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Created September 20, 2010 16:33
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%%% File : new_smtp.erl
%%% Author : Russell Brown <>
%%% Description : A google mail sender (cribbed from Benjamin Nortier's 21st C code works blog post
%%% Created : 14 Jul 2009 by Russell Brown <>
%% API
-export([connect/1,send/2,disconnect/1, timestamp/0]).
%% API
%% Function: connect
%% Description: connects to googlemail and logs the user in
connect({config, Host, Port, Username, Password}) ->
{ok, Socket} = ssl:connect(Host, Port, [{active, false}], 1000),
recv(Socket, 0),
ssl_send(Socket, "HELO localhost"),
ssl_send(Socket, "AUTH LOGIN"),
ssl_send(Socket, binary_to_list(base64:encode(Username))),
ssl_send(Socket, binary_to_list(base64:encode(Password))),
%% Function: send
%% Description: sends an email
send(Socket, {message, To, Header_to, From, Subject, Message}) ->
ssl_send(Socket, "MAIL FROM: <"++From++">"),
recpt_to(To, Socket),
ssl_send(Socket, "DATA"),
send_no_receive(Socket, "From: <"++From++">"),
header_to(Header_to, Socket),
send_no_receive(Socket, timestamp()),
send_no_receive(Socket, "Subject: " ++ Subject),
send_no_receive(Socket, ""),
send_no_receive(Socket, Message),
send_no_receive(Socket, ""),
ssl_send(Socket, "."),
%% Function: disconnect
%% Description: says bye to the smtp server
disconnect(Socket) ->
ssl_send(Socket, "QUIT"),
%% Internal functions
send_no_receive(Socket, Data) ->
ssl:send(Socket, Data ++ "\r\n").
ssl_send(Socket, Data) ->
ssl:send(Socket, Data ++ "\r\n"),
recv(Socket, 0).
recv(Socket, 3) ->
recv(Socket, Times) ->
case ssl:recv(Socket, 0, 2000) of
{ok, _} -> ok;
{error, closed} -> exit(socket_closed);
{error, timeout} -> recv(Socket, Times+1)
recpt_to([], _) ->
recpt_to([H|T], Socket) ->
ssl_send(Socket, "RCPT TO:<"++H++">"),
recpt_to(T, Socket).
header_to([], _) -> ok;
header_to([H|T], Socket) ->
send_no_receive(Socket, "To: <"++H++">"),
header_to(T, Socket).
%% "Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 16:02:43 +0000"
timestamp() ->
{Today, {Hour,Min,Sec}} = erlang:localtime(),
{Year, Month, DayOfMonth} = Today,
DayOfWeek = calendar:day_of_the_week(Today),
DayName = httpd_util:day(DayOfWeek),
MonthName = httpd_util:month(Month),
TS = io_lib:format("Date: ~s, ~2.10.0B ~s ~4.10.0B ~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B +0000", % Added 3 zeroes as milliseconds, iz a hack but harmless
[ DayName, DayOfMonth, MonthName, Year, Hour, Min, Sec]),
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