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Last active June 12, 2017 06:49
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case class M[A](value: A, list: List[String]) {
def flatMap[B](f: A => M[B]): M[B] = {
f(value) match {
case M(value2, list2) => M(value2, list ++ list2)
def map[B](f: A => B): M[B] = M(f(value), list)
def pureM[A](a: A): M[A] = M(a, List())
def write(s: String): M[Unit] = M((), List(s))
case class CF[A](value: M[Either[A, CF[A]]]) {
def unwrap: M[A] = value.flatMap[A] {
case Left(left: A) => pureM[A](left)
case Right(right: CF[A]) => right.unwrap
def flatMap[B](f: A => CF[B]): CF[B] = CF(value.flatMap[Either[B, CF[B]]] {
case Left(left: A) => f(left).value
case Right(right: CF[A]) => pureM(Right(right.flatMap(f)))
def map[B](f: A => B): CF[B] = flatMap(a => pure(f(a)))
def pure[A](a: A): CF[A] = CF(pureM(Left(a)))
def yielded[A](a: CF[A]): CF[A] = CF(pureM(Right(a)))
def lift[A](a: M[A]): CF[A] = CF(
def yieldC: CF[Unit] = yielded(pure[Unit]( () ))
def interleave[A, B](c1: CF[A], c2: CF[B]): M[(A, B)] = c1.value.flatMap[(A, B)] {
case Left(valueA: A) => => (valueA, valueB))
case Right(valueB: CF[A]) => interleave[B, A](c2, valueB).map(p => (p._2, p._1))
val r1 = for {
x <- lift(write("1"))
y <- lift(write("2"))
_ <- yieldC
z <- lift(write("3"))
} yield 1
val r2 = for {
x <- lift(write("4"))
_ <- yieldC
y <- lift(write("5"))
} yield 2
println(interleave(r1, r2))
val test = pure(1)
println(test ==
println(yieldC ==
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