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Last active March 24, 2016 04:35
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Given a 2-D matrix of 0s and 1s, find the largest cluster of 1s.
import random
import dfs
def add_edge(adj, u, v):
if u in adj:
current = adj[u]
adj[u] = current + [v]
adj[u] = [v]
def adjacency_list(matrix, m, n):
Given a graph represented as a matrix of {0, 1},
construct an adjacency list
def name(i, j):
return str(i) + ',' + str(j)
ones = set()
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
if matrix[i][j] == 1:
ones.add((i, j))
adj = {}
islands = []
for (x, y) in ones:
key = name(x, y)
adjacent_cells = [ \
(x-1, y-1), \
(x-1, y), \
(x-1, y+1), \
(x, y-1), \
(x, y+1), \
(x+1, y-1), \
(x+1, y), \
(x+1, y+1) ]
is_island = True
for (a, b) in adjacent_cells:
if (a, b) in ones:
is_island = True
add_edge(adj, key, name(a, b))
if is_island is True:
return (adj, islands)
def element_value(threshold):
num = random.random()
if num < threshold:
return 1
return 0
def main():
# Initialize a m x n matrix
m = 10
n = 10
matrix = [[element_value(0.2) for x in range(n)] for x in range(m)]
print 'Input matrix'
for row in matrix:
print row
(adj, islands) = adjacency_list(matrix, m, n)
clusters = dfs.dfs(adj)
print 'Clusters ...'
clusters = clusters + islands
print clusters
largest_cluster = None
largest_cluster_sz = 0
for cluster in clusters:
cluster_sz = len(cluster)
if cluster_sz > largest_cluster_sz:
largest_cluster = cluster
largest_cluster_sz = cluster_sz
print 'Largest cluster ...'
print largest_cluster
if __name__ == "__main__":
Given a graph represented as an adjacency list, traverse the graph using DFS.
# Possible states for a node during traversal.
def dfs(graph):
state = {}
for vertex in graph:
state[vertex] = NOT_DISCOVERED
forests = []
for vertex in graph:
if state[vertex] is not VISITED:
forest = [vertex] + visit(vertex, graph, state)
return forests
def visit(vertex, graph, state):
state[vertex] = VISITED
visited = []
adjacent = graph[vertex]
for node in adjacent:
if state[node] is not VISITED:
state[node] = VISITED
visited = visited + visit(node, graph, state)
return visited
def main():
vertices = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
graph = {}
graph['a'] = ['b', 'c']
graph['b'] = ['a']
graph['c'] = ['a']
graph['d'] = ['e']
graph['e'] = ['d']
print dfs(graph)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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