using namespace System.Collections.Generic
class Range {
A class to hold the start/end data for a given contiguous integer range.
# Default New Values
Range() {
$this.Start = ([int]::MinValue - 1)
$this.End = ([int]::MaxValue + 1)
# Set Values
Range([long]$Start, [long]$End) {
$this.Start = $Start
$this.End = $End
[string]ToString() {
return (
if ($this.Start -eq $this.End) {
} else {
function Get-ContiguousRange {
Finds contiguous ranges of integers within a given integer array.
This function takes a list of integers and identifies contiguous ranges within the list.
The output can be a list of Range objects or a string.
Array of integers to find contiguous ranges within
.PARAMETER CombineString
If selected, returns the contiguous ranges as a single comma separated string.
[OutputType([List[Range]], [string])]
param (
Position = 0,
HelpMessage = 'Enter one or more integers.'
Position = 1,
Mandatory = $false,
HelpMessage = 'Outputs contiguous ranges as a string.'
begin {
$Return = [List[Range]]::new()
$RangeObj = [Range]::New()
[long]$Index = 0
[long[]]$LongRange = $IntRange | Sort-Object -Unique
process {
for ([long]$a = $LongRange[0]; [long]$a -le $LongRange[-1]; [long]$a++) {
# Set Start value
if ($RangeObj.Start -eq ([int]::MinValue - 1)) {
if ($LongRange[$Index] -ne $a) { $a = $LongRange[$Index] }
$RangeObj.Start = $a
# Set End Value
if (
($LongRange[$Index] -eq $a) -and
($LongRange[($Index + 1)] -ne ([long]$a + 1)) -and
($RangeObj.End -eq ([int]::MaxValue + 1))
) {
$RangeObj.End = $a
$RangeObj = [Range]::New()
end {
if ($CombineString) {
$Strings = $Return | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString() }
return $Strings -join ', '
} else {
return $Return
class SemVer {
Translates a version string into a formal semantic versioning pattern.
Utilizes regular expressions to verify if a given string adheres to semantic versioning rules.
For more details: https://semver.org/
Examples of valid semantic versions:
ex0: 2.1.4
ex1: 5.12.96-pr1+000a
ex2: 10.3.2+002
ex3: 3.1.0-rc3
The version string to be parsed into a SemVer object.
When the provided version does not follow semantic versioning format, the Valid field will be set to false.
The Major, Minor, and Patch properties will be initialized to 0 and the PreRelease and Build properties will
contain empty strings.
Conversely, if the version adheres to the semantic versioning format, the Valid field will be set to true.
The Major, Minor, and Patch properties will contain their respective values as [long]s.
The PreRelease and Build properties will either be empty if unused, or hold the string value of the relevant fields.
[boolean]$Valid = $false
[long]$Major = 0
[long]$Minor = 0
[long]$Patch = 0
[string]$PreRelease = [string]::Empty
[string]$Build = [string]::Empty
SemVer( [string]$Version ) {
$SemVerRegex = '^' +
'(?<Major>0|[1-9]\d*)\.' +
'(?<Minor>0|[1-9]\d*)\.' +
'(?<Patch>0|[1-9]\d*)' +
'(?:-(?<PreRelease>(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))' +
'?(?:\+(?<Build>[0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?' +
if ($Version -match $SemVerRegex) {
$this.Valid = $true
$this.Major = [long]::Parse($Matches['Major'])
$this.Minor = [long]::Parse($Matches['Minor'])
$this.Patch = [long]::Parse($Matches['Patch'])
$this.PreRelease = $Matches['PreRelease']
$this.Build = $Matches['Build']
[string] ToString() {
$result = [string]::Empty
if ($this.Valid) {
$result = "$($this.Major).$($this.Minor).$($this.Patch)"
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.PreRelease) -eq $false) {
$result += "-$($this.PreRelease)"
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.Build) -eq $false) {
$result += "+$($this.Build)"
return $result
function Test-MatchesSemVer {
Evaluates if the provided version string adheres to semantic versioning rules.
This function checks whether the input string follows the semantic versioning format and returns the appropriate
boolean value or the [SemVer] object if PassThru is selected.
The version string to be evaluated against semantic versioning rules.
An optional switch parameter. When selected, returns the [SemVer] object instead of a boolean.
If the version string does not adhere to semantic versioning format, the function returns false.
When the version string complies with semantic versioning rules, the function returns true, unless PassThru is
selected. If PassThru is selected and the version string is valid, it returns the [SemVer] object.
if (Test-MatchesSemVer -Version $Version) {
Move-Item -Path $Csproj.FullName -Destination $PackagePath
$SemVer = Test-MatchesSemVer -Version $Version -PassThru
if ($SemVer.Valid -and ($SemVer.PreRelease -eq [string]::Empty)) {
dotnet nuget push $Package.FullName --api-key $ApiKey --source $NugetSource
[OutputType([Boolean], [SemVer])]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[SemVer]$SemVer = [SemVer]::new($Version)
if ($SemVer.Valid) {
if ($PassThru) { return $SemVer } else { return $true }
return $false
function Write-ReverseString {
Reverses a given string.
This function takes a string as input and reverses its characters. The output is the reversed string.
The string to be reversed.
The encoding method to use when reversing the string.
Available options are 'Utf8' and 'Utf16'. The default is 'Utf8'.
param (
Position = 0,
Position = 1,
Mandatory = $false
[ValidateSet( 'Utf8', 'Utf16')]
[string]$Encoding = 'Utf8'
begin { $chars = [List[char]]::new() }
process {
$runes = @($String.EnumerateRunes())
for ($i = ($runes.Count - 1); $i -ge 0; $i--) {
$rune = $runes[$i]
switch ($Encoding) {
'Utf8' {
$points = [char[]]::new($rune.Utf8SequenceLength)
$rune.EncodeToUtf8($points) | Out-Null
'Utf16' {
$points = [char[]]::new($rune.Utf16SequenceLength)
$rune.EncodeToUtf16($points) | Out-Null
Default { throw "'$Encoding' is not a valid encoding option." }
end { return [string]::new($chars) }