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Created August 21, 2009 21:50
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Zensiert Benjamins Mutter
In den Xchat-Ordner legen (~/xchat2 oder so), um es automatisch laden zu lassen.
__module_name__ = "benji"
__module_version__ = "1.0"
__module_description__ = "Zensiert Bens Mutter"
import re
import xchat
print " loaded!"
censorship_is_visible = True
censor_string = u"█████ ██████"
ben = re.compile(r"jamin_*$", re.U)
mama = re.compile(r"deine mutter", re.I | re.U)
def censor(word, word_eol, event_type):
username = unicode(word[0])
text = unicode(word[1], encoding='utf-8')
if and
if censorship_is_visible:
replacement = mama.sub(censor_string, text)
return xchat.EAT_ALL
return xchat.EAT_NONE
events = ("Your Message", "Channel Message", "Channel Msg Hilight",
"Your Action", "Channel Action", "Channel Action Hilight")
for event_type in events:
xchat.hook_print(event_type, censor, event_type)
def unload(foo):
print " unloaded!"
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