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tszym /
Created February 28, 2020 10:52 — forked from ronau/
Nextcloud on Raspberry Pi 3 Setup

Nextcloud on Raspberry Pi 3 Setup

This manual describes how to setup a Raspberry Pi 3 with nginx, PHP 7.0, MariaDB and use it as a Nextcloud server. Strong TLS encryption with Let's Encrypt certificates is also used. Of course, Owncloud can be used instead of Nextcloud. As of February 2017, the installation instructions are basically the same.

Useful links and knowledge sources for this step-by-step manual

# vim: ft=sshconfig
# Sane security defaults for SSH clients. Disables everything old and nasty.
# Unfortunately, SSH appears to provide no way to *exclude* old protocols,
# so we have a list of known-secure key exchange algorithms, symmetric ciphers,
# and message authentication codes.
# Config taken from []
Host *