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Created December 20, 2013 15:52
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// Class
package presenters.poiattributes
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import play.api.templates.Html
trait AttributePresenter {
val identifier: String
val value: Any
def toHtml : Html
def isDefined : Boolean = {
value match {
case value: Seq[_] if value.isEmpty => false
case o: Option[_] => o match {
case None => false
case Some(_) => true
case _ => true
package presenters.poiattributes
import test.LoMSpec
import play.api.templates.Html
class AttributePresenterSpec extends LoMSpec {
"attribute presenter" should {
"require identifier and value" in {
GeneralAttribute("Test", None) must throwAn [IllegalArgumentException]
GeneralAttribute(None, "Test") must throwAn [IllegalArgumentException]
"have method toHtml" in {
GeneralAttribute("Test", "Test").toHtml.body must equalTo("Test")
"have method isDefined that returns a boolean if a valid value or non-empty seq" in {
GeneralAttribute("Test", Some(List(1, 2, 3))).isDefined must beTrue
GeneralAttribute("Test", "").isDefined must beTrue
GeneralAttribute("Test", None).isDefined must beFalse
GeneralAttribute("Test", Some(List())).isDefined must beFalse
case class GeneralAttribute(identifier: String, value: Option[Any]) extends AttributePresenter {
def toHtml : Html = Html(value.toString)
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