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Last active November 24, 2019 21:48
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Border box. Summary after reading 3 blog posts

List of the 3 Blog posts on CSS Border Box Model

My Responses to the blog post:

  • What did you learn?

These there blog posts / articles are quote different from each other and for me one build on top of the other. I learned about the history of border-box method and how it was originally created and used before responsive/fluid layout became the norm. It’s a concept that is a bit hard to understand at first but with some practice and use of metaphor it’s actually a pretty easy thing to understand.

  • How did each author approach the subject?

The first article makes a great visual and metaphoric comparison of border-box model to something in a physical world. The idea of comparing CSS border-box model to how neighbourhoods are layed out is a genius way of explaining an abstract concept. The other two articles go a bit further into technical details. For me the first article was a great starting point and the other two built on top of it very nicely giving a bit more technical and historical background to the property.

  • Did they disagree?

I did not find any disagreement per say. The first article is very light on the technical side of the property and is more focused on explaining the border-box model in a metaphorical way. The other two articles are a lot more technical and give a great explanation about the property to somebody that is already somewhat familiar with it.

  • Did any make more sense to you than the others? Why?

The first article is for sure the easiest to understand. It’s short and uses great visual examples. I am a visual person and I know for a fact that every time I have to adjust padding or margin on an element I will now always think of it as putting trees and moving a lawn around the content. The other two articles are technical but still pretty easy to follow. However I can see that it might be a bit more difficult to start with the Tree House article before reading the first one.

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am whanchope on github.
  • I am whanchope ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAvmcs3DC8Bm1L2DCJc8PlVv8wU8d_QfvsSZR6_xeDOCgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

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with the key ASAvmcs3DC8Bm1L2DCJc8PlVv8wU8d_QfvsSZR6_xeDOCgo, yielding the signature:


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