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Last active November 2, 2021 05:55
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Experiment in making a generic builder function for C++ types
* An experiment in creating a generic builder for C++.
* This is inspired by the following post:
* The changes from the post are that the tag structs are used to hold
* the argument values and there is a single generic builder function
* that accepts the tag structs. These changes remove a lot of the
* redundant code with some tradeoffs, like inferior compile-time error
* messages.
* Usage:
* The obj_builder::builder class provides a static function that
* constructs an object based off the "named" arguments, like so:
* Configuration::Builder::build(
* Configuration::With::name{"test"},
* Configuration::With::folder{"/tmp"},
* ... other arguments here ...
* );
* The builder class is parameterized by the object type and the
* list of "named" parameters, which are structs containing a
* "value" field that will be passed to the object initializer.
* So, the "Builder" name in the above example is simply a "using"
* declaration that specializes the builder template.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <filesystem>
#include <type_traits>
#include <variant>
namespace obj_builder
namespace details
template <typename Req>
constexpr bool contains_tag()
return false;
* Check if the type Req is in the Tags parameter pack.
template <typename Req, typename Tag, typename... Tags>
constexpr bool contains_tag()
if constexpr (std::is_base_of<Req, Tag>())
return true;
return contains_tag<Req, Tags...>();
* Check that the given argument is in the list of parameters.
template <typename Arg, typename... Params>
constexpr void ensure_arg_in_params()
static_assert(contains_tag<Arg, Params...>(),
"Argument is NOT found in the builder's parameter list");
* @return The default value for this parameter type.
template <typename UnspecifiedParameter>
auto get_arg_for_param() -> decltype(UnspecifiedParameter::value)
return std::move(UnspecifiedParameter().value);
* @tparam Parameter The parameter type to retrieve from the arguments.
* @param args The arguments to search through for the given Parameter type.
* @return The value from the argument matching the given parameter or the
* default value from the Parameter type, if there is one.
template <typename Parameter, typename Arg, typename... Args>
auto get_arg_for_param(Arg &arg, Args &...args) -> decltype(Parameter::value)
if constexpr (std::is_base_of<Arg, Parameter>::value)
static_assert(!contains_tag<Parameter, Args...>(),
"This builder argument cannot be passed multiple times");
return std::move(arg.value);
return get_arg_for_param<Parameter>(args...);
* A generic builder for types.
* @tparam T The type of object to construct.
* @tparam Params The parameter types used to construct the object.
template <typename T, typename... Params>
struct builder
* Builds the object from the given parameters.
* @param args The arguments to the builder.
* @return The newly constructed object.
template <typename... Args>
[[nodiscard]] static T build(Args... args)
(details::ensure_arg_in_params<Args, Params...>(), ...);
return init_from_values(details::get_arg_for_param<Params>(args...)...);
* Initialize the type from the given values.
* @param values The values to pass to the type initializer.
* @return The newly constructed object.
template <typename... Values>
static T init_from_values(Values... values)
return T{std::move(values)...};
* An example configuration class.
class Configuration
struct CustomChannelInfo
std::string ip;
int port;
std::string symbol;
using DbConnectionInfo = std::string;
using FilesystemInfo = std::filesystem::path;
using Storage = std::variant<DbConnectionInfo, FilesystemInfo, CustomChannelInfo>;
* Container for the parameters that can be passed to the builder.
struct With
struct name
std::string value{"Untitled"}; // parameter with a default value
struct folder
folder() = delete; // delete the default constructor to make this a required parameter
std::filesystem::path value;
struct storage
storage() = delete;
Storage value;
using Builder = obj_builder::builder<Configuration, With::name, With::folder, With::storage>;
const std::string _name;
const std::filesystem::path _folderPath;
const Storage _storage;
int main(int args, char *argv[])
#if !defined(USE_INIT)
auto c1 = Configuration::Builder::build(
auto c1 = Configuration{
#if defined(UNUSED_ARG)
// Passing an unrecognized parameter type will cause compilation to fail
auto c2 = Configuration::Builder::build(
// Not passing a required parameter, "folder" in this case, will cause compilation to fail
auto c3 = Configuration::Builder::build(
std::cout << "Name: " << c1._name << std::endl
<< "Folder: " << c1._folderPath << std::endl;
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