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Created January 17, 2023 17:42
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Controlling System Volume on macOS in Maui Blazor
swiftc MacSystemVolumeController.swift -emit-library
## Uncomment the line below to move the file to the /usr/local/lib folder.
# sudo cp libMacSystemVolumeController.dylib /usr/local/lib/
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ControlExample;
public class Example
public float GetMainVolume() => getMainVolume();
public void SetMainVolume(float volume) => setMainVolume(volume);
public bool IsMainVolumeMuted() => isMainVolumeMuted();
public void MuteMainVolume() => muteMainVolume();
public void UnmuteMainVolume() => unmuteMainVolume();
private static extern float getMainVolume();
private static extern void setMainVolume(float volume);
private static extern bool isMainVolumeMuted();
private static extern void muteMainVolume();
private static extern void unmuteMainVolume();
// The code for this was taken from the following link and slightly modified
import CoreAudioKit
private func obtainDefaultOutputDevice() -> AudioDeviceID
var theAnswer : AudioDeviceID = kAudioObjectUnknown
var theSize = UInt32(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: theAnswer)) // needs to be converted to UInt32?
var theAddress : AudioObjectPropertyAddress
theAddress = AudioObjectPropertyAddress.init(mSelector: kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice, mScope: kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMain)
//first be sure that a default device exists
if (!AudioObjectHasProperty(AudioObjectID(kAudioObjectSystemObject), &theAddress) ) {
print("Unable to get default audio device")
return theAnswer
//get the property 'default output device'
let theError : OSStatus = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(AudioObjectID(kAudioObjectSystemObject), &theAddress, UInt32(0), nil, &theSize, &theAnswer)
if (theError != noErr) {
print("Unable to get output audio device")
return theAnswer
return theAnswer
private func getSystemVolume() -> Float
var defaultDevID: AudioDeviceID = kAudioObjectUnknown
var theSize = UInt32(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: defaultDevID))
var theError: OSStatus
var theVolume: Float32 = 0
var theAddress: AudioObjectPropertyAddress
defaultDevID = obtainDefaultOutputDevice()
if (defaultDevID == kAudioObjectUnknown) {
print("Audio device not found!")
return 0.0
} //device not found: return 0
theAddress = AudioObjectPropertyAddress.init(mSelector: kAudioHardwareServiceDeviceProperty_VirtualMainVolume, mScope: kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput, mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMain)
//be sure that the default device has the volume property
if (!AudioObjectHasProperty(defaultDevID, &theAddress) ) {
print("No volume control for device 0x%0x",defaultDevID)
return 0.0
//now read the property and correct it, if outside [0...1]
theError = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(defaultDevID, &theAddress, 0, nil, &theSize, &theVolume)
if ( theError != noErr ) {
print("Unable to read volume for device 0x%0x", defaultDevID)
return 0.0
theVolume = theVolume > 1.0 ? 1.0 : (theVolume < 0.0 ? 0.0 : theVolume)
return theVolume
private func setSystemVolume(theVolume: Float, muteOff: Bool = true)
var newValue: Float = theVolume
var theAddress: AudioObjectPropertyAddress
var defaultDevID: AudioDeviceID
var theError: OSStatus = noErr
var muted: UInt32
var canSetVol: DarwinBoolean = true
var muteValue: Bool
var hasMute:Bool = true
var canMute: DarwinBoolean = true
defaultDevID = obtainDefaultOutputDevice()
if (defaultDevID == kAudioObjectUnknown) {
//device not found: return without trying to set
print("Audio Device unknown")
//check if the new value is in the correct range - normalize it if not
newValue = theVolume > 1.0 ? 1.0 : (theVolume < 0.0 ? 0.0 : theVolume)
if (newValue != theVolume) {
print("Tentative volume (%5.2f) was out of range; reset to %5.2f", theVolume, newValue)
theAddress = AudioObjectPropertyAddress.init(mSelector: kAudioDevicePropertyMute, mScope: kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput, mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMain)
//set the selector to mute or not by checking if under threshold (5% here)
//and check if a mute command is available
muteValue = (newValue < 0.05)
if (muteValue) {
theAddress.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyMute
hasMute = AudioObjectHasProperty(defaultDevID, &theAddress)
if (hasMute) {
theError = AudioObjectIsPropertySettable(defaultDevID, &theAddress, &canMute)
if (theError != noErr || !(canMute.boolValue))
canMute = false
print("Should mute device 0x%0x but did not succeed",defaultDevID)
else {canMute = false}
} else {
theAddress.mSelector = kAudioHardwareServiceDeviceProperty_VirtualMainVolume
//theAddress.mSelector = kAudioHardwareServiceDeviceProperty_VirtualMasterVolume
// **** now manage the volume following the what we found ****
//be sure the device has a volume command
if (!AudioObjectHasProperty(defaultDevID, &theAddress)) {
print("The device 0x%0x does not have a volume to set", defaultDevID)
//be sure the device can set the volume
theError = AudioObjectIsPropertySettable(defaultDevID, &theAddress, &canSetVol)
if ( theError != noErr || !canSetVol.boolValue ) {
print("The volume of device 0x%0x cannot be set", defaultDevID)
//if under the threshold then mute it, only if possible - done/exit
if (muteValue && hasMute && canMute.boolValue) {
muted = 1
theError = AudioObjectSetPropertyData(defaultDevID, &theAddress, 0, nil, UInt32(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: muted)), &muted)
if (theError != noErr) {
print("The device 0x%0x was not muted",defaultDevID)
} else { //else set it
theError = AudioObjectSetPropertyData(defaultDevID, &theAddress, 0, nil, UInt32(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: newValue)), &newValue)
if (theError != noErr) {
print("The device 0x%0x was unable to set volume", defaultDevID)
//if device is able to handle muting, maybe it was muted, so unlock it
if (muteOff && hasMute && canMute.boolValue) {
theAddress.mSelector = kAudioDevicePropertyMute
muted = 0
theError = AudioObjectSetPropertyData(defaultDevID, &theAddress, 0, nil, UInt32(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: muted)), &muted)
if (theError != noErr) {
print("Unable to set volume for device 0x%0x", defaultDevID)
private func systemVolumeSetMuted(_ m:Bool) {
var defaultDevID: AudioDeviceID = kAudioObjectUnknown
var theAddress: AudioObjectPropertyAddress
var hasMute: Bool
var canMute: DarwinBoolean = true
var theError: OSStatus = noErr
var muted: UInt32 = 0
defaultDevID = obtainDefaultOutputDevice()
if (defaultDevID == kAudioObjectUnknown) {
//device not found
print("Audio device unknown")
theAddress = AudioObjectPropertyAddress.init(mSelector: kAudioDevicePropertyMute, mScope: kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput, mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMain)
muted = m ? 1 : 0
hasMute = AudioObjectHasProperty(defaultDevID, &theAddress)
if (hasMute)
theError = AudioObjectIsPropertySettable(defaultDevID, &theAddress, &canMute)
if (theError == noErr && canMute.boolValue)
theError = AudioObjectSetPropertyData(defaultDevID, &theAddress, 0, nil, UInt32(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: muted)), &muted)
if (theError != noErr) {
print("Cannot change mute status of device 0x%0x", defaultDevID)
private func fadeSystemVolumeToMutePrivate(seconds:Float) {
// prevent muting times longer than 10 seconds
var secs = (seconds > 0) ? seconds : (seconds*(-1.0))
secs = (secs > 10.0) ? 10.0 : secs
let currentVolume = getSystemVolume()
let delta = currentVolume / (seconds*2)
var secondsLeft = secs
var newVolume = currentVolume
while(secondsLeft > 0) {
newVolume = newVolume - delta;
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.5)
secondsLeft -= 0.5
setSystemVolume(theVolume: currentVolume, muteOff: false)
private func getSystemVolumeIsMuted() -> Bool
var defaultDevID: AudioDeviceID = kAudioObjectUnknown
var theAddress: AudioObjectPropertyAddress
var hasMute: Bool
var canMute: DarwinBoolean = true
var theError: OSStatus = noErr
var muted: UInt32 = 0
var mutedSize = UInt32(MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: muted))
defaultDevID = obtainDefaultOutputDevice()
if (defaultDevID == kAudioObjectUnknown) {
//device not found
print("Audio device unknown")
return false // works, but not the best return code for this
theAddress = AudioObjectPropertyAddress.init(mSelector: kAudioDevicePropertyMute, mScope: kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput, mElement: kAudioObjectPropertyElementMain)
hasMute = AudioObjectHasProperty(defaultDevID, &theAddress)
if (hasMute) {
theError = AudioObjectIsPropertySettable(defaultDevID, &theAddress, &canMute)
if (theError == noErr && canMute.boolValue) {
theError = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(defaultDevID, &theAddress, 0, nil, &mutedSize, &muted)
if (muted != 0) {
return true
return false
public func getMainVolume() -> Float {
return getSystemVolume()
public func setMainVolume(newVolume:Float) {
public func isMainVolumeMuted() -> Bool{
return getSystemVolumeIsMuted()
public func muteMainVolume() {
public func unmuteMainVolume() {
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Just wanted to add that I'm primarily a dotnet developer so I have no clue if there's a better way to do this or if what I did was even necessary but it works so that's all I really care about. If you can improve it or have some pointers feel free to comment and let me know!

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