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Created September 21, 2018 22:44
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Exports the Cloudflare ELS log file and transforms the format to be consumed by goaccess
# Purpose: Exports the Cloudflare ELS log file and transforms the format to be consumed by goaccess.
# Developed by Tom Kaminski <>
# Requires the following tools:
# wget
# jq -
# goaccess - # Cloudflare API Email
KEY=banana12345 # Cloudflare API Key
ZONEID=123 # Cloudflare Zone ID
START=`date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" -d "-11 minutes"`
END=`date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" -d "-10 minutes"`
wget -q --header "X-Auth-Email: $EMAIL" --header "X-Auth-Key: $KEY" "$ZONEID/logs/received?start=$START&end=$END&sample=$SAMPLE&fields=ClientIP,EdgeStartTimestamp,EdgeEndTimestamp,ClientRequestMethod,ClientRequestProtocol,ClientRequestHost,ClientRequestURI,EdgeResponseStatus,EdgeResponseBytes,ClientRequestReferer,ClientRequestUserAgent" -O - \
| \
jq -cr '[.ClientIP,(.EdgeStartTimestamp/1000|floor),((.EdgeEndTimestamp-.EdgeStartTimestamp)/1000|floor),.ClientRequestMethod,.ClientRequestProtocol,.ClientRequestHost,.ClientRequestURI,.EdgeResponseStatus,.EdgeResponseBytes,.ClientRequestReferer,.ClientRequestUserAgent]|@tsv' \
| \
goaccess --time-format="%f" --date-format="%f" --log-format="%h\t%x\t%D\t%m\t%H\t%v\t%U\t%s\t%b\t%R\t%u"
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