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Last active July 30, 2016 11:13
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GURPS -- Dust

Character generation notes for the Dust mini-campaign.



100 points for starting, max -50 disadvantage. It's encouraged not to minmax completely, keep your characters functional!

Tech Level

The world is early TL3.

Basic Attributes (ST, HT, DX, IQ)

If you want a score higher than 12 in any of these, you need the GM to sign off on it. Spending points at least in HT is recommended.

Secondary Attributes

You may want to think about spending some points for either HP and/or FP.


Struggling, Average, or Comfortable. Back it up with some backstory, especially if not "average".

Relevant quote from the basic set (B26):

“Starting wealth” covers both money and property. Start with the amount of money your wealth level entitles you to for your game world. Buy the possessions you want to start with (see Chapter 8, or consult the equipment list in the relevant worldbook). Any unspent money is your “bank account.” Realistically, if you have a settled lifestyle, you should put 80% of your starting wealth into home, clothing, etc., which leaves only 20% for “adventuring” gear.

Reputation, Status, Rank

You may buy Reputation or Status, but no Rank.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Discuss with the GM. Secret disadvantages might be fun, read up on B120.



Most probably not going to come up in play, but keep it in mind.

Magic and Psionics

No characters with magic or psionic abilities. If you really, really, reeeeeaaaally want it, talk to me.


I'm interested in handling money at a granular level. If this is fine with you, we'd do it like GURPS describes:

  • Earning wages (if working, B516-517) at end of month
  • Paying cost of living (B265) at beginning of month


Combat Lite (B324-328) applies throughout the campaign. For more exotic maneuvers, talk to the GM.

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