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Created August 8, 2012 16:25
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Looking for missing references to files in project config file
#Author: Tomasz Subik
#Date: 8/04/2012 7:35:55 PM
#Script: FindProjectMissingFiles
#Description: Looking for missing references to files in project config file
Function LookForProjectFile([System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $dir){
[System.IO.FileInfo] $projectFile = $dir.GetFiles() | Where { $_.FullName.EndsWith(".csproj") } | Select -First 1
if ($projectFile){
$projectXmlDoc = [xml][]::ReadAllText($projectFile.FullName)
#[xml]$projectXmlDoc = Get-Content $projectFile.FullName
$currentProjectPath = $projectFile.DirectoryName+"\"
Write-Host "----Project found: " $projectFile.Name
$nm = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager -ArgumentList $projectXmlDoc.NameTable
$nm.AddNamespace('x', '')
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$filesListedInProjectFile = $projectXmlDoc.SelectNodes('/x:Project/x:ItemGroup/*[self::x:Compile or self::x:Content or self::x:None]/@Include', $nm) | Select-Object Value
CheckProjectIntegrity $dir $currentProjectPath $filesListedInProjectFile;
else { $dir.GetDirectories() | ForEach-Object { LookForProjectFile($_); } }
Function CheckProjectIntegrity([System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $dir,[string] $currentProjectPath, [System.Collections.ArrayList] $filesListedInProjectFile ){
$relativeDir = $dir.FullName -replace [regex]::Escape($currentProjectPath)
$relativeDir = $relativeDir +"\"
#check if folder is bin obj or something
if ($relativeDir -match '(bin\\|obj\\).*') { return }
$dir.GetFiles() | ForEach-Object {
$relativeProjectFile = $_.FullName -replace [regex]::Escape($currentProjectPath)
$match = $false
$idx = 0
foreach($file in $filesListedInProjectFile)
if($relativeProjectFile.ToLower().Trim() -eq $file.Value.ToLower().Trim()){
$match = $true
if (-not($match))
Write-Host "Missing file reference: " $relativeProjectFile -ForegroundColor Red
#lookup in sub directories
$dir.GetDirectories() | ForEach-Object { CheckProjectIntegrity $_ $currentProjectPath $filesListedInProjectFile }
Function DoWeHaveToLookUpForThisFile($filename)
#check file extensions
if ($filename -match '^.*\.(user|csproj|aps|pch|vspscc|vssscc|ncb|suo|tlb|tlh|bak|log|lib|sdf)$') { return $false }
return $true
Write-Host '######## Checking for missing references to files started ##############'
[System.IO.FileInfo] $file = [System.IO.FileInfo] $SolutionFile
$Directory = $file.Directory
Write-Host '######## Checking for missing references to files ends ##############'
PM> ./FindProjectMissingFiles.ps1 -s $dte.Solution.FileName
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