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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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An example of threaded python code. Starts with a number of seconds entered by the user, then spawns a thread to countdown those seconds and another to prompt the user to add more seconds to the clock. Demonstrates one thread manipulating another.
import threading
import time
(i, seconds) = (0, 5)
def countdown():
global seconds, i
while i < seconds:
i = i + 1
print "boom!"
def menu():
global seconds, i
entry = raw_input("seconds to add: ")
while entry != "quit":
if entry == 'sec':
print seconds
elif entry == 'sec left':
print seconds - i
seconds = seconds + int(entry)
except ValueError:
entry = raw_input("seconds to add: ")
c = threading.Thread(target=countdown)
m = threading.Thread(target=menu)
m.daemon = True
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