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Forked from aclarknexient/.iterm-colours.zsh
Created January 31, 2024 08:44
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Set iTerm2 tab colours based on the command you are running
# A dotfile to turn iTerm2 tabs a different colour based on the command glob.
# Useful for marking different environments in different colours.
# Cargo-culted from multiple sources, apologies for not fully acknowledging them :(
# Edit the line that reads "if [[ "$1" =~ "^(login-helper) " ]]; then" and replace
# "login-helper" with whatever command you use to authenticate. Then modify the case
# statement to match your auth command's arguments. For example: you may use a script
# called "authsaml" to authenticate, and its arguments are dev, test, preprd, and prd.
# Change the colour function you call if you want to change tab colours.
# This basic framework can also be used to execute environment setup functions too.
# For example: setting environment variables, copying files, etc etc.
# Save this as ~/.iterm-colours.zsh then call it from your .zshrc with:
# [[ -f ~/.iterm-colours.zsh ]] && source ~/.iterm-colours.zsh
# The colours you set are defined in a function that calls another pair of functions.
# Here I've used Solarized Dark, One Dark, and a Dichromatic-friendly palette,
# but of course you can use anything you like.
# To see colours automatically in VSCode, use the "Color Highlight" extension.
# Solarized colours
function tab_sol_yellow { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 181 137 0; } #b58900
function tab_sol_orange { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 203 75 22; } #cb4b16
function tab_sol_red { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 220 50 47; } #d30102
function tab_sol_magenta { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 211 54 130; } #d33682
function tab_sol_violet { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 108 113 196; } #6c71c4
function tab_sol_blue { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 38 139 210; } #268bd2
function tab_sol_cyan { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 42 161 152; } #2aa198
function tab_sol_green { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 133 153 0; } #859900
# One Dark colours, from
function tab_one_yellow { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 229 192 123; } #e5c07b
function tab_one_orange { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 209 154 102; } #d19a66
function tab_one_red { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 224 108 117; } #e06c75
function tab_one_magenta { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 198 120 221; } #c678dd
function tab_one_blue { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 97 175 239; } #61afef
function tab_one_cyan { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 86 182 194; } #56b6c2
function tab_one_green { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 152 195 121; } #98c379
# More colorblind-friendly, from
function tab_dichro_liblue { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 136 204 238; } #88ccee
function tab_dichro_yellow { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 221 204 119; } #ddcc77
function tab_dichro_cyan { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 68 170 153; } #44aa99
function tab_dichro_khaki { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 153 153 51; } #999933
function tab_dichro_lipink { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 204 102 119; } #cc6677
function tab_dichro_purple { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 170 68 153; } #aa4499
function tab_dichro_dkblue { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 51 34 136; } #332288
function tab_dichro_green { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 17 119 51; } #117733
function tab_dichro_dkpink { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 136 34 85; } #882255
echo "ERROR: No argument provided."
echo "Usage:"
echo " `basename -- $0` \"title\" to provide a new Terminal title."
echo "ERROR: Too many arguments provided."
echo "Usage:"
echo " `basename -- $0` \"title\" to provide a new Terminal title."
function set_iterm_title() {
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
elif [ $# -eq 1 ]
echo -ne "\033]0;$1\007"
elif [ $# -gt 1 ]
alias title='set_iterm_title'
function titlepwd() {
set_iterm_title `pwd`
# If you have a different terminal application, then you will almost
# certainly need to use different escape codes
function tab_color() {
echo -n -e "\033]6;1;bg;red;brightness;$1\a"
echo -n -e "\033]6;1;bg;green;brightness;$2\a"
echo -n -e "\033]6;1;bg;blue;brightness;$3\a"
# iTerm2 tab color commands
if [[ -n "$ITERM_SESSION_ID" ]]; then
tab-reset() { echo -ne "\033]6;1;bg;*;default\a"; }
function iterm2_tab_precmd() {
# tab-reset
function iterm2_tab_preexec() {
if [[ "$1" =~ "^(login-helper) " ]]; then
# Here we are switching on the AWS profile argument given to our helper
# functions.
case $1 in
# Reset the tab if needed.
# tab-reset
# all of that work for the magic to happen in these next 3 lines:
autoload -U add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook precmd iterm2_tab_precmd
add-zsh-hook preexec iterm2_tab_preexec
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