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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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  • Save tsnow/fdc1baf8a0ff450333f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tsnow/fdc1baf8a0ff450333f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Markov, you silly bitch.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "George Clooney attacks NYT"
@cmd if George has no fighting skills and typically exposes his schedule is generally so packed that he needs a break.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "George Clooney attacks New York"
@cmd when nature attacks me like that he needs a quick death.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "George Clooney attacks New York"
@cmd George is uber lazy today; he's hidden away, asleep somewhere because his belly to facilitate a quick death.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "George Clooney attacks New York"
@cmd George is uber lazy today; he's hidden away, asleep somewhere because his belly to wield it, we're all goners.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "George Clooney attacks New York"
@cmd George is uber lazy today; he's hidden away, we're all goners.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "Cara"
@cmd When you're used to having nothing, it's stupid-ass cold out just the same.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "Cara"
@cmd I know what to make decisions on hiring if you keep -Wall flipped on during the interview process.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "My books are holier than thou"
@cmd word; I pulled "Learning Perl" on that run of books went something like this.
@cmd Check mah Amp.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "Amp is the best drink."
@cmd yeah, around 4pm / my 2nd can of Amp and celebrate with ya!
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "Lets go eat bears"
@cmd yep; I'm going to suck ass.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "I deeply love country music"
@cmd ah man, I'd love to hear if you find an "if you see this demon, here's how to exorcise it"-type summation!
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "I deeply love country music"
@cmd It's easy to love again; come over.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "I deeply love country music, but not as much as George"
@cmd oh man, I'd question what you're doing with your life.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "I deeply love country music, but not as much as George"
@cmd you know, you might get away with running Mono.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "I deeply love country music, but not as much as George"
@cmd I love that Power Rangers shirt.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/anachronistic.model "shared knowledge"
@cmd Thankful for being blessed with good people in my brain for several days.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/snowhit.model "beverages"
@cmd In awesome tabbing heaven, you gotta break a DB.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/snowhit.model "beverages"
@cmd Step 9: Use the app-included scripts for all processes matching a friend's wedding, and an orioles game.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/snowhit.model "men"
@cmd Palio's jukebox just went from 0 to Flu-ish in about 1 hour.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/snowhit.model "men"
@cmd "...who will put (him/her) to sleep, which is a non-associative operator, A ~ B ~ C is a syntax error." Hot sex?
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/snowhit.model "men"
@cmd It was not a 9ft tall purple striped weasel.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/snowhit.model "purple"
@cmd You probably can't rebase to act like one's parent, and know it.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/obfuscurity.model "purple"
@cmd Fans of Monitorama CFP right now to watch the new Adventure Time episode.
bash-3.2$ ebooks gen model/obfuscurity.model "butts"
@cmd I love the daemon daily but I'm using it in production anyways because I have to get up at 3:30am for a 7am flight to SF, as one does.
bash-3.2$ cat corpus/snowhit.json | jq --raw-output '.[].text' | while read i; do echo "@snowhit: $i"; ebooks gen model/all.model "$i"; done
@snowhit: RT @_K_E_L_S_E_Y: hey i'm building this! in-depth look at @pacificstand at the what & why of our sexual assault reporting tool Callisto htt…
@cmd Then, that night, spent building a business, building a better job reporting the news than (local boy/moron) Glenn Beck #Bellingham
@snowhit: RT @shariv67: They say people don't believe in heroes anymore, but I saw Mad Max and didn't even write a think piece about it.
@cmd Well then I shall taunt you a second time.
@snowhit: RT @alvarobiz: We're going to discuss the "Incremental Mature Garbage Collection". Are you coming? #algorithm #meetu…
@cmd What they choose to discuss whether may be the new SI reference unit for sex appeal.
@snowhit: RT @igrigorik: need to build a heatmap visualization? heatmap.js looks like a handy (and easy to use) library:
@cmd Once you get the test right, writing the impl is the easy way out.
@snowhit: @skullmandible @kateleth fight or ... flight? #amirite?
@cmd The next step in the fight, I don't argue, what could go wrong...
@snowhit: RT @kateleth: I also heard one of the cool flight attendant ladies say "I would've had to knock him out" and flex her muscles
@cmd You really think it after they canceled my flight I just received the SorryNotSorry email
@snowhit: RT @avibryant: ... without being privy to the roadmap, looks like a first step down a great path: first, know yours…
@cmd Maybe I'm talking more about my age than it does it seems to give more visual contrast.
@snowhit: RT @avibryant: ... next, know your company; finally, know the world. I'm super excited to see what @matasar and @andrewcatton do with it.
@cmd It's like cats, but mostly excited
@snowhit: RT @HoardingInfo: Explaining Puppet to management #funny #DevOps
@cmd My only one article this week, make it #velocityconf keynoter post: #devops
@snowhit: RT @rob_pike: The slides for my "Go in Go" talk from #gopherfest 2015: #golang
@cmd I think these two slides from on the importance and tweaking my slides for next week's trip to #Austin for #API360
@snowhit: RT @puffnfresh: @nuttycom @jdegoes I consider this one an absolute must read for advanced functional programmers:
@cmd would you ever consider adding a reward tier for the woman who once gave me a designer anymore, nor do I want to be.
@snowhit: RT @districttaco: Orale!!! Gracias for coming amigo!! RT @crsexton: Best Memorial Day brunch ever. Huevos at @districttaco…
@cmd I'm looking forward to that coming in from Portland, you say?
@snowhit: RT @districttaco: We are just Mexicans making tacos in USA amigo!! RT @DannyArch24: Okay District Taco is far better than Chipotle
@cmd Of course casually ruins my life by making them be the same process
@snowhit: RT @mikefarrell: The best gif I have seen in a long time.
@cmd best gif -
@snowhit: RT @caseorganic: 8 year old bug in Xerox copiers randomly switches out numbers in documents.
@cmd Documents kurfuffles happening over edits ab transphobia, aliens, conspiracy theories, and we should fix it.
@snowhit: @matasar TIL: wheels vs tracks
@cmd Probably going to buy a kit for half a decade live, he will make you should be all g
@snowhit: @scott_sanders thanks man!
@cmd Thanks man!
@snowhit: RT @GoatUserStories: As a goat, I want to implement a RESTful interface
@cmd Agree on details, but I'm chipping in to the coast, one of the most crazy beautiful places I've ever been
@snowhit: @anachronistic Thought you'd dig this.
@cmd I dig it up and release the code!
@snowhit: @scott_sanders Any experience with Influx?
@cmd It's core to the office just to experience feelings today
@snowhit: @nathancarnes funnily enough, I met Paul Dix at Gophercon. We had some beers. It was a great chat.
@cmd looks surprisingly normal, and they often aren't in prod systems
@snowhit: RT @joelanders: This little hacker girl sshing into her dad's computer and SIGKILLing his Sublime Text is my favorite thing ever.
@cmd if this is your WTF moment girl I have but one favorite to give.
@snowhit: https://t…
@cmd I wonder if recent news will change how you write CSS.
@snowhit: @nathancarnes LAX
@cmd I had a meeting ending at noon in Winchester so 19 was not an option and AKL
@snowhit: @nathancarnes current status: elevated perspective
@cmd from my perspective, funding completely changes the dynamic.
@snowhit: RT @andyet: Recommended reading: @philip_roberts' @scotlandjs keynote on Learning & Vulnerability; Teaching & Empathy
@cmd I'mma finally watch that be the totally brilliant keynote on coffee script?
@snowhit: RT @allspaw: @indec @mrtazz @sophaskins Power (esp in the Foucaultian sense) of course involved, I'm at an abstraction away. Re: http://t.c…
@cmd gotta let me know so I can whine alongside you!
@snowhit: RT @mrtazz: @roidrage @allspaw I like this. But I’m also pretty sure the factor of failed attempts to repair also plays into that
@cmd The original factor
@cmd Best thing about music, reading incredibly rude bug reports.
@snowhit: @adrianpike seconded
Unable to produce valid non-verbatim tweet; using "seconded in Silver Spring."
@cmd seconded in Silver Spring.
@snowhit: RT @eliseworthy: .@adaacademy is halfway to its goal of raising $50k with a week left in its campaign. Please donate and share: https://t.c…
@cmd Prorating is time we left this place and made our report.
@snowhit: RT @NASAJPL: To: @MESSENGER2011
@cmd I have a cable lock that I'm struggling to shift on Quora from to: Why is Girl Talk "not a DJ"?
@snowhit: So long & thanks for all the science
@cmd I like science and mystery....
Feature idea: If a tweet has #spoiler, people piling up outside
@snowhit: From: Your friends in #DSN mission control
@cmd yeah but I have a team dinner tomorrow night and plans with some friends Wed night.
@snowhit: RT @michaelgorsuch: Very excited to note that @simple's very own @jokedovis will be giving an Ignite talk at #devopsdaysnyc. Make sure tha…
@cmd Excited to see all the time due to WWDC, although I am excited for that too
@snowhit: RT @caitie: @flaper87 lol Never have I ever put an unbounded queue into production
^C/opt/rubies/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/twitter_ebooks-3.1.0/lib/twitter_ebooks/model.rb:266:in `block (3 levels) in find_relevant': Interrupt
from /opt/rubies/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/twitter_ebooks-3.1.0/lib/twitter_ebooks/model.rb:266:in `map'
from /opt/rubies/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/twitter_ebooks-3.1.0/lib/twitter_ebooks/model.rb:266:in `block (2 levels) in find_relevant'
from /opt/rubies/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/twitter_ebooks-3.1.0/lib/twitter_ebooks/model.rb:265:in `each'
from /opt/rubies/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/twitter_ebooks-3.1.0/lib/twitter_ebooks/model.rb:265:in `block in find_relevant'
from /opt/rubies/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/twitter_ebooks-3.1.0/lib/twitter_ebooks/model.rb:264:in `each'
from /opt/rubies/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/twitter_ebooks-3.1.0/lib/twitter_ebooks/model.rb:264:in `find_relevant'
from /opt/rubies/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/twitter_ebooks-3.1.0/lib/twitter_ebooks/model.rb:284:in `make_response'
from /opt/rubies/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/twitter_ebooks-3.1.0/bin/ebooks:179:in `gen'
from /opt/rubies/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/twitter_ebooks-3.1.0/bin/ebooks:371:in `command'
from /opt/rubies/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/twitter_ebooks-3.1.0/bin/ebooks:389:in `<top (required)>'
from /opt/boxen/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/bin/ebooks:23:in `load'
from /opt/boxen/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/bin/ebooks:23:in `<main>'
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