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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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My layout helper scss partial
// ----------------------------------------------
// Layout
// ----------------------------------------------
// Settings
$container: 960px !default;
$flow: left !default;
$opos: if($flow == left, right, left);
// px2perc
// -------
// Convert width in px to % relative to a container.
// Makes it easier to work with PSD measurements.
// - $px : width in px of the measured element
// - $parent : width in px of the container.
@function px2perc($px, $parent: $container){
@return ($px / $parent) * 100%;
// Clear
// -----
// The "Clearfix" hack. as a mixin and a transparent class.
// See
@mixin clear {
&:after {
content: " ";
display: table;
clear: both;
%clear {
@include clear;
// Size
// ----
// Easily set width and height by units or by image dimensions.
// See
// - $x : a unit or an image name
// - $y : a unit or an image name
@mixin size($x, $y: $x) {
@if type_of($x) == string {
width: image-width($x);
} @else {
width: $x;
@if type_of($y) == string {
height: image-height($y);
} @else {
height: $y;
// Justified layout
// ----------------
// Grid justified layout. as a mixin and a transparent class.
// See
@mixin layout-justify {
text-align: justify;
> * {
display: inline-block;
&:after {
content: "";
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
height: 0;
font-size: 0;
%layout-justify {
@include layout-justify;
// Container
// ---------
// Layout container.
// - $max-width : container max width (for fluid layouts).
@mixin container($max-width: 100%) {
width: $container;
max-width: $max-width;
margin: {
left: auto;
right: auto;
@include clear;
// Span (floats)
// -------------
// Salsa (Susy with isolation) style layout mixin. simplified.
// See
// - $width : element width as a fraction or unit.
// - $position : element position as a fraction or unit.
@mixin span($width, $position: false) {
@include box-sizing(border-box);
// Width (fraction/units)
@if not unitless($width){ // arbitrary width (e.g. px/%/em etc.).
width: $width;
@else if round($width) != $width { // fraction (e.g. 1/5).
width: 100% * $width;
@else { // just a fallback.
width: $width;
// Position (omega/row/fraction/columns/units)
@if $position != omega {
float: $flow; // normal float
@if $position == omega { // omega
float: $opos;
@else if $position == row { // row
clear: both;
@else if $position {
margin: {
#{$opos}: -100%;
@if not unitless($width) { // has unit, arbitrary width
#{$flow}: $position;
@else if round($position) != $position { // fraction
#{$flow}: $position * 100%;
@else { // fallback
#{$flow}: $position;
// Span (inline-blocks)
// -------------------
// Layout mixin. using inline-blocks.
// See
// - $width : element width as a fraction or unit.
// - $valign : vertical align value.
@mixin span-ib($width, $valign: top) {
display: inline-block;
// Width (fraction/units)
@if not unitless($width){ // arbitrary width (e.g. px/%/em etc.).
width: $width;
@else if round($width) != $width { // fraction (e.g. 1/5).
width: 100% * $width;
@else { // just a fallback.
width: $width;
vertical-align: $valign;
@include box-sizing(border-box);
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