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PowerShell script to copy Azure Table from one account to another
param (
$sourceConnectionString = $(throw "-sourceConnectionString is required."),
$sourceTableName = $(throw "-sourceConnectionString is required."),
$targetConnectionString = $(throw "-targetConnectionString is required."),
$targetTableName = $(throw "-targetTableName is required.")
function Insert-Records
param ($table, $entities)
$batches = @{}
foreach ($entity in $entities)
if ($batches.ContainsKey($entity.PartitionKey) -eq $false)
$batches.Add($entity.PartitionKey, (New-Object Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.TableBatchOperation))
$batch = $batches[$entity.PartitionKey]
if ($batch.Count -eq 100)
$batches[$entity.PartitionKey] = (New-Object Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.TableBatchOperation)
foreach ($batch in $batches.Values)
if ($batch.Count -gt 0)
function Copy-Records
param($sourceTable, $targetTable)
$tableQuery = New-Object 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.TableQuery'
[Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.TableContinuationToken]$token = $null
$segment = $sourceTable.ExecuteQuerySegmented($tableQuery, $token);
$token = $segment.ContinuationToken
Insert-Records $targetTable $segment.Results
$count = $segment.Results.Count
Write-Host "Copied $count records"
} while ($token -ne $null)
function Get-Table
param($storageContext, $tableName, $createIfNotExists)
$table = Get-AzureStorageTable $tableName -Context $storageContext -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($table -eq $null)
if($createIfNotExists -eq $false)
return $null
$table = New-AzureStorageTable $tablename -Context $storageContext
return $table.CloudTable
$sourceContext = New-AzureStorageContext -ConnectionString $sourceConnectionString
$targetContext = New-AzureStorageContext -ConnectionString $targetConnectionString
$sourceTable = Get-Table $sourceContext $sourceTableName $false
if ($sourceTable -eq $null)
Write-Host "Source table $sourceTableName was not found"
$targetTable = Get-Table $targetContext $targetTableName $true
Copy-Records $sourceTable $targetTable
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