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Created February 16, 2018 06:17
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# coding=utf-8
import json
import io
import pycurl
import random
from datetime import datetime
import datetime
import traceback
def lambda_handler(event, context):
return {'text': getMessage(event['text'])}
return {'text': traceback.format_exc()}
def getMessage(text):
if text.find('占い') > -1: return getKehai()
coin_name = getName(text)
if coin_name == '': return 'まだ知らないコインがあるなんて...'
curl = pycurl.Curl()
curl.setopt(pycurl.URL,'' + coin_name + '&tsyms=JPY' )
b = io.BytesIO()
curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, b.write)
price = b.getvalue().replace('{"JPY":','').replace('}','')
return ('今は' + price + '円よ' + "\n" +
getOneHourage(coin_name, 1, float(price)) +
getOneHourage(coin_name, 2, float(price)) +
getOneHourage(coin_name, 3, float(price)) +
getOneHourage(coin_name, 4, float(price)) +
getOneHourage(coin_name, 5, float(price)) +
getOneHourage(coin_name, 6, float(price)) +
getOneHourage(coin_name, 7, float(price)))
def getKehai():
ram = random.random()
if ram > 0.9:
return '買いだわ、今すぐ売プッシュよ'
if ram > 0.6:
return '買いだわ'
if ram > 0.3:
return '様子見がいいと思うわ'
return '売り気配よ'
def getOneHourage(coin_name, hours, now_price):
target_time = int(( - datetime.timedelta(days=hours)).strftime('%s'))
print target_time
curl = pycurl.Curl()
curl.setopt(pycurl.URL,'' + coin_name + '&tsyms=JPY&ts=' + str(target_time))
b = io.BytesIO()
curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, b.write)
price = float(b.getvalue().split(':')[2].replace('}}',''))
return str(hours) + '日前は、' + str(price) + '円('+ str(hours) + '日前比' + str(int(now_price / price * 100)) +'%)よ\n'
def getName(text):
if text.find('リップル') >-1: return 'XRP'
if text.find('イーサリアム') > -1: return 'ETH'
if text.find('ビットコイン') > -1: return 'BTC'
if text.find('モナ') > -1:return 'MONA'
if text.find('Bitcoin') > -1: return 'BTC'
if text.find('Litecoin') > -1: return 'LTC'
if text.find('DigitalCash') > -1: return 'DASH'
if text.find('Monero') > -1: return 'XMR'
return ''
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