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Created February 29, 2024 16:08
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Using attributes to get "AOP" execution of attributes in php. The only caveat is that you need to extend a baseclass, and need to use private methods or methods starting with a _ so __call can work.
interface RunnableAttribute
public function run($object, ReflectionMethod $method, $args);
class CacheOutput implements RunnableAttribute
public function __construct(public int $duration = 60) { }
public function run($object, ReflectionMethod $method, $args)
$cacheKey = md5($method->getName().serialize($args));
static $cache = [];
if (isset($cache[$cacheKey])) {
if ($cache[$cacheKey]->hasExpired()) {
} else {
return $cache[$cacheKey]->value . ' (from cache)';
$value = $method->invoke($object, ...$args);
$cache[$cacheKey] = new CacheItem(new DateTime("now +{$this->duration} seconds"), $value);
return $value;
class CacheItem
public DateTime $expires;
public mixed $value;
public function __construct(DateTime $expires, mixed $value)
$this->expires = $expires;
$this->value = $value;
public function hasExpired()
return $this->expires < new DateTime();
class Base
public function __call(string $name, array $arguments)
$reflection = $this->getMethod($name);
if (!is_null($reflection)) {
$attributes = $reflection->getAttributes();
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
if (is_subclass_of($attribute->getName(), RunnableAttribute::class)) {
/** @var RunnableAttribute $attribute */
$attribute = $attribute->newInstance();
return $attribute->run($this, $reflection, $arguments);
return call_user_func_array([$this, $name], $arguments);
* Gets the reflection method for the given method name.
* @param $name
* @return ReflectionMethod|null
* @throws ReflectionException
private function getMethod($name): ?ReflectionMethod
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass($this);
if ($reflection->hasMethod($name)) {
return $reflection->getMethod($name);
} else {
if ($reflection->hasMethod("_$name")) {
return $reflection->getMethod("_$name");
return null;
/** @method string bar() */
class Foo extends Base
#[CacheOutput(duration: 10)]
public function _bar()
return 'baz';
$foo = new Foo();
echo 'output: '.$foo->bar().PHP_EOL; // baz
echo 'output: '.$foo->bar().PHP_EOL; // baz
echo 'output: '.$foo->bar().PHP_EOL; // baz
echo 'sleeping 11 seconds' . PHP_EOL;
echo 'output: '.$foo->bar().PHP_EOL; // baz
echo 'output: '.$foo->bar().PHP_EOL; // baz
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