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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Salsa style, simplifyed layout mixin.
//// Salsa style layout mixin. Simplified. ////
// See usage examples below.
$flow: left !default;
$opos: if($flow == left, right, left);
// Compass is needed only for the box-sizing() mixin.
@import "compass";
@mixin layout($width, $position: false) {
@include box-sizing(border-box);
// Width (fraction/units)
@if not unitless($width){ // arbitrary width (e.g. px/%/em etc.).
width: $width;
@else if round($width) != $width { // fraction (e.g. 1/5).
width: 100% * $width;
@else { // just a fallback.
width: $width;
// Position (omega/row/fraction/columns/units)
@if $position != omega {
float: $flow; // normal float
@if $position == omega { // omega
float: $opos;
@else if $position == row { // row
clear: both;
@else if $position {
margin: {
#{$opos}: -100%;
@if not unitless($width) { // has unit, arbitrary width
#{$flow}: $position;
@else if round($position) != $position { // fraction
#{$flow}: $position * 100%;
@else { // fallback
#{$flow}: $position;
.simple {
@include layout(200px);
.percent-pushed {
@include layout(50%, 50%);
.percent-pulled {
@include layout(50%, 0);
.last-item {
@include layout(200px, omega);
.first-in-a-new-row {
@include layout(30%, row);
.fraction {
@include layout(1/5);
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