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Created November 26, 2023 09:17
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Convert iTerm2 color scheme to color scheme (Swift 5 Compatible)
#!/usr/bin/xcrun swift
// Copyright © 2016 Leon Breedt
// Ported to Swift 5 by Pablo Morelli 2019
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import Cocoa
/// Enumerates the colors in an iTerm color scheme.
enum iTermColors: String {
case ansi0 = "Ansi 0 Color"
case ansi1 = "Ansi 1 Color"
case ansi2 = "Ansi 2 Color"
case ansi3 = "Ansi 3 Color"
case ansi4 = "Ansi 4 Color"
case ansi5 = "Ansi 5 Color"
case ansi6 = "Ansi 6 Color"
case ansi7 = "Ansi 7 Color"
case ansi8 = "Ansi 8 Color"
case ansi9 = "Ansi 9 Color"
case ansi10 = "Ansi 10 Color"
case ansi11 = "Ansi 11 Color"
case ansi12 = "Ansi 12 Color"
case ansi13 = "Ansi 13 Color"
case ansi14 = "Ansi 14 Color"
case ansi15 = "Ansi 15 Color"
case cursorText = "Cursor Text Color"
case selectedText = "Selected Text Color"
case foreground = "Foreground Color"
case background = "Background Color"
case bold = "Bold Color"
case selection = "Selection Color"
case cursor = "Cursor Color"
/// Enumerates the colors in a color scheme.
enum TerminalColors: String {
case ansiBlack = "ANSIBlackColor"
case ansiRed = "ANSIRedColor"
case ansiGreen = "ANSIGreenColor"
case ansiYellow = "ANSIYellowColor"
case ansiBlue = "ANSIBlueColor"
case ansiMagenta = "ANSIMagentaColor"
case ansiCyan = "ANSICyanColor"
case ansiWhite = "ANSIWhiteColor"
case ansiBrightBlack = "ANSIBrightBlackColor"
case ansiBrightRed = "ANSIBrightRedColor"
case ansiBrightGreen = "ANSIBrightGreenColor"
case ansiBrightYellow = "ANSIBrightYellowColor"
case ansiBrightBlue = "ANSIBrightBlueColor"
case ansiBrightMagenta = "ANSIBrightMagentaColor"
case ansiBrightCyan = "ANSIBrightCyanColor"
case ansiBrightWhite = "ANSIBrightWhiteColor"
case background = "BackgroundColor"
case text = "TextColor"
case boldText = "BoldTextColor"
case selection = "SelectionColor"
case cursor = "CursorColor"
// Mapping of iTerm colors onto corresponding colors.
let iTermColor2TerminalColor = [
iTermColors.ansi0: TerminalColors.ansiBlack,
iTermColors.ansi1: TerminalColors.ansiRed,
iTermColors.ansi2: TerminalColors.ansiGreen,
iTermColors.ansi3: TerminalColors.ansiYellow,
iTermColors.ansi4: TerminalColors.ansiBlue,
iTermColors.ansi5: TerminalColors.ansiMagenta,
iTermColors.ansi6: TerminalColors.ansiCyan,
iTermColors.ansi7: TerminalColors.ansiWhite,
iTermColors.ansi8: TerminalColors.ansiBrightBlack,
iTermColors.ansi9: TerminalColors.ansiBrightRed,
iTermColors.ansi10: TerminalColors.ansiBrightGreen,
iTermColors.ansi11: TerminalColors.ansiBrightYellow,
iTermColors.ansi12: TerminalColors.ansiBrightBlue,
iTermColors.ansi13: TerminalColors.ansiBrightMagenta,
iTermColors.ansi14: TerminalColors.ansiBrightCyan,
iTermColors.ansi15: TerminalColors.ansiBrightWhite,
iTermColors.background: TerminalColors.background,
iTermColors.foreground: TerminalColors.text,
iTermColors.selection: TerminalColors.selection,
iTermColors.bold: TerminalColors.boldText,
iTermColors.cursor: TerminalColors.cursor,
/// Enumerates the names of iTerm color components in the scheme dictionary.
struct iTermColorComponent {
static let red = "Red Component"
static let green = "Green Component"
static let blue = "Blue Component"
/// Converts an iTerm color scheme file (.itermcolors), into a color scheme
/// file (.terminal).
func convertToTerminalColors(itermFile: String, terminalFile: String) {
if let itermScheme = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: itermFile) {
print("converting \(itermFile) -> \(terminalFile)")
let name = terminalFile.ns.lastPathComponent.ns.deletingPathExtension
let terminalScheme = convert(iTermColorScheme: itermScheme, toTerminalSchemeWithName: name)
terminalScheme.write(toFile: terminalFile, atomically: true)
} else {
print("unable to load \(itermFile)")
/// Converts an iTerm color scheme dictionary into a color scheme dictionary.
func convert(iTermColorScheme: NSDictionary, toTerminalSchemeWithName name: String) -> NSDictionary {
var terminalColorScheme: [String: Any] = [
"name" : name,
"type" : "Window Settings",
"ProfileCurrentVersion" : 2.04,
"columnCount": 90,
"rowCount": 50
// SF Mono is pretty sweet.
if let font = archivedFontWithName(name: "SF Mono Regular", size: 13) {
terminalColorScheme["Font"] = font
for (rawKey, rawValue) in iTermColorScheme {
guard let name = rawKey as? String else { continue }
guard let itermDict = rawValue as? NSDictionary else { continue }
guard let itermKey = iTermColors(rawValue: name) else { continue }
guard let terminalKey = iTermColor2TerminalColor[itermKey] else { continue }
let (r, g, b) = (
(itermDict[] as? CGFloat) ?? CGFloat(0),
(itermDict[] as? CGFloat) ?? CGFloat(0),
(itermDict[] as? CGFloat) ?? CGFloat(0)
let color = NSColor(deviceRed: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: 1)
let data = try! NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: color, requiringSecureCoding: true)
terminalColorScheme[terminalKey.rawValue] = data
return terminalColorScheme as NSDictionary
/// Creates an `NSData` representation of an `NSFont`.
func archivedFontWithName(name: String, size: CGFloat) -> Data? {
if let font = NSFont(name: name, size: size) {
return try! NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: font, requiringSecureCoding: true)
return nil
extension String {
/// Gets the canonical version of a path.
var fullPath: String {
get {
let path = ns.standardizingPath
var directory = ns.deletingLastPathComponent
if directory.utf8.count == 0 {
directory = FileManager.default.currentDirectoryPath
return directory.ns.appendingPathComponent(path)
/// Convenience property for accessing this string as an `NSString`.
var ns: NSString {
return self as NSString
// Entry point.
let args = CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst()
if args.count > 0 {
for itermFile in args {
let path = itermFile.fullPath
let folder = path.ns.deletingLastPathComponent
let schemeName = path.ns.lastPathComponent.ns.deletingPathExtension
let terminalPath = "\(folder)/\(schemeName).terminal"
convertToTerminalColors(itermFile: path, terminalFile: terminalPath)
} else {
print("usage: iTermColorsToTerminalColors FILE.itermcolors [...]")
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