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Created March 1, 2023 09:16
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Node-PG Rescript bindings
open Belt
let {then, thenResolve, catch, resolve, reject} = module(Promise)
module PgResult = {
module FieldInfo = {
type t = private {
name: string,
dataTypeId: string,
type t<'a> = private {
rows: array<'a>,
fields: array<FieldInfo.t>,
rowCount: int,
command: string,
module PgError = {
type t = private {
message: string,
code: string,
name: string,
stack: string,
external fromJsExn: Js.Exn.t => t = "%identity"
external toJsExn: t => Js.Exn.t = "%identity"
external toExn: t => exn = "%identity"
let catch = promise =>
Promise.catch(promise, e =>
switch e {
| Promise.JsError(e) => Result.Error(fromJsExn(e))->Promise.resolve
| e =>
Js.Console.error2("Caught unexpected error in NodePostgres", e)
let toObject = e =>
"message": e.message,
"code": e.code,
"stack": e.stack,
type initiator<'kind>
module QueryCallback = {
type cb<'a, 'return> = Result.t<PgResult.t<'a>, PgError.t> => 'return
external query: (
~statement: string,
~params: array<string>,
~cb: @uncurry (option<PgError.t>, option<PgResult.t<'a>>) => 'return,
) => 'return = "query"
let query = (initator, ~statement: string, ~params: array<string>, ~cb: cb<'a, 'return>) =>
query(initator, ~statement, ~params, ~cb=(error, res) =>
switch (error, res) {
| (Some(error), _) => cb(Result.Error(error))
| (_, Some(res)) => cb(Result.Ok(res))
| (None, None) => Js.Exn.raiseTypeError("Invalid callback in nodePg query")
module Query = {
external query: (
~statement: string,
~params: array<string>,
) => Promise.t<PgResult.t<'a>> = "query"
module Params: {
type t
type preparedQuery = {
name: string,
text: string,
values: array<t>,
rowMode: [#object | #array],
let int: int => t
let string: string => t
let uuid: Uuid.t => t
let spacetime: Spacetime.t => t
let intArray: array<int> => t
let stringArray: array<string> => t
let array: array<t> => t
let option: option<t> => t
let json: Js.Json.t => t
let dict: Js.Dict.t<'a> => t
let obj: 'a => t
let interval: (int, [#second | #minute | #hour | #day | #week | #month | #year]) => t
let null: t
let nullable: option<t> => t
type queryObject = {
text: string,
values: array<t>,
rowMode: option<[#object | #array]>,
external queryPrepared: (initiator<'kind>, preparedQuery) => Promise.t<PgResult.t<'a>> = "query"
let query: (
~rowMode: [#object | #array]=?,
~statement: string,
~params: array<t>,
) => Promise.t<PgResult.t<'a>>
} = {
@unboxed type rec t = Param('a): t
let int = (int: int) => Param(int)
let string = (string: string) => Param(string)
let uuid = (Uuid.Uuid(uuid)) => Param(uuid)
let spacetime = (date: Spacetime.t) => Param(Spacetime.format(date, #iso))
let array = (array: array<t>) => Param(array)
let intArray = (array: array<int>) => Param(array)
let stringArray = (array: array<string>) => Param(array)
let option = (option: option<t>) => Param(option)
let json = (json: Js.Json.t) => Param(Js.Json.stringify(json))
let dict = (dict: Js.Dict.t<'a>) => Param(dict)
let obj = obj => Param(obj)
let interval = (
unit: [#day | #hour | #minute | #month | #second | #week | #year],
) => {
let q = quantity->Js.Int.toString
let s = switch quantity {
| 1 => ""
| _ => "s"
let string = `${q} ${(unit :> string)}${s}`
let null = Param(Js.Nullable.null)
let nullable = param =>
switch param {
| Some(param) => param
| None => null
type queryObject = {
text: string,
values: array<t>,
rowMode: option<[#object | #array]>,
external query: (initiator<'kind>, queryObject) => Promise.t<PgResult.t<'a>> = "query"
let query = (~rowMode=?, initiator, ~statement, ~params) => {
text: statement,
values: params,
type preparedQuery = {
name: string,
text: string,
values: array<t>,
rowMode: [#object | #array],
external queryPrepared: (initiator<'kind>, preparedQuery) => Promise.t<PgResult.t<'a>> = "query"
let getFirst = (res: Promise.t<PgResult.t<'a>>) => res->thenResolve(({rows}) => rows[0])
let getUnique = (
res: Promise.t<PgResult.t<'a>>,
~logger: GraphileLogger.logger,
~itemId: string,
~itemName: string,
) =>
getFirst(res)->catch(e => {
logger.error(. `error while retrieving ${itemName} with ID ${itemId}`, e)
exception PgNotFound({name: string, id: option<string>})
let getUniqueExn = (
res: Promise.t<PgResult.t<'a>>,
~logger: GraphileLogger.logger,
~itemId: string,
~itemName: string,
) =>
getUnique(res, ~logger, ~itemId, ~itemName)->Promise.then(item =>
switch item {
| None =>
logger.error(. `no ${itemName} with ID `, itemId)
reject(PgNotFound({name: itemName, id: Some(itemId)}))
| Some(item) => resolve(item)
let getFirstValueExn = (
res: Promise.t<PgResult.t<'a>>,
~logger: GraphileLogger.logger,
~valueName: string,
) =>
->catch(e => {
logger.error(. `error while retrieving ${valueName}`, e)
->Promise.then(item =>
switch item {
| None =>
logger.error(. "Got no result when looking for ", valueName)
reject(PgNotFound({name: valueName, id: None}))
| Some(item) =>
switch Js.Dict.values(item) {
| [value] => resolve(value)
| _ =>
`Result is supposed to have only one field to get ${valueName}, got `,
reject(PgNotFound({name: valueName, id: None}))
let getFirstValue = (
res: Promise.t<PgResult.t<'a>>,
~logger: GraphileLogger.logger,
~valueName: string,
) =>
->catch(e => {
logger.error(. `error while retrieving ${valueName}`, e)
->Promise.then(item =>
switch item {
| None => resolve(None)
| Some(item) =>
switch Js.Dict.values(item) {
| [value] => resolve(Some(value))
| _ =>
`Result is supposed to have only one field to get ${valueName}, got `,
reject(PgNotFound({name: valueName, id: None}))
module Res = {
let query = (initator, ~statement: string, ~params: array<string>) =>
query(initator, ~statement, ~params)
->Promise.thenResolve(res => Result.Ok(res))
module TypeOverrides = {
type t
module Builtins = {
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external bool: int = "BOOL"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external bytea: int = "BYTEA"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external char: int = "CHAR"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external int8: int = "INT8"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external int2: int = "INT2"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external int4: int = "INT4"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external regproc: int = "REGPROC"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external text: int = "TEXT"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external oid: int = "OID"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external tid: int = "TID"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external xid: int = "XID"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external cid: int = "CID"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external json: int = "JSON"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external xml: int = "XML"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external pgNodeTree: int = "PG_NODE_TREE"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external jsonArray: int = "JSON_ARRAY"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external smgr: int = "SMGR"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external path: int = "PATH"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external polygon: int = "POLYGON"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external cidr: int = "CIDR"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external float4: int = "FLOAT4"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external float8: int = "FLOAT8"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external abstime: int = "ABSTIME"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external reltime: int = "RELTIME"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external tinterval: int = "TINTERVAL"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external circle: int = "CIRCLE"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external macaddr8: int = "MACADDR8"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external money: int = "MONEY"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external macaddr: int = "MACADDR"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external inet: int = "INET"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external aclitem: int = "ACLITEM"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external bpchar: int = "BPCHAR"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external varchar: int = "VARCHAR"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external date: int = "DATE"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external time: int = "TIME"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external timestamp: int = "TIMESTAMP"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external timestamptz: int = "TIMESTAMPTZ"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external interval: int = "INTERVAL"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external timetz: int = "TIMETZ"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external bit: int = "BIT"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external varbit: int = "VARBIT"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external numeric: int = "NUMERIC"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external refcursor: int = "REFCURSOR"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg")
external regprocedure: int = "REGPROCEDURE"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external regoper: int = "REGOPER"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external regoperator: int = "REGOPERATOR"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external regclass: int = "REGCLASS"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external regtype: int = "REGTYPE"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external uuid: int = "UUID"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg")
external txidSnapshot: int = "TXID_SNAPSHOT"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external pg_lsn: int = "PG_LSN"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg")
external pgNdistinct: int = "PG_NDISTINCT"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg")
external pgDependencies: int = "PG_DEPENDENCIES"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external tsvector: int = "TSVECTOR"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external tsquery: int = "TSQUERY"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external gtsvector: int = "GTSVECTOR"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external regconfig: int = "REGCONFIG"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg")
external regdictionary: int = "REGDICTIONARY"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external jsonb: int = "JSONB"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external jsonbArray: int = "JSONB_ARRAY"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg")
external regnamespace: int = "REGNAMESPACE"
@scope(("default", "types", "builtins")) @module("pg") external regrole: int = "REGROLE"
@module("pg/lib/type-overrides") @new external make: unit => t = "default"
@send external setTypeParser: (t, int, @uncurry string => 'a) => unit = "setTypeParser"
type sslConfig
type config
module PgClient = {
type client
type t = initiator<client>
external makeConfig: (
~user: string=?, // default process.env.PGUSER || process.env.USER
~password: string=?, //default process.env.PGPASSWORD
~host: string=?, // default process.env.PGHOST
~database: string=?, // default process.env.PGDATABASE || process.env.USER
~port: int=?, // default process.env.PGPORT
~connectionString: string=?, // e.g. postgres://user:password@host:5432/database
~ssl: sslConfig=?, // passed directly to node.TLSSocket=? supports all tls.connect options
~types: TypeOverrides.t=?, // custom type parsers
~statement_timeout: int=?, // number of milliseconds before a statement in query will time out=? default is no timeout
~query_timeout: int=?, // number of milliseconds before a query call will timeout=? default is no timeout
~application_name: string=?, // The name of the application that created this Client instance
~connectionTimeoutMillis: int=?, // number of milliseconds to wait for connection=? default is no timeout
~idle_in_transaction_session_timeout: int=?, // number of milliseconds before terminating any session with an open idle transaction=? default is no timeout
~connectionTimeoutMillis: int=?, // number of milliseconds to wait for connection, default is no timeout
~idle_in_transaction_session_timeout: int=?, // number of milliseconds before terminating any session with an open idle transaction, default is no timeout
) => config = ""
@scope("default") @new @module("pg") external make: config => t = "Pool"
let make = (
~user=?, // default process.env.PGUSER || process.env.USER
~password=?, //default process.env.PGPASSWORD
~host=?, // default process.env.PGHOST
~database=?, // default process.env.PGDATABASE || process.env.USER
~port=?, // default process.env.PGPORT
~connectionString=?, // e.g. postgres://user:password@host:5432/database
~ssl=?, // passed directly to node.TLSSocket=? supports all tls.connect options
~types=?, // custom type parsers
~statement_timeout=?, // number of milliseconds before a statement in query will time out=? default is no timeout
~query_timeout=?, // number of milliseconds before a query call will timeout=? default is no timeout
~application_name=?, // The name of the application that created this Client instance
~connectionTimeoutMillis=?, // number of milliseconds to wait for connection, default is no timeout
~idle_in_transaction_session_timeout=?, // number of milliseconds before terminating any session with an open idle transaction=? default is no timeout
// number of milliseconds a client must sit idle in the pool and not be checked out
// before it is disconnected from the backend and discarded
// default is 10000 (10 seconds) - set to 0 to disable auto-disconnection of idle clients
) =>
@send external connect: (t, unit) => Js.Promise.t<unit> = "connect"
@send external end: (t, unit) => Js.Promise.t<unit> = "end"
include Query
module Callback = QueryCallback
module PgPool = {
type pool
type t = initiator<pool>
include Query
@send external end: (t, unit) => Js.Promise.t<unit> = "end"
external makeConfig: (
~user: string=?, // default process.env.PGUSER || process.env.USER
~password: string=?, //default process.env.PGPASSWORD
~host: string=?, // default process.env.PGHOST
~database: string=?, // default process.env.PGDATABASE || process.env.USER
~port: int=?, // default process.env.PGPORT
~connectionString: string=?, // e.g. postgres://user:password@host:5432/database
~ssl: sslConfig=?, // passed directly to node.TLSSocket=? supports all tls.connect options
~types: TypeOverrides.t=?, // custom type parsers
~statement_timeout: int=?, // number of milliseconds before a statement in query will time out=? default is no timeout
~query_timeout: int=?, // number of milliseconds before a query call will timeout=? default is no timeout
~application_name: string=?, // The name of the application that created this Client instance
~connectionTimeoutMillis: int=?, // number of milliseconds to wait for connection=? default is no timeout
~idle_in_transaction_session_timeout: int=?, // number of milliseconds before terminating any session with an open idle transaction=? default is no timeout
~connectionTimeoutMillis: int=?, // number of milliseconds to wait for connection, default is no timeout
~idle_in_transaction_session_timeout: int=?, // number of milliseconds before terminating any session with an open idle transaction, default is no timeout
~idleTimeoutMillis: int=?, // number of milliseconds a client must sit idle in the pool and not be checked out
// before it is disconnected from the backend and discarded
// default is 10000 (10 seconds) - set to 0 to disable auto-disconnection of idle clients
~max: int=?, // maximum number of clients the pool should contain
// by default this is set to 10.
// Default behavior is the pool will keep clients open & connected to the backend
~allowExitOnIdle: bool=?, // until idleTimeoutMillis expire for each client and node will maintain a ref
// to the socket on the client, keeping the event loop alive until all clients are closed
// after being idle or the pool is manually shutdown with `pool.end()`.
// Setting `allowExitOnIdle: true` in the config will allow the node event loop to exit
// as soon as all clients in the pool are idle, even if their socket is still open
// to the postgres server. This can be handy in scripts & tests
// where you don't want to wait for your clients to go idle before your process exits.
) => config = ""
@scope("default") @new @module("pg") external make: config => t = "Pool"
let make = (
~user=?, // default process.env.PGUSER || process.env.USER
~password=?, //default process.env.PGPASSWORD
~host=?, // default process.env.PGHOST
~database=?, // default process.env.PGDATABASE || process.env.USER
~port=?, // default process.env.PGPORT
~connectionString=?, // e.g. postgres://user:password@host:5432/database
~ssl=?, // passed directly to node.TLSSocket=? supports all tls.connect options
~types=?, // custom type parsers
~statement_timeout=?, // number of milliseconds before a statement in query will time out=? default is no timeout
~query_timeout=?, // number of milliseconds before a query call will timeout=? default is no timeout
~application_name=?, // The name of the application that created this Client instance
~connectionTimeoutMillis=?, // number of milliseconds to wait for connection, default is no timeout
~idle_in_transaction_session_timeout=?, // number of milliseconds before terminating any session with an open idle transaction=? default is no timeout
// number of milliseconds a client must sit idle in the pool and not be checked out
// before it is disconnected from the backend and discarded
// default is 10000 (10 seconds) - set to 0 to disable auto-disconnection of idle clients
// maximum number of clients the pool should contain
// by default this is set to 10.
// until idleTimeoutMillis expire for each client and node will maintain a ref
// to the socket on the client, keeping the event loop alive until all clients are closed
// after being idle or the pool is manually shutdown with `pool.end()`.
// Setting `allowExitOnIdle: true` in the config will allow the node event loop to exit
// as soon as all clients in the pool are idle, even if their socket is still open
// to the postgres server. This can be handy in scripts & tests
// where you don't want to wait for your clients to go idle before your process exits.
) =>
external onError: (t, @as("error") _, ~cb: @uncurry (PgError.t, PgClient.t) => unit) => unit =
module Callback = {
include QueryCallback
external connect: (
~cb: @uncurry (option<PgError.t>, option<PgClient.t>, @uncurry unit => unit) => unit,
) => unit = "connect"
let connect = (pgPool, ~cb: (Result.t<PgClient.t, PgError.t>, unit => unit) => unit) => {
connect(pgPool, ~cb=(error, client, release) => {
switch (error, client) {
| (Some(error), _) =>
cb(Result.Error(error), release)
| (_, Some(client)) => cb(Result.Ok(client), release)
| (None, None) =>
// should not happen
let error =
Error.TypeError.make("Invalid callback in nodePg Pool.connect")->PgError.fromJsExn
cb(Result.Error(error), release)
external connect: t => Js.Promise.t<PgClient.t> = "connect"
let connect = (pgPool, ~withPgClient) => {
->Promise.thenResolve(pgClient => Ok(pgClient))
->ResultExt.Promise.flatMapOk(pgClient =>
->Promise.thenResolve(x => Ok(x))
->Promise.then(result => {
PgClient.end(pgClient, ())->Promise.thenResolve(() => result)->PgError.catch
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