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Created June 7, 2020 15:43
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Trading Bot example (synchronous)
# ORIGINAL VERSION - fully synchronous
import time
import random
import logging
logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO)
def get_market_data(market):
Calls the API and return data for a particular market
Likely steps:
1. Initialise the market data API and authenticate
2. Make a call to the API
3. Retry X times if response failed
4. Parse the response and return the market data
Returns: dict of market data
""""{market} - Started fetching market data.")
time.sleep(1)"{market} - Finished fetching market data.")
return {"latest_price": 44.1, "volume": 1030}
def get_database_data(market):
Fetches data about this market and our trading status from our database
Likely steps:
1. Initialise our database connection
2. Query database for our market data
3. Await response
4. Parse and return the database data
Returns: dict of database data
""""{market} - Started calling database.")
time.sleep(0.5)"{market} - Finished fetching database data.")
return {"prices": [42, 41, 44, 45.5], "position": "long"}
def trade_logic(market, market_data, database_data):
Makes decision on whether to trade given the latest market data and
information on current state and past prices (from our database)
Returns: 'go long', 'go short', 'exit position', None
action = random.choice(["go long", "go short", "exit position", None])"{market} - Trading logic decision => {action}.")
return action
def execute_trade(market, action):
Makes a trade via the API and responds once completed.
May have multiple retrys before raising exception if it failed.
Likely steps:
1. Initialise the trading API
2. Post trade to the API
3. Confirm success in response or retry if it failed
4. Return the response once successful
Returns: dict of trade_information or raises Exception
""""{market} - Posting {action} trade.")
time.sleep(5)"{market} - {action} trade successful.")
return {"success": True, "trade_details": {}}
def update_database(market, market_data, trade):
Updates the database data with the results of the recent trade and updated market data
Likely steps:
1. Post the new market data to the database
2. Post the trade if it exists to the database and update the market position
""""{market} - Started updating database.")
time.sleep(0.7)"{market} - Finished updating database data.")
def run(market):
Run the bot cycle once now for a market.
1. Reads market data from an API
2. Reads data from a database
3. (once both are available) Calculates some logic to decide on a trade
4. (if logic says we should trade) Executes a trade via an API
5. (when trade is completed) updates the database
Returns - action result of this cycle
logging.critical(f"{market} - Starting the bot cycle.")
market_data = get_market_data(market)
database_data = get_database_data(market)
action = trade_logic(market, market_data, database_data)
if action is not None:
trade = execute_trade(market, action)
trade = None"{market} - No trade to post.")
update_database(market, market_data, trade)
logging.critical(f"{market} - Finished the bot cycle.")
return action
def run_all():
Run the bot cycle for all markets.
Perhaps this method would be called by a cron job or similar to do every 5 minutes.
logging.critical(f"Starting up the trading bot.")
start = time.time()
trades = []
for market in MARKETS:
trades.append({market: run(market)})"Summary of trades: {trades}")
logging.critical(f"Finished everything. Took {time.time() - start} seconds.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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