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Last active August 26, 2021 17:38
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Demonstrate tensorflow's `custom_gradient` for a polynomial op.
import tensorflow as tf, numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
trainable = []
order = 4
def poly(x):
# Create the (or get a handle to the existing existing) polynomial coefficients variable
# that we're supposed to learn.
with tf.variable_scope('polynomial', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
p = tf.get_variable('poly_coeffs', [order+1,], use_resource=True,
if p not in trainable:
# Evaluate the polynomial (the naive way; see Numerical Recipies for a better).
# Of course, we're not *really* evaluating it with this Python code; only setting up,
# through operater overloading on the `Tensor` object x, the computational graph
# that TensorFlow will compile to GPU code which will actually do the evaluation
# when we use `feed_dict` to pass particular values for x.
with tf.variable_scope('polyval'):
# constant term
poly = p[-1]
for k in range(order):
# linear, quadratic, ...
poly += x ** (k+1) * p[-(k+2)]
def grad_fn(dpoly, variables=None):
# Evaluate the derivatve of the poly output WRT the input x.
with tf.variable_scope('dydx'):
# linear becomes constant term
grad_xs = p[-2]
for k in range(order-1):
# quadratic, cubic, ... become linear, quadratic, ...
coefficient = p[-(k+3)]
raw_exponent = k + 2
grad_xs += coefficient * raw_exponent * x ** (raw_exponent - 1)
# Actually, TensorFlow wants not the true deriviatives dy/dt, but the action of them, DY*dy/dt,
# for backpropagation purposes (that is, the row vector DY left-multiplied by the matrix dy/dx).
# In other applications, this might be easier to compute than the full derivatives, like a Krylov method
# (if y is L things and x is M things, dy/dx is L-by-M, but DY*dy/dt is only M-by).
grad_xs = grad_xs * dpoly
# Alternately, we can let TF do this for us:
#grad_xs = tf.gradients(poly, x, grad_ys=dpoly)[0]
# Evaluate the derivative of the polynomial output WRT the learned parameters p.
with tf.variable_scope('dydp'):
# If x had been a vector output, this *would* be a full matrix, as far as I can tell.
# (actually a 3-tensor, where the first index is across a batch).
grad_vars = []
# We could let TF do this for us:
#if variables is not None:
# for v in variables:
# print('Getting dy/d(%s) ... ' % v)
# grad_vars = tf.gradients(poly, variables)
# But, to be explicit, I'll do it manually.
if variables is not None:
for v in variables:
if v is p:
dydp = [
x ** (order-k)
for k in range(order+1)
# Note that we have to do a reduce_sum
# over the batch dimension here,
# since, despite the name, that's what
# `custom_gradient` really wants.
tf.concat(dydp, 1),
return grad_xs, grad_vars
return poly, grad_fn
if __name__ == '__main__':
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# Select evaluation independent variable values.
x_data = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=(2000,))
x_linspace = np.linspace(x_data.min(), x_data.max(), 1000)
# Make a quartic dependent variable.
p = .1, 0, 1, 0, 0
# Use our op.
x_in = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 1], name='x')
y_pred = poly(x_in)
# Set the parameters to the correct values for our quartic.
p_tensor = trainable[0];
#### Verify that the forward pass works correctly.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x_linspace, np.polyval(p, x_linspace), label='true')
ax.plot(x_linspace,, feed_dict={x_in: x_linspace.reshape((-1, 1))}), label='net',
linewidth=10, alpha=.5)
ax.legend(); ax.set_xlabel('$x$');
#### Verify that the gradient WRT the parameters works correctly.
g = tf.gradients(y_pred, trainable[0])[0]
print([2**(4-k) for k in range(5)]) # [16, 8, 4, 2, 1]
print(, feed_dict={x_in: np.array([2]).reshape((-1, 1))})) # [16. 8. 4. 2. 1.]
# Evaluate the per-example gradients.
gv = np.array([, feed_dict={x_in: x.reshape((1, 1))}) for x in x_linspace])
print(gv.shape) # (1000, 5)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
k = 2
ax.plot(x_linspace, x_linspace ** (4-k), label='true')
ax.plot(x_linspace, gv[:, k], label='net',
linewidth=10, alpha=.5)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\partial y/\partial p_{%d}$' % k)
ax.legend(); ax.set_xlabel('$x$');
# Try to use a faster helper function to do the same; doesn't work.
from tensorflow.python.ops.parallel_for import jacobian, batch_jacobian
J = jacobian(y_pred, trainable[0])
print(J) # Tensor("Reshape_1:0", shape=(?, 1, 5), dtype=float32)
# This seems good, but ...
Jv =, feed_dict={x_in: x_linspace.reshape((-1, 1))})
print(Jv[::100, :, 0]) # This gives all nearly the same value, though different every run.
#### Verify that the gradient WRT the input works correctly.
# Manually compute the true derivative coefficients.
pder = np.array(p)
for k in range(len(pder)):
pder[k] *= order - k
pder = pder[:-1]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x_linspace, np.polyval(pder, x_linspace), label='true $dy/dx$');
dydx = tf.gradients(y_pred, x_in)[0]
x_linspace,, feed_dict={x_in: x_linspace.reshape(-1, 1)}).ravel(),
linewidth=8, alpha=.5,
label='$dy/dx$ of current ANN'
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For TensorFlow 2.x, this code needs some alterations. Would you like to update it? I already settled the one with me, I could do a pull request.

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For TensorFlow 2.x, this code needs some alterations. Would you like to update it? I already settled the one with me, I could do a pull request.

I'm about to do the same and then see your comment,, will you share it on git? thanks

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