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Created August 12, 2015 23:19
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Save ttjoseph/4dc54b4f3eceba42af37 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Transliteration of a couple functions from PROJ.4 to JavaScript.
// I have absolutely no idea how any of this works.
/** Some constants that PROJ uses for the WGS84 ellipse projection.*/
var G_A = 6378137;
var G_ONEF = 0.99664718933525254;
var G_FLAT4 = 0.00083820266618686579;
var G_FLAT64 = 1.756459274006926e-07;
var METERS_TO_MILES = 0.00062136994949494966;
var DTOL = 1e-12;
var SPI = 3.14159265359;
// Given two latitude/longitude tuples, returns the distance between them using the
// WGS84 projection (which I believe is the IATA standard).
function distanceInMiles(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
// This does...something. Apparently, it's important.
function adjlon(lon) {
if(Math.abs(lon) <= SPI) return lon;
lon += SPI; /* adjust to 0..2pi rad */
lon -= 2 * SPI * Math.floor(lon / (2 * SPI)); /* remove integral # of 'revolutions'*/
lon -= SPI; /* adjust back to -pi..pi rad */
return lon;
// Convert to radians
lat1 = lat1 * (SPI / 180);
lat2 = lat2 * (SPI / 180);
lon1 = lon1 * (SPI / 180);
lon2 = lon2 * (SPI / 180);
var th1 = Math.atan(G_ONEF * Math.tan(lat1));
var th2 = Math.atan(G_ONEF * Math.tan(lat2));
var thm = .5 * (th1 + th2);
var dthm = .5 * (th2 - th1);
var dlam = 0;
var dlamm = .5 * ( dlam = adjlon(lon2 - lon1) );
var geod_S = 0;
if(Math.abs(dlam) < DTOL && Math.abs(dthm) < DTOL) {
geod_S = 0.;
return NaN;
var sindlamm = Math.sin(dlamm);
var costhm = Math.cos(thm);
var sinthm = Math.sin(thm);
var cosdthm = Math.cos(dthm);
var sindthm = Math.sin(dthm);
var L = sindthm * sindthm + (cosdthm * cosdthm - sinthm * sinthm) * sindlamm * sindlamm;
var cosd = 0;
var d = Math.acos(cosd = 1 - L - L);
// Holy crap!
var E = cosd + cosd;
var sind = Math.sin( d );
var Y = sinthm * cosdthm;
Y *= (Y + Y) / (1. - L);
var T = sindthm * costhm;
T *= (T + T) / L;
var X = Y + T;
Y -= T;
T = d / sind;
var D = 4. * T * T;
var A = D * E;
var B = D + D;
geod_S = G_A * sind * (T - G_FLAT4 * (T * X - Y) +
G_FLAT64 * (X * (A + (T - .5 * (A - E)) * X) -
Y * (B + E * Y) + D * X * Y));
return geod_S * METERS_TO_MILES;
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