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Created January 14, 2015 20:52
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Glitching scripts
# author: tsulej 2015 // glitching tools
# e-mail:
# Script traverse through the file changes one byte and saves result. Outcome: files with changed first, second, third, ..., nth byte to choosen value
# usage:
# bash ./ <filename.ext> <hex value, two letters: 0..f>
# warning: use files with small size (<20kb)
# example, suppose we have image.gif file with size 999 bytes:
# bash ./ image.gif aa
# result is 999 files: 001_image.gif (first byte set to 'aa'), 002_image.gif (second byte set to 'aa'), ..., 999_image.gif (999th byte set to 'aa')
# dependencies: sed, xxd,
# can be used under linux or cygwin
size=`stat -c '%s' "$1"`
name=`echo "$1" | cut -d '.' -f 1`
ext=`echo "$1" | cut -d '.' -f 2`
for i in `seq -w 1 $size`
echo "Processing byte $i"
bash ./ "$1" $i $2
mv "$name".res.$ext "$i"_"$name".$ext
# author: tsulej 2015 // glitching tools
# e-mail:
# bash script which changes choosen byte in the binary file to a value
# usage:
# bash ./ <filename.ext> <byte number> <hex value, two letters: 0..f>
# result is saved in the file "filename.res.ext"
# example, change 1000th byte to '9d' value:
# bash ./ image.jpg 1000 9d
# result save to image.res.jpg
# dependencies: sed, xxd
# can be used under linux or cygwin
echo -n "file $1... "
# $1 - filename to process
# get name and extention
name=`echo "$1" | cut -d '.' -f 1`
ext=`echo "$1" | cut -d '.' -f 2`
# produce pure hex, each byte in other line
# save it in the /name/.hex file
xxd -ps -c 1 < "$1" > "$name".hex
# replace bytes in line $2 with byte from $3
sed -s "$2 s/^../$3/" < "$name".hex > "$name".2.hex
# save to binary back
xxd -r -ps -c 1 < "$name".2.hex > "$name".res.$ext
# remove all tmp files
rm "$name".hex
rm "$name".2.hex
echo "processed";
# author: tsulej 2015 // glitching tools
# e-mail:
# bash script for batch byte change (see
# usage:
# bash ./ <ext - file extension> <byte number> <hex value, two letters: 0..f>
# example, change 1000th byte to 'f3' value in all png files in directory:
# bash ./ png 1000 f3
# dependencies: sed, xxd,
# can be used under linux or cygwin
for i in *.$1
echo "Processing file: $i"
bash ./ "$i" $2 $3
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