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Created March 19, 2020 13:20
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LDAP health check daemon
=head1 NAME
=head1 INSTALL
First, put this script into /usr/local/bin/ and make it executable.
Second, prepare the following service file as
Description = ldap-health-check daemon
ExecStart = /usr/local/bin/ldap-health-check --conffile /etc/postfix/
Type = simple
Restart = always
StartLimitBurst = 1
RequiredBy = postfix.service
Finally, configure your cron daemon to make postfix start
=head1 AUTHOR
TSUCHIYA Masatoshi <>
=head1 LICENSE
use English qw/ $PROGRAM_NAME $PID $UID /;
use File::Basename qw/ basename /;
use Getopt::Long;
use Net::LDAP;
use Sys::Syslog qw/ LOG_MAIL LOG_INFO LOG_NDELAY /;
use User::pwent;
use POSIX qw/ setgid setuid /;
use strict;
our @SERVER;
our $BINDDN;
our $BINDPW;
our $BASEDN;
our $INTERVAL = 30;
our $DEBUG;
&GetOptions( 'conffile=s' => sub { &readconffile($_[1]); },
'server=s@' => \@SERVER,
'binddn=s' => \$BINDDN,
'bindpw=s' => \$BINDPW,
'basedn=s' => \$BASEDN,
'interval=i' => \$INTERVAL,
'debug!' => \$DEBUG );
sub main {
if( $UID == 0 ){
my $pw = getpwnam('nobody') or die;
&setgid( $pw->gid );
&setuid( $pw->uid );
sleep $INTERVAL while &check();
exit 1;
sub check {
my $ldap;
for my $server ( @SERVER ){
last if ( $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $server ) );
unless( $ldap ){
&syslog( 'LDAP connection error' );
return 0;
my $msg = $BINDDN ? $ldap->bind( $BINDDN, password => $BINDPW ) : $ldap->bind();
if( $msg->code ){
&syslog( 'LDAP bind error: dn=%s, code=%s, reason=%s', $BINDDN, $msg->code, $msg->error );
return 0;
$msg = $ldap->search( filter => '(objectClass=*)', base => $BASEDN, scope => 'base' );
if( $msg->code ){
&syslog( 'LDAP search error: dn=%s, code=%s, reason=%s', $BASEDN, $msg->code, $msg->error );
} else {
&syslog( 'LDAP search success: dn=%s', $BASEDN );
&Sys::Syslog::openlog( sprintf( '%s[%d]', &basename($PROGRAM_NAME), $PID ), LOG_NDELAY, LOG_MAIL );
sub syslog {
my $message = sprintf( shift, @_ );
&Sys::Syslog::syslog( LOG_INFO, $message );
print 'DEBUG: ', $message, "\n" if $DEBUG;
sub readconffile {
my( $file ) = @_;
if( open( my $fh, '<:bytes', $file ) ){
while ( <$fh> ) {
if( s/\Abind_dn=// ){
$BINDDN = $_;
} elsif( s/\Abind_pw=// ){
$BINDPW = $_;
} elsif( s/\Asearch_base=// ){
$BASEDN = $_;
} elsif( s/\Aserver_host=// ){
@SERVER = ( $_ );
close $fh;
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