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Last active February 25, 2024 16:24
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  • Save tscharke/4afa1120828cc552f7b2c5470738231e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tscharke/4afa1120828cc552f7b2c5470738231e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Collapse Attributes (like MUI `sx`, React `className`) in JetBrains-Products using LivePlugin
import com.intellij.codeInsight.folding.impl.EditorFoldingInfo
import com.intellij.codeInsight.folding.impl.FoldingUtil
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnActionEvent
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.FoldRegion
import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.FoldingModelEx
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import static liveplugin.PluginUtil.*
// This is a micro-plugin to collapse Attributes like `sx`, `className`, etc.
// (looks better if folded text background is the same as normal text; Settings -> Editor -> Colors & Fonts)
// (Note that it can only be executed within this plugin
def collapsableAttributes = [
"sx": [ "regex" : 'sx=\\{\\{(\s*.*?\s*)\\}\\}', "replace" : "..."],
"className": ["regex":'className="([^"]*)"', "replace":"🍃…"]
registerAction("symbolizeKeyWords", DEFAULT_KEYMAP_SHORTCUT, "MainToolbarCenter", "Collapse Attributes") { AnActionEvent event ->
def editor = currentEditorIn(event.project)
collapsableAttributes.each { key, value ->
collapseIn(editor, value["regex"], { value["replace"] })
//if (!isIdeStartup) show("Loaded symbolizeKeywords action. Use Ctrl+Alt+0 to run it.")
if (!isIdeStartup) show("Loaded symbolizeKeywords action. Use ${DEFAULT_KEYMAP_SHORTCUT.replace(' ', '+')} to run it.")
def collapseIn(Editor editor, String regExp, Closure replacementFor) {
def matches = []
def matcher = Pattern.compile(regExp, Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(editor.document.charsSequence)
while (matcher.find()) {
matches << [start: matcher.start(1), end: matcher.end(1), text:]
editor.foldingModel.runBatchFoldingOperation(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
matches.each { foldText(it.start, it.end, replacementFor(it.text), editor) }
* Originally copied from com.intellij.codeInsight.folding.impl.CollapseSelectionHandler
def foldText(int start, int end, String placeHolderText, Editor editor) {
if (start + 1 >= end) return
if (start < end && editor.document.charsSequence.charAt(end - 1) == '\n') end--
FoldRegion region = FoldingUtil.findFoldRegion(editor, start, end)
if (region != null) {
EditorFoldingInfo info = EditorFoldingInfo.get(editor)
if (info.getPsiElement(region) == null) {
} else {
region = ((FoldingModelEx)editor.foldingModel).addFoldRegion(start, end, placeHolderText)
if (region == null) {
region.expanded = false
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This modification was inspired by @denisborovikov GIST that's collapse MUI sx props.

My extension of this plugin handles React's className attributes. I've also outsourced the corresponding regex so that further attributes can be added.

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  1. Install LivePlugin
  2. Copy this code from Gist (there's an option in LivePlugin for this or paste it manually)
  3. Change the assigned keys in line 21 (ctrl alt 0 by default).

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