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Last active March 1, 2018 19:05
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import requests
import hashlib
import time
import sys
import re
from datetime import date
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Craftyviking
# March 2016
# - A small script to generate DW friendly html for tread tracking.
# Contact: @craftyviking on plurk or twitter
#User input
#Fill in this
#User info
USERNAME = 'hottestrogue'
# communities to scrape
coms = ["", "",""]
comsTitle = ["Logs", "Network", "Greatest Hits"]
characters =[
{username: "hottestrogue",
displayname: "",
tagsToAdd: "mick rory/heatwave",
logs: [],
logsComments: [],
{username: "dann-0",
displayname: "dann_0",
tagsToAdd: "danny williams",
logs: [],
logsComments: [],
#Months to scrape for. If all are left blank the scraper will scrape only the current month.
startMonth = "" #The first month you want to scrape for, leave this blank if you want to set idividual months
endMonth = "" #The last month you want to scrape for, leave this blank to end with current month
months = [""] #Individual months you want the scraper to scrape. Write as "2016/02" and seperate each by a comma ,
filename = "scrapeOutput.html" #Output file name
condensed = False #If you want the links to be hidden behind a cut for each month set this to True
displayName = "" #if your username shows up as different than the username you use to log in. For ex. your login has a - but your username has a _
tagsToCheck = ["mick rory"] #If you want a list of your character is not tagged. If you do not leave this empty. Write as "the iron bull" (quotation marks included), use lower letters.
#If checking for several tags, seperate with a comma
#A few constants, leave these alone
loginurl = ''
logs = []
logsComments = []
needToAddTags = []
def findComments(toplevelcomments, title,tags):
for toplevelcomment in toplevelcomments:
delTest = toplevelcomment.find(class_="comment-poster")
if delTest is not None:
poster = delTest.span['lj:user']
commentUrl = toplevelcomment.find(class_="commentpermalink").a['href']
if (poster == USERNAME.lower()):
#user posted a toplevel comment
entry = {"title": title,
"address": commentUrl}
checkForTags(tags, commentUrl, title)
#check if user has treadjacked
findThreadjack(commentUrl, title, tags)
def findThreadjack(url, title, tags):
commentThreadRaw = c.get(url)
commentThreadSoup = BeautifulSoup(commentThreadRaw.content, "html.parser")
comments = commentThreadSoup.find_all(class_="comment")
for comment in comments:
delTest = comment.find(class_="comment-poster")
if delTest is not None:
poster = delTest.span['lj:user']
if (poster == USERNAME.lower()):
#user posted a has threadjacked
hiddenUrl = comment.find(class_="comment-title").a
if hiddenUrl is not None:
commentUrl = hiddenUrl['href']
commentUrl = comment.find(class_="commentpermalink").a['href']
entry = {"title": title,
"address": commentUrl}
checkForTags(tags, commentUrl, title)
def find_between( s, first, last ):
start = s.index( first ) + len( first )
end = s.index( last, start )
return s[start:end]
except ValueError:
return ""
def processOneComm(url):
#Get posts in a month
monthRaw = c.get(url)
monthSoup = BeautifulSoup(monthRaw.content, "html.parser")
posts = monthSoup.find_all(class_="entry-title")
postsNum = len(posts)
print("Checking " +str(postsNum)+ " posts and their comments.")
for index in range(postsNum):
post = posts[index]
percet = str(int(index*100/postsNum))
print("\r{} %".format(percet), end='')
url = post.find("a")['href']
fullPostRaw = c.get(url)
fullPostSoup = BeautifulSoup(fullPostRaw.content, "html.parser")
user = fullPostSoup.find(class_ = "ljuser")['lj:user']
titleRaw = fullPostSoup.find(class_ = "entry-title").a['title']
title = titleRaw.encode('charmap', 'ignore').decode("utf-8", "ignore")
tagsRaw = fullPostSoup.find_all(rel="tag")
tags = []
for tag in tagsRaw:
if (user == USERNAME.lower()):
#This entry was made by the user
entry = {"title": title,
"address": url}
checkForTags(tags, url, title)
#Check if user commented on this entry
toplevelcomments = fullPostSoup.find_all(class_="comment-depth-1")
findComments(toplevelcomments, title,tags)
#Check if the entry has pages of comments
pagesRaw = fullPostSoup.find(class_="page-links")
if pagesRaw is not None:
pages = pagesRaw.find_all('a')
for page in pages:
pageCommentsRaw = c.get(page['href'])
pageCommentsSoup = BeautifulSoup(pageCommentsRaw.content, "html.parser")
toplevelcomments = pageCommentsSoup.find_all(class_="comment-depth-1")
findComments(toplevelcomments, title,tags)
print("\r{} %".format("100"), end='')
print(" Done with this community")
def resetLists():
logs[:] = []
logsComments[:] =[]
def checkForTags(tags, url, title):
for tag in tagsToCheck:
if (tag not in tags):
entry = {"title": title,
"address": url,
"id": find_between(url, "", ".html") ,
"com": find_between(url, "https://", "") }
def login():
page = c.get(loginurl)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser")
chal = soup.find(class_="lj_login_chal")['value']
temp = hashlib.md5(PASSWORD.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
temp2 = chal+temp
response = hashlib.md5(temp2.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
loginData = {"user" : USERNAME,
"password" : "",
"response" : response,
"chal": chal}
result =, data =loginData, headers = dict(referer = loginurl) )
resultSoup = BeautifulSoup(result.content, "html.parser")
logBtn = resultSoup.find(class_="lj_login_chal")
if logBtn is not None:
return False
return True
def makeMonthArray( startMonth, endMonth, months):
monthsToScrape = []
#Remove empty months from
months = [month for month in months if month != ""]
monthFormat = re.compile("20[0-1][0-9]/[0-1][0-9]")
if len(months) > 0 :
for month in months:
if monthFormat.match(month) is None or len(month)!=7:
sys.exit("A month does not have a valid format. Valid format is \"YYYY/MM\". Month is " +month)
monthsToScrape = months
today =
if startMonth == "" :
if endMonth == "":
endMonth = str(today.year)+"/"+str(today.month).zfill(2)
if monthFormat.match(startMonth) is None or len(startMonth)!=7:
sys.exit("Startmonth does not have a valid format. Valid format is \"YYYY/MM\". Startmonth is " +startMonth)
if monthFormat.match(endMonth) is None or len(endMonth)!=7:
sys.exit("Endmonth does not have a valid format. Valid format is \"YYYY/MM\". Endmonth is " +endMonth)
monthToAdd = startMonth
while monthToAdd < endMonth:
dateSplit = monthToAdd.split('/')
year = int(dateSplit[0])
month = int(dateSplit[1])
if month +1 < 13 :
monthToAdd = str(year) + "/"+str(month+1).zfill(2)
monthToAdd = str(year +1) +"/01"
return monthsToScrape
def addTags(tag):
url = ""+tag["com"]+"&itemid="+tag["id"]
post = c.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(post.content, "html.parser")
currenttags = soup.find(class_="tagfield")['value']
form_auth = soup.find(attrs={"name": "lj_form_auth"})['value']
formData = {
"edittags": currenttags + ", " + tagsToCheck[0],
"save":"Save changes"
result ="", data =formData, headers = dict(referer = url) )
#Main program to run
with requests.Session() as c:
monthsToScrape = makeMonthArray(startMonth, endMonth, months)
print("Logging in")
print("Login complete. Begin Scraping")
if displayName != "":
USERNAME = displayName
f = open(filename, 'w')
for month in monthsToScrape:
print("Scraping for " + month)
f.write("<span style=\"font-size:x-large;\"><b>"+month+"</b></span></br>\n")
if condensed:
for index in range(len(coms)):
print("Scraping "+ comsTitle[index])
f.write("<span style=\"font-size:large;\"><b>"+comsTitle[index]+"</b></span></br>\n")
f.write("<b> Post by <user name="+USERNAME.lower()+"></b></br>\n")
for log in logs:
f.write("<a href=\""+log["address"]+"\">"+log["title"]+"</a></br>\n")
f.write("<b> Comments by <user name="+USERNAME.lower()+"></b></br>\n")
for log in logsComments:
f.write("<a href=\""+log["address"]+"\">"+log["title"]+"</a></br>\n")
if condensed:
if len(tagsToCheck) > 0:
f.write("</br><span style=\"font-size:large;\"><b>Tags needed here:</b></span></br>\n")
for tag in needToAddTags:
f.write("<a href=\""+tag["address"]+"\">"+tag["title"]+"</a></br>\n")
f.write("</br></br><small>This log list was created using For more infor <a href=\"\">click here</a></small>")
print("Scrape complete. Outout saved to "+filename)
Copy link

  • Checking for tags,
  • Better date searching
  • A credit line
  • Display name

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