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Last active June 7, 2023 13:50
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from typing import List, Dict
import random
import numpy as np
import sys
Actions = ['B', 'C'] # bet/call vs check/fold
class InformationSet():
def __init__(self):
self.cumulative_regrets = np.zeros(shape=len(Actions))
self.strategy_sum = np.zeros(shape=len(Actions))
self.num_actions = len(Actions)
def normalize(self, strategy: np.array) -> np.array:
"""Normalize a strategy. If there are no positive regrets,
use a uniform random strategy"""
if sum(strategy) > 0:
strategy /= sum(strategy)
strategy = np.array([1.0 / self.num_actions] * self.num_actions)
return strategy
def get_strategy(self, reach_probability: float) -> np.array:
"""Return regret-matching strategy"""
strategy = np.maximum(0, self.cumulative_regrets)
strategy = self.normalize(strategy)
self.strategy_sum += reach_probability * strategy
return strategy
def get_average_strategy(self) -> np.array:
return self.normalize(self.strategy_sum.copy())
class KuhnPoker():
def is_terminal(history: str) -> bool:
return history in ['BC', 'BB', 'CC', 'CBB', 'CBC']
def get_payoff(history: str, cards: List[str]) -> int:
"""get payoff for 'active' player in terminal history"""
if history in ['BC', 'CBC']:
return +1
else: # CC or BB or CBB
payoff = 2 if 'B' in history else 1
active_player = len(history) % 2
player_card = cards[active_player]
opponent_card = cards[(active_player + 1) % 2]
if player_card == 'K' or opponent_card == 'J':
return payoff
return -payoff
class KuhnCFRTrainer():
def __init__(self):
self.infoset_map: Dict[str, InformationSet] = {}
def get_information_set(self, card_and_history: str) -> InformationSet:
"""add if needed and return"""
if card_and_history not in self.infoset_map:
self.infoset_map[card_and_history] = InformationSet()
return self.infoset_map[card_and_history]
def cfr(self, cards: List[str], history: str, reach_probabilities: np.array, active_player: int):
if KuhnPoker.is_terminal(history):
return KuhnPoker.get_payoff(history, cards)
my_card = cards[active_player]
info_set = self.get_information_set(my_card + history)
strategy = info_set.get_strategy(reach_probabilities[active_player])
opponent = (active_player + 1) % 2
counterfactual_values = np.zeros(len(Actions))
for ix, action in enumerate(Actions):
action_probability = strategy[ix]
# compute new reach probabilities after this action
new_reach_probabilities = reach_probabilities.copy()
new_reach_probabilities[active_player] *= action_probability
# recursively call cfr method, next player to act is the opponent
counterfactual_values[ix] = -self.cfr(cards, history + action, new_reach_probabilities, opponent)
# Value of the current game state is just counterfactual values weighted by action probabilities
node_value =
for ix, action in enumerate(Actions):
info_set.cumulative_regrets[ix] += reach_probabilities[opponent] * (counterfactual_values[ix] - node_value)
return node_value
def train(self, num_iterations: int) -> int:
util = 0
kuhn_cards = ['J', 'Q', 'K']
for _ in range(num_iterations):
cards = random.sample(kuhn_cards, 2)
history = ''
reach_probabilities = np.ones(2)
util += self.cfr(cards, history, reach_probabilities, 0)
return util
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
num_iterations = 100000
num_iterations = int(sys.argv[1])
np.set_printoptions(precision=2, floatmode='fixed', suppress=True)
cfr_trainer = KuhnCFRTrainer()
util = cfr_trainer.train(num_iterations)
print(f"\nRunning Kuhn Poker chance sampling CFR for {num_iterations} iterations")
print(f"\nExpected average game value (for player 1): {(-1./18):.3f}")
print(f"Computed average game value : {(util / num_iterations):.3f}\n")
print("We expect the bet frequency for a Jack to be between 0 and 1/3")
print("The bet frequency of a King should be three times the one for a Jack\n")
print(f"History Bet Pass")
for name, info_set in sorted(cfr_trainer.infoset_map.items(), key=lambda s: len(s[0])):
print(f"{name:3}: {info_set.get_average_strategy()}")
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