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Last active August 8, 2023 14:39
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"subTitle": "30.11.2023 - 21.01.2024",
"purchaseEnableFromDate": "20-11-2023",
"purchaseEnableToDate": "20-01-2024",
"menu": {
"title": "Menu",
"items": [
"title": "Menu item1",
"intro": "Intro text",
"imageUrl": "",
"subHeading": "Subheading",
"content": "Bla bla"
"title": "Menu item2",
"intro": "Intro text",
"imageUrl": "",
"subHeading": "Subheading",
"content": "Bla bla"
"map": {
"android": {
"productId": "alftest2"
"openMap": "Open map",
"mapUnavailable": "Map not yet available",
"intro": {
"title1": "Get access to the map",
"subtitle1": "See all locations",
"title2": "Artwork info",
"subtitle2": "Read stries about the art",
"title3": "Help the festival",
"subtitle3": "Your purchase will help the organisation",
"buyLabel": "Buy the map for 7,50"
"markers": [
"title": "Inversion waterfall",
"artist": "UXU Studios",
"lat": 52.375726,
"lng": 4.88745,
"imageUrl": "",
"audioUrl": "",
"content": "Looking eerie yet fascinating, this digital black hole made by Vendel & De Wolf hangs above the water. Its power sucks everything and everyone into motion – a technological whirlpool where escaping seems impossible. Our lives are so full of tech, we rarely have time to think about the consequences. The internet connected us with the whole world but simultaneously tech companies are following, analyzing and influencing our online presence. How much control do we still have over these ongoing processes? Are we joining the ride, or becoming an error in the system?",
"teaser": "Looking eerie yet fascinating, this digital black hole made by Vendel & De Wolf hangs above the water. Its power sucks everything and everyone into motion – a technological whirlpool where escaping seems impossible. Our lives are so full of tech, we rarely have time to think about the consequences. The internet connected us with the whole world but simultaneously tech companies are following, analyzing and influencing our online presence. How much control do we still have over these ongoing processes? Are we joining the ride, or becoming an error in the system?"
"title": "Light towers",
"artist": "Thijs Suijten",
"lat": 52.365803,
"lng": 4.894779,
"imageUrl": "",
"content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec pulvinar nisl. Nam fermentum congue finibus. Curabitur non lacus congue, sagittis dui ut, tristique justo. Curabitur efficitur urna nec nunc sodales, eget elementum ante consequat. Nunc at rutrum sem. Morbi pretium dapibus libero, id ultricies ante. Pellentesque a lectus a tortor dapibus pharetra. Quisque iaculis vitae lorem nec pulvinar. Donec quis risus hendrerit dolor finibus scelerisque in ac eros. Duis vel risus aliquam, lacinia sem id, feugiat massa. Donec mattis efficitur est, in mollis sapien tincidunt sit amet.",
"teaser": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam nec pulvinar nisl. Nam fermentum congue finibus. Curabitur non lacus congue, sagittis dui ut, tristique justo. Curabitur efficitur urna nec nunc sodales, eget elementum ante consequat. Nunc at rutrum sem. Morbi pretium dapibus libero, id ultricies ante. Pellentesque a lectus a tortor dapibus pharetra. Quisque iaculis vitae lorem nec pulvinar. Donec quis risus hendrerit dolor finibus scelerisque in ac eros. Duis vel risus aliquam, lacinia sem id, feugiat massa. Donec mattis efficitur est, in mollis sapien tincidunt sit amet."
"title": "Total annihilation",
"artist": "Thijs Suijten",
"lat": 52.356415,
"lng": 4.944374,
"imageUrl": "",
"content": "Morbi at ultricies nisl, porttitor condimentum dolor. Donec aliquet dolor a ornare gravida. Cras at sapien erat. Phasellus vel felis risus. Nunc vel lacus arcu. Duis condimentum varius turpis, vitae posuere turpis eleifend non. Maecenas sed pretium nisl. Suspendisse convallis nisl felis, in molestie felis blandit id. Praesent aliquam fringilla diam et maximus.",
"teaser": "Morbi at ultricies nisl, porttitor condimentum dolor. Donec aliquet dolor a ornare gravida. Cras at sapien erat. Phasellus vel felis risus. Nunc vel lacus arcu. Dui2023-08-03 17:19:13.278 27542-27542 EventRepos...l$getEvent nl.q42.alf W s condimentum varius turpis, vitae posuere turpis eleifend non. Maecenas sed pretium nisl. Suspendisse convallis nisl felis, in molestie felis blandit id. Praesent aliquam fringilla diam et maximus."
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