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Created November 9, 2017 10:22
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sub _try {
my ($self, $id, $options) = @_;
my @binds = (
$options->{queues} || ['default'],
[keys %{$self->minion->tasks}]
return $self->pg->db->query(
"update minion_jobs
set started = now()
, state = 'active'
, worker = ?
where id = (
select id from minion_jobs as j
where delayed <= now()
and id = coalesce(?, id)
and (parents = '{}' or not exists (
select 1 from minion_jobs
where id = any (j.parents)
and state in ('inactive', 'active', 'failed')
and queue = any (?)
and state = 'inactive'
and task = any (?)
order by priority desc, random_pickup
limit 1
for update skip locked
returning id, args, retries, task", $id, @binds
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