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Created December 6, 2016 20:12
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Magento Fatal Error when saving Order from Script with installed WirecardCEE Checkout Page installed
When a class of Wirecard_Checkoutpage_Model_* is called you get following Exception:
`Fatal error: Class 'WirecardCEE_QPay_PaymentType' not found in /path/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Config.php on line 1354`
This is the case if you try to update a order. In the save method Magento tries to save Wirecard_Checkoutpage_Model_* before the order and the script crashes with an fatal error.
The fatal error is caused by the reason that `class_exists($className)` returns true, but `$obj = new $className($constructArguments);` is not able to find that class.
In front end this is no problem because in the event 'controller_front_init_before' the Observer Wirecard_CheckoutPage_Model_Autoloader->addAutoloader() is called which is adding the autoloader.
The _solution_ we found is:
`$autoloader = Mage::getModel('Wirecard_CheckoutPage_Model_Autoloader');
spl_autoload_register(array($autoloader, 'autoload'), true, true);`
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