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Created November 2, 2017 18:21
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public class WebClientTest {
private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebClient.class);
private static final String BODY = "this is the body";
private static final String ENDPOINT = "endpoint";
int port;
private StringDecoder stringDecoder = StringDecoder.textPlainOnly(false);
void testTwoStreamsFromBody() {
WebClient webclient = WebClient.create("http://localhost:" + port);
Flux<DataBuffer> body = webclient
.map(response -> response.bodyToFlux(DataBuffer.class))
.cache() // comment out to get duplicate subscribe error, leave in to get ref cnt error
private void validateIsSuccess(ClientResponse r) {
if (!r.statusCode().is2xxSuccessful()) throw new RuntimeException("Received " + r.statusCode());
private Mono<String> decodeToString(Flux<DataBuffer> stream) {
return stringDecoder.decode(stream, ResolvableType.forClass(String.class), null, null)
.reduce(new StringBuilder(), (builder, e) -> { builder.append(e); return builder; })
static class Service {
public String endpoint() {"endpoint called");
return BODY;
static class TestConfiguration {
Service service() { return new Service(); }
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