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Last active January 29, 2024 19:38
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ЗАДАНИЕ Brave new world narcobeta
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApp4
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
char[,] map = new char[25, 100];
char player = 'i';
char mapWall = 'X';
char spaceMap = ' ';
char bonus = '@';
char bonusSpawnPeriodUp = 'q';
char bonusSpawnPeriodDown = 'w';
char keyExit = 'c';
char keyBunusAllMap = 'm';
char keyGameMode = 'g';
Random random = new Random();
int mapStartGameRandomPositionMiniumumY = 1;
int mapStartGameRandomPositionMaximumY = map.GetLength(0);
int mapStartGameRandomPositionMiniumumX = 1;
int mapStartGameRandomPositionMaximumX = map.GetLength(1);
int cursorPositionX = random.Next(mapStartGameRandomPositionMiniumumX, mapStartGameRandomPositionMaximumX);
int cursorPositionY = random.Next(mapStartGameRandomPositionMiniumumY, mapStartGameRandomPositionMaximumY);
int quantytyBonus = 0;
bool isPaintWallMode = true;
bool isGameModeOn = true;
bool isRuning = true;
ConsoleColor defoultBackgroundColor = Console.BackgroundColor;
Console.BackgroundColor = defoultBackgroundColor;
Console.CursorVisible = false;
RefreshMap(map, spaceMap, out int bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod);
Task.Run(() => {
while (isRuning)
int upDatePause = 10;
ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey = Console.ReadKey();
EnterSetUpKeyFromUser(map, pressedKey, spaceMap, bonusSpawnPeriodUp, bonusSpawnPeriodDown, keyExit, keyBunusAllMap, keyGameMode, ref isPaintWallMode, ref isGameModeOn, ref bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod, ref quantytyBonus, ref isRuning);
GetMoove(map, pressedKey, isPaintWallMode, mapWall, bonus, ref cursorPositionX, ref cursorPositionY, ref isGameModeOn, ref quantytyBonus);
WritePlayer(cursorPositionX, cursorPositionY, map, player);
while (isRuning)
int wallMetres = 0;
int quantityBonusLeft = 0;
int upDatePause = 100;
int[,] randomArray = new int[map.GetLength(0), map.GetLength(1)];
int[,] randomColorArray = new int[map.GetLength(0), map.GetLength(1)];
int randomColorArrayMaximum = 20;
for (int i = 0; i < randomArray.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < randomArray.GetLength(1); j++)
randomArray[i, j] = random.Next(bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod);
randomColorArray[i, j] = random.Next(randomColorArrayMaximum + 1);
map = UpdateAllMap(map, randomArray, randomColorArray, player, spaceMap, mapWall, bonus, ref cursorPositionX, ref cursorPositionY, ref wallMetres, ref quantityBonusLeft);
WriteLegend(map, wallMetres, quantytyBonus, quantityBonusLeft, mapWall, keyExit, bonusSpawnPeriodUp, bonusSpawnPeriodDown, keyGameMode, player, bonus, keyBunusAllMap);
private static char[,] UpdateAllMap(char[,] map, int[,] randomArray, int[,] randomColorArray, char player, char spaceMap, char mapWall, char bonus, ref int cursorPositionX, ref int cursorPositionY, ref int wallMetres, ref int quantityBonusLeft)
WritePlayer(cursorPositionX, cursorPositionY, map, player);
for (int i = 0; i < map.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < map.GetLength(1); j++)
SetRandomMapColor(randomColorArray, i, j);
WritePrimeterWall(map, i, j, mapWall);
if (map[i, j] == mapWall)
Console.SetCursorPosition(j, i);
if (map[i, j] == spaceMap)
Console.SetCursorPosition(j, i);
WriteBonuses(map, i, j, bonus, ref randomArray, ref quantityBonusLeft);
return map;
private static void WritePlayer(int cursorPositionX, int cursorPositionY, char[,] map, char player)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
map[cursorPositionY, cursorPositionX] = player;
Console.SetCursorPosition(cursorPositionX, cursorPositionY);
private static void WriteBonuses(char[,] map, int coordinateY, int coordinateX, char bonus, ref int[,] randomArray, ref int quantityBonusLeft)
int bonusWriteRandomArrayNumber = 20;
if (map[coordinateY, coordinateX] == ' ' && randomArray[coordinateY, coordinateX] == bonusWriteRandomArrayNumber)
map[coordinateY, coordinateX] = bonus;
if (map[coordinateY, coordinateX] == bonus)
Console.SetCursorPosition(coordinateX, coordinateY);
private static void WritePrimeterWall(char[,] map, int coordinateY, int coordinateX, char mapWall)
int[] mapWallIndexes = { 0, map.GetLength(1) - 1 };
int coordinatWallY = map.GetLength(0) - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < mapWallIndexes.Length; i++)
if (coordinateY == mapWallIndexes[i] || coordinateX == mapWallIndexes[i])
map[coordinateY, coordinateX] = mapWall;
if (coordinateY == coordinatWallY)
map[coordinateY, coordinateX] = mapWall;
private static void SetRandomMapColor(int[,] rndColorMassive, int coordinateY, int coordinateX)
int colorForegroundRedWriteArray = 10;
int colorForegroundMagentaWriteArray = 12;
int[] colorForegroundGreen = { 14, 15 };
if (rndColorMassive[coordinateY, coordinateX] == colorForegroundRedWriteArray)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
if (rndColorMassive[coordinateY, coordinateX] == colorForegroundMagentaWriteArray)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;
for (int i = 0; i < colorForegroundGreen.Length; i++)
if (rndColorMassive[coordinateY, coordinateX] == colorForegroundGreen[i])
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
private static void WriteLegend(char[,] map, int wallMetres, int quantytyBonus, int quantityBonusLeft, char mapWall, char keyExit, char bonusSpawnPediodUp, char bonusSpawnPediodDown, char keyGameMode, char player, char bonus, char keyBunusAllMap)
int countVerticalWall = 2;
int countHorisontalWall = 2;
int corners = 4;
int wallAllBasePerimetrLenght = map.GetLength(0) * countVerticalWall + map.GetLength(1) * countHorisontalWall - corners;
int coordinateXgameLegendPartOne = 40;
int coordinateYgamelegendPartOne = map.GetLength(0);
int coodrdinateXgameLegendPartTwo = 10;
int coordinateYgameLegendPartTwo = map.GetLength(0) + 1;
int coordinateXgameLegendPartThree = 10;
int coodrdinateYgameLegendPartThree = map.GetLength(0) + 2;
int coordinateXgameLegendPartFour = 10;
int coordinateYgameLegendPartFour = map.GetLength(0) + 3;
int coordinateXgameLegendPartFive = 10;
int coordinateYgameLegendPartFive = map.GetLength(0) + 4;
string gameLegendPartOne = $"!Brave NEW world!";
string gameLegendPartTwo = $"{mapWall} - стена space - начать или перестать строить стену {keyExit} - выход";
string gameLegendPartThree = $"{wallMetres - wallAllBasePerimetrLenght} метров стены построено {keyGameMode} - перестать считать собранные плюшки";
string gameLegendPartFour = $"{keyBunusAllMap} - очистить карту {player} - игрок {bonusSpawnPediodUp}/{bonusSpawnPediodDown} - меньше/больше плюшек ";
string gameLegendPartFive = $"<- | -> Стрелки - управление {bonus} - плюшки собрано: {quantytyBonus} не собрано: {quantityBonusLeft}";
Console.SetCursorPosition(coordinateXgameLegendPartOne, coordinateYgamelegendPartOne);
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
Console.SetCursorPosition(coodrdinateXgameLegendPartTwo, coordinateYgameLegendPartTwo);
Console.SetCursorPosition(coordinateXgameLegendPartThree, coodrdinateYgameLegendPartThree);
Console.SetCursorPosition(coordinateXgameLegendPartFour, coordinateYgameLegendPartFour);
Console.SetCursorPosition(coordinateXgameLegendPartFive, coordinateYgameLegendPartFive);
private static void EnterSetUpKeyFromUser(char[,] map, ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey, char spaceMap, char bonusSpawnPediodUp, char bonusSpawnPeriodDown, char keyExit, char keyBunusAllMap, char keyGameMode, ref bool isPaintWallMode, ref bool isGameModeOn, ref int bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod, ref int quantytyBonus, ref bool isRunning)
int zeroBonusCountGameModeFalse = 0;
ConsoleKey spaceBar = ConsoleKey.Spacebar;
if (pressedKey.KeyChar == keyExit)
isRunning = false;
if (pressedKey.KeyChar == keyGameMode)
if (pressedKey.KeyChar == keyGameMode && isGameModeOn)
quantytyBonus = zeroBonusCountGameModeFalse;
isGameModeOn = false;
isGameModeOn = true;
else if (pressedKey.Key == spaceBar)
if (pressedKey.Key == spaceBar && isPaintWallMode)
isPaintWallMode = false;
isPaintWallMode = true;
else if (pressedKey.KeyChar == keyBunusAllMap)
RefreshMap(map, spaceMap, out bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod);
ChangeRangeSpawnPeriod(pressedKey, bonusSpawnPediodUp, bonusSpawnPeriodDown, ref bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod);
private static void ChangeRangeSpawnPeriod (ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey, char bonusSpawnPediodUp, char bonusSpawnPeriodDown, ref int bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod)
int bonusUpRange = 1000;
int bonusDownRange = -500;
if (pressedKey.KeyChar == bonusSpawnPediodUp)
bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod += bonusUpRange;
else if (pressedKey.KeyChar == bonusSpawnPeriodDown)
if (bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod > bonusUpRange)
bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod += bonusDownRange;
private static void RefreshMap(char[,] map, char spaceMap, out int bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod)
bonusesRangeSpawnPeriod = 30000;
for (int i = 0; i < map.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < map.GetLength(1); j++)
map[i, j] = spaceMap;
private static char GetDirection(char[,] map, ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey, out int cursorPositionChangeX, out int cursorPositionChangeY, ref int cursorPositionX, ref int cursorPositionY)
cursorPositionChangeX = 0;
cursorPositionChangeY = 0;
ConsoleKey mooveUpKey = ConsoleKey.UpArrow;
ConsoleKey mooveDownKey = ConsoleKey.DownArrow;
ConsoleKey mooveLeftKey = ConsoleKey.LeftArrow;
ConsoleKey mooveRightKey = ConsoleKey.RightArrow;
if (pressedKey.Key == mooveUpKey)
else if (pressedKey.Key == mooveDownKey)
else if (pressedKey.Key == mooveLeftKey)
else if (pressedKey.Key == mooveRightKey)
return map[cursorPositionY + cursorPositionChangeY, cursorPositionX + cursorPositionChangeX];
private static void GetMoove(char[,] map, ConsoleKeyInfo pressedKey, bool isPaintWallMode, char mapWall, char bonus, ref int cursorPositionX, ref int cursorPositionY, ref bool isGameModeOn, ref int quantytyBonus)
char locationContent = GetDirection(map, pressedKey, out int cursorPositionChangeX, out int cursorPositionChangeY, ref cursorPositionX, ref cursorPositionY);
if (isGameModeOn == true && locationContent == bonus)
if (locationContent != mapWall)
char spaceMap = ' ';
if (isPaintWallMode == true)
map[cursorPositionY, cursorPositionX] = mapWall;
map[cursorPositionY, cursorPositionX] = spaceMap;
cursorPositionY += cursorPositionChangeY;
cursorPositionX += cursorPositionChangeX;
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