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Created July 24, 2020 16:06
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#!/usr/bin/env lua
-- pattern to disable as comment (in lua regexp % is the backquote character)
local pat1=[[<vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="cpuAllocation%.shares%.shares" vmw:value="[^"]*"/>]]
local pat2=[[<vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="cpuAllocation%.shares%.level" vmw:value="[^"]*"/>]]
-- pattern to enable a comment entry (in lua regexp % is the backquote character)
local patu=[[<!%-%-:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="[^"]*" vmw:value="[^"]*%-%->]]
-- read blocksize
local BS = 1024
local maxread = 10*1024*1024 -- work only in the first 10MB
--local maxread = nil -- uncomment it to search in the whole file
local function comment(data)
assert(data:sub(1,1) == "<", "capture data didn't start by '<'")
assert(data:sub(-1,-1)==">", "capture data didn't end by '>'")
assert(#data > 4+3, "capture data is too short") -- '<!--' + '-->'
return "<!--",-4).."-->"
local function uncomment(data)
assert(data:sub(1,1) == "<", "capture data didn't start by '<'")
assert(data:sub(-1,-1)==">", "capture data didn't end by '>'")
assert(#data > 4+3, "capture data is too short") -- '<!--' + '-->'
assert(data:sub(1,11)=="<!--:Config", "seems not like a vmw:Config xml entry :"..tostring(data:sub(1,11)))
return "<vmw",-4)..'"/>'
local function inline_search_and_apply(fd, pat, apply)
local lastline = ""
while true do
local seg = fd:read(BS)
if not seg then break end
if maxread and (fd:seek() > maxread) then break end
local line = lastline .. seg
local s1,e1 = line:find(pat)
if s1 then
local pos = fd:seek()
local rel_start = s1 -#line
local abs_start = pos + rel_start -1
local matchsize = e1 -s1 +1
fd:seek("set", abs_start)
local capture = fd:read(matchsize)
local replace = apply(capture)
print("at offset ".. abs_start)
fd:seek("set", abs_start)
local action=comment
if arg[1] == "-u" then
--print("ACTION: uncomment")
pat1 = patu
pat2 = patu
action = uncomment
table.remove(arg, 1)
local file = assert(arg[1], "argument #1 must be the file to patch")
local fd = assert(, "r+"))
inline_search_and_apply(fd, pat1, action)
fd:seek("set", 0) -- rewind
inline_search_and_apply(fd, pat2, action)
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