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Created July 2, 2021 20:50
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import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { BigNumber } from '@ethersproject/bignumber';
import { useWeb3React } from '@web3-react/core';
import { Contract } from '@ethersproject/contracts';
import useSWR from 'swr';
const uniswapV3PositionManagerAbi = [
inputs: [
internalType: 'address',
name: 'owner',
type: 'address',
name: 'balanceOf',
outputs: [
internalType: 'uint256',
name: '',
type: 'uint256',
stateMutability: 'view',
type: 'function',
inputs: [
internalType: 'uint256',
name: 'tokenId',
type: 'uint256',
name: 'positions',
outputs: [
internalType: 'uint96',
name: 'nonce',
type: 'uint96',
internalType: 'address',
name: 'operator',
type: 'address',
internalType: 'address',
name: 'token0',
type: 'address',
internalType: 'address',
name: 'token1',
type: 'address',
internalType: 'uint24',
name: 'fee',
type: 'uint24',
internalType: 'int24',
name: 'tickLower',
type: 'int24',
internalType: 'int24',
name: 'tickUpper',
type: 'int24',
internalType: 'uint128',
name: 'liquidity',
type: 'uint128',
internalType: 'uint256',
name: 'feeGrowthInside0LastX128',
type: 'uint256',
internalType: 'uint256',
name: 'feeGrowthInside1LastX128',
type: 'uint256',
internalType: 'uint128',
name: 'tokensOwed0',
type: 'uint128',
internalType: 'uint128',
name: 'tokensOwed1',
type: 'uint128',
stateMutability: 'view',
type: 'function',
inputs: [
internalType: 'address',
name: 'owner',
type: 'address',
internalType: 'uint256',
name: 'index',
type: 'uint256',
name: 'tokenOfOwnerByIndex',
outputs: [
internalType: 'uint256',
name: '',
type: 'uint256',
stateMutability: 'view',
type: 'function',
inputs: [
components: [
internalType: 'uint256',
name: 'tokenId',
type: 'uint256',
internalType: 'address',
name: 'recipient',
type: 'address',
internalType: 'uint128',
name: 'amount0Max',
type: 'uint128',
internalType: 'uint128',
name: 'amount1Max',
type: 'uint128',
internalType: 'struct INonfungiblePositionManager.CollectParams',
name: 'params',
type: 'tuple',
name: 'collect',
outputs: [
internalType: 'uint256',
name: 'amount0',
type: 'uint256',
internalType: 'uint256',
name: 'amount1',
type: 'uint256',
stateMutability: 'payable',
type: 'function',
function getUniswapV3PositionManager(library) {
return new Contract(
const multicallAbi = [
inputs: [
components: [
name: 'target',
type: 'address',
name: 'callData',
type: 'bytes',
name: 'calls',
type: 'tuple[]',
name: 'aggregate',
outputs: [
name: 'blockNumber',
type: 'uint256',
name: 'returnData',
type: 'bytes[]',
stateMutability: 'view',
type: 'function',
function getMulticall(library) {
return new Contract(
/** Hook for calling function of the smart contracts. */
function useContractRequest({
callInputs = [],
callback = null,
performRequest = true,
swrConfig = {},
}) {
const callContract = useMemo(() => performRequest && contract && methodName, [
const { data } = useSWR(
? [contract?.address, methodName, JSON.stringify(callInputs)]
: null,
() => contract[methodName](...callInputs).then(callback),
return data;
/** Hook for calling multiple functions of the smart contracts in a single call. */
function useMulticallContractRequest({
callback = null,
performRequest = true,
swrConfig = {},
}) {
const { library } = useWeb3React();
const multicallContract = getMulticall(library);
const multicallChangeKeys = useMemo(
() =>
performRequest &&
contracts?.length &&
contracts?.every((contract) => !!contract) &&
methodNames?.length &&
methodNames?.every((methodName) => !!methodName) &&
callInputs?.length &&
callInputs?.every((callInput) => !!callInput) &&
contracts?.length === methodNames?.length &&
contracts?.length === callInputs?.length,
[callInputs, contracts, methodNames, performRequest]
const fragments = useMemo(
() =>
contracts?.map((contract, i) =>
[contracts, methodNames]
const calls = useMemo(() => {
if (!multicallChangeKeys) {
return null;
return contracts?.map((contract, i) => ({
target: contract.address,
callData: contract.interface.encodeFunctionData(
}, [callInputs, contracts, fragments, multicallChangeKeys]);
const { data } = useSWR(
() =>
.then((result) =>
result?.returnData?.map((data, i) =>
contracts[i].interface.decodeFunctionResult(fragments[i], data)
return data;
export default function useUniswapV3Positions() {
const { account, library } = useWeb3React();
const uniswapV3PositionManagerContract = getUniswapV3PositionManager(library);
const numberOfNFTs = useContractRequest({
contract: uniswapV3PositionManagerContract,
methodName: 'balanceOf',
callInputs: [account],
performRequest: !!account,
// we don't expect any account balance to ever exceed the bounds of max safe int
callback: (balance) => balance?.toNumber(),
const tokenIds = useMulticallContractRequest({
contracts: Array.from(
{ length: numberOfNFTs || 0 },
() => uniswapV3PositionManagerContract
methodNames: Array.from(
{ length: numberOfNFTs || 0 },
() => 'tokenOfOwnerByIndex'
callInputs: Array.from({ length: numberOfNFTs }, (_, i) => [account, i]),
performRequest: !!(account && numberOfNFTs),
callback: (tokenIds) => {
let parsedTokenIds = tokenIds?.map((tokenId) => tokenId?.toString());
if (parsedTokenIds?.every((tokenId) => !!tokenId)) {
return parsedTokenIds;
return null;
const positions = useMulticallContractRequest({
contracts: Array.from(
{ length: tokenIds?.length || 0 },
() => uniswapV3PositionManagerContract
methodNames: Array.from(
{ length: tokenIds?.length || 0 },
() => 'positions'
callInputs: tokenIds?.map((tokenId) => [BigNumber.from(tokenId)]),
performRequest: !!(account && tokenIds?.length),
return useMemo(
() =>
positions?.map((position, i) => ({
tokenId: tokenIds[i],
owner: account,
fee: position.fee,
feeGrowthInside0LastX128: position.feeGrowthInside0LastX128,
feeGrowthInside1LastX128: position.feeGrowthInside1LastX128,
liquidity: position.liquidity,
nonce: position.nonce,
operator: position.operator,
tickLower: position.tickLower,
tickUpper: position.tickUpper,
token0: position.token0,
token1: position.token1,
tokensOwed0: position.tokensOwed0,
tokensOwed1: position.tokensOwed1,
[account, positions, tokenIds]
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