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Created April 21, 2020 09:45
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// Prototype partial implementation of the proposed <execution> header,
// from P0443R12 + P2006R0
#include <>
#include <compare>
#include <cstdio>
#include <optional>
namespace ex = std::execution;
// retry algorithm implementation begins here
// _conv needed so we can emplace construct non-movable types into
// a std::optional.
template<std::invocable F>
requires std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<F>
struct _conv {
F f_;
explicit _conv(F f) noexcept : f_((F&&) f) {}
operator std::invoke_result_t<F>() && {
return ((F&&) f_)();
// pass through set_value and set_error, but retry the operation
// from set_error.
template<class O, class R>
struct _retry_receiver {
O* o_;
template<class... As>
requires ex::receiver_of<R, As...>
void set_value(As&&... as) &&
noexcept(ex::is_nothrow_receiver_of_v<R, As...>) {
ex::set_value(std::move(o_->r_), (As&&) as...);
void set_error(auto&&) && noexcept {
o_->_retry(); // This causes the op to be retried
void set_done() && noexcept {
template<ex::sender S>
struct _retry_sender : ex::sender_base {
S s_;
// Hold the nested operation state in an optional so we can
// re-construct and re-start it when the operation fails.
template<ex::receiver R>
struct _op {
S s_;
R r_;
std::optional<ex::connect_result_t<S&, _retry_receiver<_op, R>>> o_;
_op(S s, R r): s_((S&&)s), r_((R&&)r), o_{_connect()} {}
_op(_op&&) = delete;
auto _connect() noexcept {
return _conv{[this] {
return ex::connect(s_, _retry_receiver<_op, R>{this});
void _retry() noexcept try {
o_.emplace(_connect()); // potentially throwing
} catch(...) {
ex::set_error((R&&) r_, std::current_exception());
void start() noexcept {
template<ex::receiver R>
requires ex::sender_to<S&, _retry_receiver<_op<R>, R>>
auto connect(R r) && -> _op<R> {
return _op<R>{(S&&) s_, (R&&) r};
template<ex::sender S>
ex::sender auto retry(S s) {
return _retry_sender<S>{{}, (S&&)s};
// retry algorithm implementation ends here
inline constexpr struct _sink {
void set_value(auto&&...) const noexcept {}
[[noreturn]] void set_error(auto&&) const noexcept {
[[noreturn]] void set_done() const noexcept {
} sink{};
// Here is a test sender that fails the first three times it is
// started and then succeeds on the fourth try.
struct fail_3 : ex::sender_base {
int count_ = 0;
template<ex::receiver_of R>
struct _op {
int const count_;
R r_;
_op(int count, R r): count_(count), r_((R&&) r) {}
_op(_op&&) = delete;
void start() noexcept try {
if(count_ > 3) {
ex::set_value((R&&) r_, count_);
} else {
ex::set_error((R&&) r_, 42);
} catch(...) {
ex::set_error((R&&) r_, std::current_exception());
template<ex::receiver_of R>
requires ex::receiver<R, int>
auto connect(R r) & -> _op<R> {
return _op<R>{++count_, (R&&) r};
int main() {
fail_3 s;
auto op = ex::connect(retry(s), sink);
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