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Created November 11, 2018 05:15
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Authentication with Msal.js
<title>Authentication with Msal.js app</title>
.hidden {
visibility: hidden
.visible {
visibility: visible
.response {
border: solid;
border-width: thin;
background-color: azure;
padding: 2px;
<!-- bluebird only needed if this page needs to run on Internet Explorer -->
<script src="" class="pre"></script>
<!-- <script src="dist/msal.js" class="pre"></script> -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" class="pre"></script>
<h2>Getting an access token with Azure AD B2C and calling a Web API</h2>
<div id="label">Sign-in with Microsoft Azure AD B2C</div>
<button id="auth" onclick="login()">Login</button>
<button id="callApiButton" class="hidden" onclick="callApi()">Call Web API</button>
<pre class="response"></pre>
<script class="pre">
// The current application coordinates were pre-registered in a B2C tenant.
var applicationConfig = {
clientID: '4fbbddff-ad1f-4fe6-b9d6-804078c082c1',
authority: "",
b2cScopes: ['', ''],
webApi: '',
"use strict";
var logger = new Msal.Logger(loggerCallback, { level: Msal.LogLevel.Verbose });
function loggerCallback(logLevel, message, piiEnabled) {
var clientApplication = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(applicationConfig.clientID, applicationConfig.authority, authCallback, { logger: logger, cacheLocation: 'localStorage' });
function authCallback(errorDesc, token, error, tokenType) {
if (token) {
let clientApplication = this;
clientApplication.acquireTokenSilent(applicationConfig.b2cScopes).then(function (accessToken) {
}, function (error) {
clientApplication.acquireTokenPopup(applicationConfig.b2cScopes).then(function (accessToken) {
}, function (error) {
logMessage("Error acquiring the popup:\n" + error);
else {
logMessage(error + ":" + errorDesc);
function updateUI() {
var userName = clientApplication.getUser().name;
logMessage("User '" + userName + "' logged-in");
var authButton = document.getElementById('auth');
authButton.innerHTML = 'logout';
authButton.setAttribute('onclick', 'logout();');
var label = document.getElementById('label');
label.innerText = "Hello " + userName;
function logout() {
// Removes all sessions, need to call AAD endpoint to do full logout
function logMessage(s) {
document.body.querySelector('.response').appendChild(document.createTextNode('\n' + s));
function login() {
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