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Created April 17, 2015 19:19
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Save tschaume/a28fdf3522b81a7a4674 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A single Makefile to generate thesis/webpage/etc. from AsciiDoc source files (see
# filelist (needs to be in order!)
FILELIST= physics/part_title.txt \
physics/intro.txt \
physics/ana/chapter_title.txt \
physics/ana/exp.txt \
physics/ana/dsets_evttrk.txt \
physics/ana/evtplane.txt \
physics/ana/pid.txt \
physics/ana/pairrec.txt \
physics/effcorr.txt \
physics/sim.txt \
physics/results.txt \
physics/summary.txt \
software/part_title.txt \
software/star/chapter_title.txt \
software/star/stv0tofcorr.txt \
software/star/stbadrdosdb.txt \
software/star/strunideventsdb.txt \
software/cvs2git.txt \
software/public/chapter_title.txt \
software/public/ckon.txt \
software/public/ccsgp.txt \
software/public/wp-pdf.txt \
software/public/rmrg.txt \
hardware/part_title.txt \
hardware/vuvlamp.txt \
appendix/part_title.txt \
appendix/physics/chapter_title.txt \
appendix/physics/faq.txt \
appendix/physics/bad_runs.txt \
appendix/physics/runqa.txt \
appendix/physics/pid.txt \
appendix/physics/sim.txt \
appendix/physics/effcorr/tables.txt \
appendix/physics/effcorr/dettrackqual_short.txt \
appendix/physics/effcorr/tofmatchtotal_short.txt \
appendix/physics/effcorr/tofmatch_extra.txt \
appendix/physics/effcorr/tpcselect.txt \
appendix/physics/effcorr/pair.txt \
appendix/physics/effcorr/figures.txt \
appendix/software/chapter_title.txt \
appendix/software/stbadrdos_dbfiles.txt \
appendix/software/cvs2git_source.txt \
appendix/software/ckon_source.txt \
FILELISTSI= appendix/part_title.txt \
appendix/physics/chapter_title.txt \
appendix/physics/effcorr/tables.txt \
appendix/physics/effcorr/dettrackqual.txt \
appendix/physics/effcorr/tofmatchtotal.txt \
appendix/software/chapter_title.txt \
appendix/software/stv0tofcorr_source.txt \
appendix/software/stbadrdosdb_source.txt \
appendix/software/strunideventsdb_source.txt \
# symbolic links
LINKLIST = images docs
# variables
TAGLIST=$(shell git tag -l | tr '\n' ' ')
LASTTAG=$(shell git tag -l | tail -1)
# blogpost command -p post
# phony takes target always as out-of-date
.PHONY: all docinfo check clean thesis info
REVNR=$(shell git log -1 HEAD --format=%h --date=short)
REVDATE=$(shell git log -1 HEAD --format=%ad --date=short)
# define directive for single revision entry
# argument: tagname
define REVCMD
echo '<revision>' >> $(DOCINFOREV)
echo ' <revnumber>'$(1)'</revnumber>' >> $(DOCINFOREV)
echo ' <date>'$(shell git log -1 $(1) --format=%ad --date=short)'</date>' >> $(DOCINFOREV)
echo ' <authorinitials>PH</authorinitials>' >> $(DOCINFOREV)
echo ' <revremark>'$(shell git log -1 $(1) --format=%B)'</revremark>' >> $(DOCINFOREV)
echo '</revision>' >> $(DOCINFOREV)
# default target, make version and upload current version (tag)
all: thesis info backup
mv -v $(DOCOUT)-ref.pdf hp/$(FILENAME).pdf
mv -v $(DOCOUT)-ref.txt hp/$(FILENAME).txt
mv -v $(DOCOUT)SI-ref.pdf hp/$(FILENAME)_SI.pdf
mv -v $(DOCOUT)SI-ref.txt hp/$(FILENAME)_SI.txt
echo "- $(REVDATE): link:hp/$(FILENAME).pdf[$(FILENAME).pdf], link:hp/$(FILENAME).txt[$(FILENAME).txt], link:hp/$(FILENAME)_SI.pdf[$(FILENAME)_SI.pdf], link:hp/$(FILENAME)_SI.txt[$(FILENAME)_SI.txt]" >> downloads.txt
$(BPCMD) downloads.txt
git add downloads.txt downloads.blogpost
git commit -m "downloads: add $(DOCOUT)-$(LASTTAG).pdf/txt"
# check whether required symbolic links exist
# abort otherwise
define TESTDEF
$$(if $$(wildcard $(1)),$$(info symlink $(1) ok),$$(error symlink $(1) NOT found))
$(foreach link, $(LINKLIST), $(eval $(call TESTDEF,$(link))))
# generate $(DOCOUT)-docinfo.xml
$(foreach tag, $(TAGLIST), $(call REVCMD,$(tag)))
echo '</revhistory>' >> $(DOCINFOREV)
# thesis
thesis: check
cp preamb.txt $(DOCOUT).txt
@$(foreach file, $(FILELIST), cat $(file) >> $(DOCOUT).txt; )
asciidoc-bib --numeric-appearance-order -n -s acm-sigchi-proceedings $(DOCOUT).txt
asciidoc -b docbook -a latexmath $(DOCOUT)-ref.txt
dblatex -x '--maxvars 100000' -T db2latex_huck $(DOCOUT)-ref.xml # -d keep build dir
# supporting information
info: check
cp preamb.txt $(DOCOUT)SI.txt
@$(foreach file, $(FILELISTSI), cat $(file) >> $(DOCOUT)SI.txt; )
asciidoc-bib --numeric-appearance-order -n -s acm-sigchi-proceedings $(DOCOUT)SI.txt
asciidoc -b docbook -a latexmath $(DOCOUT)SI-ref.txt
dblatex -x '--maxvars 100000' -T db2latex_huck $(DOCOUT)SI-ref.xml # -d keep build dir
# make a single pdf (note the file extension! provide a xsl!)
%.asc: FORCE
asciidoc-bib -s acm-sigchi-proceedings $*.asc
asciidoc -b docbook -a latexmath $*-ref.asc
dblatex -T db2latex -p $*.xsl $*-ref.xml
rm -v $*-ref.xml $*-ref.asc
git commit -m "safety backup" $(DOCOUT).txt $(DOCOUT)SI.txt
git push
# push a single asciidoc to wordpress
# and generate pdf
%.txt: FORCE
$(BPCMD) $*.txt
# clean up
@if [ -e $(DOCOUT)-ref.pdf ]; then rm -v $(DOCOUT)-ref.pdf; fi
@if [ -e $(DOCOUT)-ref.xml ]; then rm -v $(DOCOUT)-ref.xml; fi
@if [ -e $(DOCOUT)-ref.txt ]; then rm -v $(DOCOUT)-ref.txt; fi
@if [ -e $(DOCOUT)SI-ref.pdf ]; then rm -v $(DOCOUT)SI-ref.pdf; fi
@if [ -e $(DOCOUT)SI-ref.xml ]; then rm -v $(DOCOUT)SI-ref.xml; fi
@if [ -e $(DOCOUT)SI-ref.txt ]; then rm -v $(DOCOUT)SI-ref.txt; fi
@if [ -e $(DOCINFOREV) ]; then rm -v $(DOCINFOREV); fi
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