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Created August 13, 2015 19:32
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package org.mucode.smerp.api
import scalikejdbc._, async._, FutureImplicits._
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import scala.concurrent._
case class Call(
id: Long,
companyId: Long,
clientId: Long,
isProcessed: Boolean,
dateTime: DateTime,
description: String,
createdAt: DateTime,
createdBy: Long,
deletedAt: Option[DateTime] = None,
deletedBy: Option[Long] = None
) extends ShortenedNames {
def save()(implicit session: AsyncDBSession = AsyncDB.sharedSession, cxt: EC = ECGlobal): Future[Call] =, cxt)
def destroy(deletedBy: Long)(implicit session: AsyncDBSession = AsyncDB.sharedSession, cxt: EC = ECGlobal): Future[Int] = Call.destroy(id, deletedBy)(session, cxt)
object Call extends SQLSyntaxSupport[Call] with ShortenedNames {
override val columnNames = Seq("id", "company_id", "client_id", "is_processed", "date_time", "description",
"created_at", "created_by", "deleted_at", "deleted_by")
def apply(c: SyntaxProvider[Call])(rs: WrappedResultSet): Call = apply(c.resultName)(rs)
def apply(c: ResultName[Call])(rs: WrappedResultSet): Call = new Call(
id = rs.long(,
companyId = rs.long(c.companyId),
clientId = rs.long(c.clientId),
isProcessed = rs.boolean(c.isProcessed),
dateTime = rs.jodaDateTime(c.dateTime),
description = rs.string(c.description),
createdAt = rs.jodaDateTime(c.createdAt),
createdBy = rs.long(c.createdBy),
deletedAt = rs.jodaDateTimeOpt(c.deletedAt),
deletedBy = rs.longOpt(c.deletedBy)
lazy val c = Call.syntax("c")
private val isNotDeleted = sqls.isNull(c.deletedAt)
def find(id: Long)(implicit session: AsyncDBSession = AsyncDB.sharedSession, cxt: EC = ECGlobal): Future[Option[Call]] = withSQL {
select.from(Call as c).where.eq(, id).and.append(isNotDeleted)
def findAll()(implicit session: AsyncDBSession = AsyncDB.sharedSession, cxt: EC = ECGlobal): Future[List[Call]] = withSQL {
select.from(Call as c).where.append(isNotDeleted).orderBy(
def countAll()(implicit session: AsyncDBSession = AsyncDB.sharedSession, cxt: EC = ECGlobal): Future[Long] = withSQL {
select(sqls.count).from(Call as c).where.append(isNotDeleted)
def findAllBy(where: SQLSyntax)(
implicit session: AsyncDBSession = AsyncDB.sharedSession, cxt: EC = ECGlobal): Future[List[Call]] = withSQL {
select.from(Call as c)
def countBy(where: SQLSyntax)(
implicit session: AsyncDBSession = AsyncDB.sharedSession, cxt: EC = ECGlobal): Future[Long] = withSQL {
select(sqls.count).from(Call as c).where.append(isNotDeleted).and.append(sqls"$where")
def create(companyId: Long,
clientId: Long,
isProcessed: Boolean = false,
dateTime: DateTime,
description: String,
createdAt: DateTime =,
createdBy: Long)(implicit session: AsyncDBSession = AsyncDB.sharedSession, cxt: EC = ECGlobal): Future[Call] = {
for {
id <- withSQL {
column.companyId -> companyId,
column.clientId -> clientId,
column.isProcessed -> isProcessed,
column.dateTime -> dateTime,
column.description -> description,
column.createdAt -> createdAt,
column.createdBy -> createdBy).returningId
} yield Call(id = id, companyId = companyId, clientId = clientId, isProcessed = isProcessed, dateTime = dateTime,
description = description, createdAt = createdAt, createdBy = createdBy)
def save(m: Call)(implicit session: AsyncDBSession = AsyncDB.sharedSession, cxt: EC = ECGlobal): Future[Call] = {
withSQL {
column.clientId -> m.clientId,
column.isProcessed -> m.isProcessed,
column.dateTime -> m.dateTime,
column.description -> m.description
}.update() => m)
def destroy(id: Long, deletedBy: Long)(implicit session: AsyncDBSession = AsyncDB.sharedSession, cxt: EC = ECGlobal): Future[Int] = withSQL {
column.deletedAt ->,
column.deletedBy -> deletedBy
).where.eq(, id)
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