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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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#!/usr/bin/env plackup
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Plack::Builder;
use Plack::App::Directory;
use HTML::Restrict;
use lib::remote
=> '';
# From MetaCPAN::Server::View::Pod
sub render_pod {
my $pod = shift;
my $parser = MetaCPAN::Pod::XHTML->new();
my $html = "";
$parser->output_string( \$html );
return $html;
# From MetaCPAN::Web::Controller::Pod->view
my $filter = HTML::Restrict->new;
a => [qw( href target )],
b => [],
br => [],
caption => [],
center => [],
code => [],
dd => ['id'],
div => [qw(id style)],
dl => ['id'],
dt => ['id'],
em => [],
h1 => ['id'],
h2 => ['id'],
h3 => ['id'],
h4 => ['id'],
h5 => ['id'],
h6 => ['id'],
i => [],
img => [qw( alt border height width src style title / )],
li => ['id'],
ol => [],
p => [qw(class style)],
pre => [qw(id class style)],
span => [qw(style)],
strong => [],
sub => [],
sup => [],
table => [qw( style class border cellspacing cellpadding align )],
tbody => [],
td => [qw(style class)],
tr => [qw(style class)],
u => [],
ul => ['id'],
builder {
enable_if { $_[0]->{PATH_INFO} =~ /\.(pm|pl|pod)$/i } shift @$_, @$_ for
[ SimpleContentFilter => filter => sub { $_ = $filter->process( render_pod($_) ) } ],
[ Header => set => [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' ] ];
Plack::App::Directory->new({ root => "./lib" })->to_app;
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