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Last active December 31, 2023 05:45
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//! A solution to the HackerRank challenge, "String Function Calculation".
//! The problem is to find the maximum value for the formula:
//! f(s) = |s| * number of times s occurs in t
//! Where `t` is a body of text, |s| is the length of any substring that occurs
//! any number of times in it. The text is processed to find these recurrent
//! substrings. The longer any substring |s| is, the greater the value the
//! function will produce when the length is multiplied by the number of
//! occurrences.
//! So we need a way to find substrings and the number of times they occur.
//! If we can find all repeating patterns, and sort them so they're all
//! adjacent to one another, then we can get the values for the formula.
//! To find the repeating patterns, a suffix array and its corresponding LCP
//! array can be generated.
//! Visualizing the suffix array, we can see repeating patterns of text lining
//! up. But these patterns are followed by extra text. The LCP array indicates
//! where the extra text begins - or where the matching text ends.
//! The LCP array can be thought of as an histogram whose values show how many
//! chacters match between adjacent suffixes.
//! Thinking conceptually of the LCP array as an histogram, the problem then
//! becomes a matter of finding the largest rectangle within the bars.
//! The time constraints on this problem are tight, and the test cases are
//! designed to bog down unoptimized solutions. The code that produces the
//! suffix array needs to be fast. A naive approach won't work. Use one of the
//! more performant solutions for this.
//! If the suffix array and LCP array generation are optimized, then a naive
//! algorithm for finding the largest rectangle will be okay. Because of data
//! locality, simply scanning right and left of all points will be fast enough.
//! However, there is an O(n) algorithm for this.
use std::error::Error;
use std::io::{BufReader, BufRead, stdin};
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let s = BufReader::new(stdin()).lines()
.map(|l| l.unwrap())
let len = s.len();
let sfx = suffix_array(&s);
let lcp = lcp_array(&s, &sfx);
let mut stack = vec![];
let mut max = len;
let mut i = 0;
// O(n) stack based largest rectangle algorithm.
while i < len {
match stack.last() {
Some(&top) if lcp[i] < lcp[top] => {
let h = lcp[top];
let a = {
if let Some(&top2) = stack.last() {
h * (i - top2)
} else {
h * (i + 1 )
max = max.max(a);
_ => {
i += 1;
while let Some(top) = stack.pop() {
let h = lcp[top];
let a = {
if let Some(&top2) = stack.last() {
h * (i - top2)
} else {
h * (i + 1)
max = max.max(a);
println!("{}", max);
/// Builds a suffix array. Much more time efficient than the
/// substring sort method. The code this was adapted from can be found here:
/// Also, referenced in that article:
fn suffix_array(string: &[char]) -> Vec<usize> {
struct Sfx { idx: usize, rank: (isize, isize) }
let len = string.len();
let mut sfx = Vec::with_capacity(len);
let mut ind = vec![0; len];
let mut k = 2;
for i in 0..len {
let a = string[i] as isize;
let b = {
if i < len - 1 {
string[i + 1] as isize
} else { -1 }
sfx.push(Sfx { idx: i, rank: (a, b) });
sfx.sort_by_key(|s| s.rank);
while k < len {
let mut rank = 0;
let mut prev = sfx[0].rank.0;
sfx[0].rank.0 = 0;
ind[sfx[0].idx] = 0;
for i in 1..len {
if sfx[i].rank.0 != prev
|| sfx[i].rank.1 != sfx[i - 1].rank.1 {
rank += 1;
prev = sfx[i].rank.0;
sfx[i].rank.0 = rank;
ind[sfx[i].idx] = i;
for i in 0..len {
let idx2 = sfx[i].idx + k;
sfx[i].rank.1 = {
if idx2 < len {
} else { -1 }
sfx.sort_by_key(|s| s.rank);
k *= 2;
sfx.iter().map(|s| s.idx).collect()
/// Create an LCP array using the Kasai algorithm. This code was adapted from
/// This example:
fn lcp_array(string: &[char], suffixes: &[usize]) -> Vec<usize> {
let len = suffixes.len();
let mut lcp = vec![0; len];
let mut inv = vec![0; len];
let mut k = 0;
for i in 0..len {
inv[suffixes[i]] = i;
for i in 0..len {
if inv[i] == len - 1 {
k = 0;
let j = suffixes[inv[i] + 1];
while i + k < len && j + k < len
&& string[i + k] == string[j + k] {
k += 1;
lcp[inv[i]] = k;
if k > 0 {
k -= 1;
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