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Last active June 27, 2023 03:09
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Directus postgres DB - Script to move schema changes between different servers without replacing data
start=`date +%s.%N`
rm src_schema.sql
rm src_data.sql
rm dst_data.sql
TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S`
#Dump source schema
pg_dump --dbname=$SRC_CONNECTION_STRING --schema-only > src_schema.sql
#Dump data of selected tables from source
# directus_collections
# directus_fields
# directus_permissions
# directus_relations
# directus_roles
pg_dump --dbname=$SRC_CONNECTION_STRING --data-only --table directus_collections --table directus_fields --table directus_permissions --table directus_relations --table directus_roles > src_data.sql
#Dump full destination for backup (will not be deleted automatically, for safe keeping)
pg_dump --dbname=$DST_CONNECTION_STRING > dst_full_$TIMESTAMP.sql
#Dump data of all tables other than selected tables from destination
pg_dump --dbname=$DST_CONNECTION_STRING --data-only --exclude-table directus_collections --exclude-table directus_fields --exclude-table directus_permissions --exclude-table directus_relations --exclude-table directus_roles > dst_data.sql
#Remove all tables from dst
psql $DST_CONNECTION_STRING --command="drop schema public cascade"
psql $DST_CONNECTION_STRING --command="create schema public"
#Restore schema to destination
cat src_schema.sql | psql $DST_CONNECTION_STRING
#Restore data of selected tables to destination
cat src_data.sql | psql $DST_CONNECTION_STRING
#Restore data of remaining tables to destination
cat dst_data.sql | psql $DST_CONNECTION_STRING
end=`date +%s.%N`
runtime=$( echo "$end - $start" | bc -l )
echo "Total time of execution "$runtime "Seconds"
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