]
        namespace: opa
        name: opa
      caBundle: <CA-BUNDLE>

2. Load a policy to test mutation

Define a policy to exercise mutation.


package system

main = {
    "apiVersion": "",
    "kind": "AdmissionReview",
    "response": {
        "allowed": true,
        "patchType": "JSONPatch",
        "patch": patch_bytes,
} {
    # Only apply mutations to objects in create/update operations (not
    # delete/connect operations.)

    # If the resource has the "test-mutation" annotation key, the patch will be
    # generated and applied to the resource.

    # Construct JSON Patch for test purposes. kube-apiserver expects changes to
    # be represented as JSON Patch operations against the resource. The JSON
    # Patch must be JSON serialized and base64 encoded.
    patch = [
        {"op": "add", "path": "/metadata/annotations/foo", "value": "bar"},
    patch_json = json.marshal(patch)
    patch_bytes = base64url.encode(patch_json)

is_create_or_update { is_create }
is_create_or_update { is_update }
is_create { input.request.operation == "CREATE" }
is_update { input.request.operation == "UPDATE" }

This policy will mutate resources that define an annotation with the key "test-mutation". The resouces will be updated to include the annotation "foo": "bar".

Load the policy as a ConfigMap:

kubectl create configmap example --from-file example.rego

3. Exercise the policy

First create a Deployment:

kubectl run nginx --image nginx

Check that the Deployment was not mutated:

kubectl get deployment nginx -o json | jq '.metadata'

Annotate the Deployment to indicate that it should be mutated:

kubectl annotate deployment nginx test-mutation=true

Check that the Deployment was mutated:

kubectl get deployment nginx -o json | jq '.metadata'
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@rogeduardo the admission-controller.yaml is here

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