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/* Stack-based Douglas Peucker line simplification routine
returned is a reduced GLatLng array
After code by Dr. Gary J. Robinson,
Environmental Systems Science Centre,
University of Reading, Reading, UK
function GDouglasPeucker (source, kink)
/* source[] Input coordinates in GLatLngs */
/* kink in metres, kinks above this depth kept */
/* kink depth is the height of the triangle abc where a-b and b-c are two consecutive line segments */
var n_source, n_stack, n_dest, start, end, i, sig;
var dev_sqr, max_dev_sqr, band_sqr;
var x12, y12, d12, x13, y13, d13, x23, y23, d23;
var F = ((Math.PI / 180.0) * 0.5 );
var index = new Array(); /* aray of indexes of source points to include in the reduced line */
var sig_start = new Array(); /* indices of start & end of working section */
var sig_end = new Array();
/* check for simple cases */
if ( source.length < 3 )
return(source); /* one or two points */
/* more complex case. initialize stack */
n_source = source.length;
band_sqr = kink * 360.0 / (2.0 * Math.PI * 6378137.0); /* Now in degrees */
band_sqr *= band_sqr;
n_dest = 0;
sig_start[0] = 0;
sig_end[0] = n_source-1;
n_stack = 1;
/* while the stack is not empty ... */
while ( n_stack > 0 ){
/* ... pop the top-most entries off the stacks */
start = sig_start[n_stack-1];
end = sig_end[n_stack-1];
if ( (end - start) > 1 ){ /* any intermediate points ? */
/* ... yes, so find most deviant intermediate point to
either side of line joining start & end points */
x12 = (source[end].lng() - source[start].lng());
y12 = (source[end].lat() - source[start].lat());
if (Math.abs(x12) > 180.0)
x12 = 360.0 - Math.abs(x12);
x12 *= Math.cos(F * (source[end].lat() + source[start].lat()));/* use avg lat to reduce lng */
d12 = (x12*x12) + (y12*y12);
for ( i = start + 1, sig = start, max_dev_sqr = -1.0; i < end; i++ ){
x13 = (source[i].lng() - source[start].lng());
y13 = (source[i].lat() - source[start].lat());
if (Math.abs(x13) > 180.0)
x13 = 360.0 - Math.abs(x13);
x13 *= Math.cos (F * (source[i].lat() + source[start].lat()));
d13 = (x13*x13) + (y13*y13);
x23 = (source[i].lng() - source[end].lng());
y23 = (source[i].lat() - source[end].lat());
if (Math.abs(x23) > 180.0)
x23 = 360.0 - Math.abs(x23);
x23 *= Math.cos(F * (source[i].lat() + source[end].lat()));
d23 = (x23*x23) + (y23*y23);
if ( d13 >= ( d12 + d23 ) )
dev_sqr = d23;
else if ( d23 >= ( d12 + d13 ) )
dev_sqr = d13;
dev_sqr = (x13 * y12 - y13 * x12) * (x13 * y12 - y13 * x12) / d12;// solve triangle
if ( dev_sqr > max_dev_sqr ){
sig = i;
max_dev_sqr = dev_sqr;
if ( max_dev_sqr < band_sqr ){ /* is there a sig. intermediate point ? */
/* ... no, so transfer current start point */
index[n_dest] = start;
/* ... yes, so push two sub-sections on stack for further processing */
sig_start[n_stack-1] = sig;
sig_end[n_stack-1] = end;
sig_start[n_stack-1] = start;
sig_end[n_stack-1] = sig;
/* ... no intermediate points, so transfer current start point */
index[n_dest] = start;
/* transfer last point */
index[n_dest] = n_source-1;
/* make return array */
var r = new Array();
for(var i=0; i < n_dest; i++)
return r;
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