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Informed trading estimation

Informed trading estimation

Updated: 2017-05-03

Example for method A estimation

# Create of announcements dataframe
news_data <- data.frame(Company = c("OGXP", "OGXP", "OGXP",
                                    "PETR", "PETR","PETR"),
                        News.Date = as.Date(c("2012-06-28", "2013-10-31",
                                              "2013-12-06", "2014-12-07", 
                                              "2014-11-18", "2015-04-13"),
                                            format = "%Y-%m-%d"))

# Create of vector of asset tickers to be analysed
asset_tickers <- c("PETR3", "OGXP3")

# Create index time series
index_data = get.hist.quote(instrument="^BVSP", start="2010-01-01",  			
                            end=Sys.Date(), quote="AdjClose", 				
                            provider="yahoo", compression="d", retclass="zoo")

# Wrangling data: list of asset and index returns 
list_returns <- lapply (X = asset_tickers,
                        FUN = Returns_calculation, 
                        index_data = index_data)

# Calculation of Method A for retuns data
MethodA_results <- Reduce(rbind, 
                          lapply(X = list_returns, 
                                 FUN = MethodA_analysis, 
                                 announcements = news_data))

# Summary of Method A results
relevant_events = filter(MethodA_results, obs %in% NA) %>%
  mutate(year = format(Announc_date, "%Y")) %>%
  group_by(event, year) %>%
  summarise(total_relevant=n()) %>%
  filter(event != "ok")

relevant_pre_events = filter(MethodA_results, obs %in% NA) %>%
  mutate(year = format(Announc_date, "%Y")) %>%
  group_by(pre_event, year) %>%
  summarise(total_pre_event=n()) %>%
  filter(pre_event != "ok")

summary = full_join(relevant_events, relevant_pre_events, by="year" ) %>%
# Bias correction
bias_results <- Reduce(rbind, 
                       lapply(X = list_returns, 
                              FUN = Bias_analysis, 
                              announcements = news_data))

bias_summary <- filter(bias_results, obs %in% NA) %>% 
  mutate(year = format(Announc_date, "%Y")) %>%
  group_by(year) %>%
  summarise(mk = sum(false_sig_announc)/10000, 
            total_false_IPM = sum(false_IPM)/10000, 
            total_announc = n()) 

Example for method B estimation

# Create of announcements dataframe
news_data <- data.frame(Company = c("OGXP", "OGXP", "OGXP",
                                    "PETR", "PETR","PETR"),
                        News.Date = as.Date(c("2012-06-28", "2013-10-31",
                                              "2013-12-06", "2014-12-07", 
                                              "2014-11-18", "2015-04-13"),
                                            format = "%Y-%m-%d"))

# Create of vector of asset tickers to be analysed
asset_tickers <- c("PETR3", "OGXP3")

# Create index time series
index_data = get.hist.quote(instrument="^BVSP", start="2010-01-01",  			
                            end=Sys.Date(), quote="AdjClose", 				
                            provider="yahoo", compression="d", retclass="zoo")

# Wrangling data: list of asset and index returns 
list_returns <- lapply (X = asset_tickers,
                        FUN = Returns_calculation, 
                        index_data = index_data)

# Calculation of Method B for retuns data
MethodB_results <- Reduce(rbind, 
                          lapply(X = list_returns, 
                                 FUN = MethodB_analysis, 
                                 announcements = news_data))

# Summary of Method B results
relevant_events <- methodB_results %>%
  filter(!(obs1 %in% "not enough data for model estimation")) %>% 
  filter(!(obs1 %in% "no announcements for this company")) %>%
  mutate(year = format(Announc_date, "%Y")) %>%
  group_by(event, year) %>%
  summarise(total_relevant=n()) %>%
  filter(event != "ok")

relevant_pre_events <- methodB_results %>%
  filter(!(obs1 %in% "not enough data for model estimation")) %>%
  filter(!(obs1 %in% "no announcements for this company")) %>%
  mutate(year = format(Announc_date, "%Y")) %>%
  group_by(pre_event, year) %>%
  summarise(total_IPM = n()) %>%
  filter(pre_event != "ok")

summary = full_join(relevant_events, relevant_pre_events, by="year" ) %>%
  mutate(proportion = total_IPM/total_relevant)
# Function for importing data, return calculation and data wrangling
Returns_calculation <- function (asset_name, index_data)
# Example of asset data
asset_xts <- xts(get.hist.quote(instrument = paste(asset_name,
sep = "",
start = "2010-01-01",
end = Sys.Date(),
# Calculating asset return
asset_returns <- Return.calculate(prices = asset_xts , method = "discrete")
# Calculating index return
index_returns <- xts(Return.calculate(prices = index_data,
method = "discrete"))
# Merging asset and index returns
returns <- na.omit(merge(x = asset_returns,
y = index_returns,
join = "left"))
# Identifying the column with the asset name
colnames(returns) <- c((paste(asset_name, "return", sep = "_")),
# Function for Market Model and UNCONDITIONAL bootstrap
MethodA_calculation <- function(relevant_date, asset_returns)
# Extract estimation window and event window data
prev_days <- xts::last(asset_returns[index(asset_returns) <= relevant_date],
"250 days")
next_day <- asset_returns[index(asset_returns) > relevant_date]
# Stop function in case there is not enough data to apply model
if (nrow(prev_days) < 250 | nrow(next_day) < 1)
return(data.frame(Announc_date = relevant_date,
Upper_4CAR = NA ,
Lower_4CAR = NA, CAR_4days = 0,
Upper_2CAR = NA,Lower_2CAR = NA, CAR_2days = 0,
obs = "not enough data for model estimation",
row.names = NULL))
# Estimation window and event window data
estimation_window <- first(prev_days, "240 days")
event_window <- xts::last(rbind(prev_days, next_day[1]), "4 days")
# Market Model over estimation window
regression <- lm(estimation_window[,1] ~estimation_window[,2])
# Calculating abnormal returns for the event window
abnormal_returns_event <- c(event_window[,1] -
regression$coefficients[1] -
event_window[,2] * regression$coefficients[2])
CAR_4days <- sum(abnormal_returns_event)
CAR_2days <- sum(abnormal_returns_event[1:2])
#Calculating abnormal returns for the estimation window
abnormal_returns <- c(estimation_window[,1] -
regression$coefficients[1] -
estimation_window[,2] * regression$coefficients[2])
colnames (abnormal_returns) <- "abnormal_returns"
#Bootstrap 4 day CAR
bootstrap_input <-
bootstrap_event <- replicate (10000,
replace = TRUE)) %>%
t() %>%
tbl_df() %>%
mutate(CAR = V1+V2+V3+V4)
Upper_cutoff <- quantile(bootstrap_event$CAR, 0.995)
Lower_cutoff <- quantile(bootstrap_event$CAR, 0.005)
# Bootstrap 2 day CAR unconditional
bootstrap_pre_event <- replicate (10000,
replace = TRUE)) %>%
t() %>%
tbl_df() %>%
mutate(CAR2 = V1+V2)
Upper_cutoff_pre <- quantile(bootstrap_pre_event$CAR2, 0.95)
Lower_cutoff_pre <- quantile(bootstrap_pre_event$CAR2, 0.05)
# Output
out <- data.frame(Announc_date = relevant_date,
Upper_4CAR = Upper_cutoff,
Lower_4CAR = Lower_cutoff,
CAR_4days = CAR_4days,
Upper_2CAR = Upper_cutoff_pre,
Lower_2CAR = Lower_cutoff_pre,
CAR_2days = CAR_2days,
obs = NA,
row.names = NULL)
# Function to analyse announcements using asset returns
MethodA_analysis <- function(asset_returns, announcements)
# Extract the asset's name from column name, company name, announcement dates
asset_ticker <- strsplit(names(asset_returns)[1], "_")[[1]][1]
asset_company_name <- substr(asset_ticker, start = 1 , stop = 4 )
asset_announc_dates <- filter(.data = announcements,
Company == asset_company_name)
# Stop function if there are no announcements for this asset
if (nrow(asset_announc_dates) == 0)
return(data.frame(Announc_date = NA,
Upper_4CAR = NA,
Lower_4CAR = NA, CAR_4days = 0,
Upper_2CAR = NA, Lower_2CAR = NA, CAR_2days = 0,
obs = "no announcements for this company",
event = NA, pre_event = NA, asset = asset_ticker,
row.names = NULL))
# Get all CAR limits for all announcements of this asset
CAR_limits <- Reduce(rbind,
lapply(X = unique(asset_announc_dates$News.Date),
FUN = MethodA_calculation,
asset_returns = asset_returns ))
# Classify if events/pre-events CAR are relevant
CAR_analysis <- tbl_df(CAR_limits) %>%
mutate(event = factor(ifelse(CAR_4days<Lower_4CAR | CAR_4days>Upper_4CAR,
"relevant", "ok"))) %>%
mutate(pre_event = factor(ifelse((CAR_2days<Lower_2CAR |
CAR_4days>Upper_2CAR) &
CAR_2days*CAR_4days>0 &
"IPM", "ok"))) %>%
mutate(asset = asset_ticker)
# Function for market model and UNCONDITIONAL bootstrap for method A
Bias_calculation <- function(relevant_date, asset_returns)
# Extract estimation window and event window data
prev_days <- xts::last(asset_returns[index(asset_returns)<= relevant_date],
"250 days")
next_day <- asset_returns[index(asset_returns)> relevant_date]
# Stop function in case there is not enough data to apply model
if (nrow(prev_days)<250 | nrow(next_day)<1)
return(data.frame(Announc_date = relevant_date,
false_sig_announc = NA,
false_IPM = NA,
obs = "not enough data for model estimation",
row.names = NULL))
# Estimation window and event window data
estimation_window <- first(prev_days, "240 days")
event_window <- xts::last(rbind(prev_days, next_day[1]), "4 days")
# Market Model over estimation window
regression <- lm(estimation_window[,1] ~estimation_window[,2])
# Calculate abnormal returns for the estimation window
abnormal_returns <- c(estimation_window[,1] -
regression$coefficients[1] -
estimation_window[,2] *
colnames (abnormal_returns) <- "abnormal_returns"
# Bootstrap 4 day CAR
bootstrap_input <-
bootstrap_event <- replicate (10000,
4, replace = TRUE)) %>%
t() %>%
tbl_df() %>%
mutate(CAR = V1+V2+V3+V4)
Upper_cutoff <- quantile(bootstrap_event$CAR, 0.995)
Lower_cutoff <- quantile(bootstrap_event$CAR, 0.005)
# Bootstrap 2 day CAR unconditional
bootstrap_pre_event <- replicate (10000,
2, replace = TRUE)) %>%
t() %>%
tbl_df() %>%
mutate(CAR2 = V1+V2)
Upper_cutoff_event <- quantile(bootstrap_pre_event$CAR2, 0.95)
Lower_cutoff_event <- quantile(bootstrap_pre_event$CAR2, 0.05)
# Bootstrap bias correction simulation of event
bootstrap_bias <- replicate (10000,
4, replace = TRUE)) %>%
t() %>%
tbl_df() %>%
mutate(CAR = V1+V2+V3+V4) %>%
filter(CAR>Upper_cutoff | CAR<Lower_cutoff) %>%
mutate(CAR2 = V1+V2)
aux_bias <- bootstrap_bias %>%
filter(CAR2>Upper_cutoff_event | CAR2<Lower_cutoff_event) %>%
fake_sig_announc <- nrow(bootstrap_bias)
fake_sig_pre <- nrow(aux_bias)
# Output
out <- data.frame( Announc_date = relevant_date,
false_sig_announc = fake_sig_announc,
false_IPM = fake_sig_pre,
obs = NA
# Function to calculate bias correction in method A
Bias_analysis = function(asset_returns, announcements)
# Extract the asset's name, company name, announcement dates
asset_ticker <-strsplit(names(asset_returns)[1], "_")[[1]][1]
asset_company_name <- substr(asset_ticker, start=1 , stop= 4 )
asset_announc_dates <- filter(announcements,
# Stop function if there are no announcements for this asset
if (nrow(asset_announc_dates)==0)
return(data.frame(Announc_date = NA,
false_sig_announc = NA,
false_IPM = NA,
obs="no announcements for this company",
row.names = NULL))
# Get all CAR limits for all announcements of this asset
CAR_limits <- Reduce(rbind,
FUN = Bias_calculation,
asset_returns=asset_returns)) %>%
# Function for importing data, return calculation and data wrangling
Returns_calculation <- function (asset_name, index_data)
# Example of asset data
asset_xts <- xts(get.hist.quote(instrument = paste(asset_name,
sep = "",
start = "2010-01-01",
end = Sys.Date(),
# Calculating asset return
asset_returns <- Return.calculate(prices = asset_xts , method = "discrete")
# Calculating index return
index_returns <- xts(Return.calculate(prices = index_data,
method = "discrete"))
# Merging asset and index returns
returns <- na.omit(merge(x = asset_returns,
y = index_returns,
join = "left"))
# Identifying the column with the asset name
colnames(returns) <- c((paste(asset_name, "return", sep = "_")),
# Asset model, check for heteroskedasticity and serial correlation
Model_tests <- function(returns, window)
# Periods for calculation
estimation <- first(window, "240 days")
event <- xts::last(window, "4 days")
# Linear Model for estimation window
reg <- lm(estimation[,1] ~estimation[,2])
# Durbin's alternative test for serial correlation
aux_df <- estimation
aux_df$res <- reg$residuals
aux_df$res_lag <- lag(aux_df$res, k = 1)
aux_df1 <- as.zoo( na.omit(aux_df))
aux_reg_sc <- with ( aux_df1, dynlm(formula = res ~ res_lag + index_return))
wald_t <- waldtest(aux_reg_sc ,1 , test = "Chisq", vcov = vcovHC)
# Engle LM test for ARCH(1) for heteroskedasticity
arch_t <- ArchTest(as.zoo(residuals(reg)), lags=1)
# Select model
if(wald_t$`Pr(>Chisq)`[2] > 0.05 & arch_t$p.value > 0.05) {
# No serial correlation, no heteroskedasticity
tests <- c("no_sc_no_hk", NA)
# Abnormal returs from linear regression
AR_estimation <- residuals(reg)
AR_event <- c(event[,1] -
reg$coefficients[1] -
event[,2] * reg$coefficients[2])
out <- list(tests, AR_estimation, AR_event)
} else if(wald_t$`Pr(>Chisq)`[2] > 0.05 & arch_t$p.value <= 0.05) {
# No serial correlation, heteroskedasticity
tests <- "no_sc_hk"
# Linear regression, GARCH(1,1)
fit.spec <- ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH",
garchOrder = c(1, 1)),
mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0, 0),
include.mean = TRUE,
external.regressors = window[,2]))
# Estimates the model excluding last 11 observations
fit <- ugarchfit(spec = fit.spec,
data = window[,1],
solver = "hybrid")
# Standardized abnormal returns for estimation window
AR_estimation <- (estimation[,1]-fitted(fit))/sigma(fit)
# Expected sigma and abnormal return of event window
expected_sigma <- xts::last(sigma(fit))
for (nrow in 1:11) {
expected_sigma_t_plus1 <- sqrt(coef(fit)[3] +
coef(fit)[5] * xts::last(expected_sigma)^2)
expected_sigma <- rbind(expected_sigma, expected_sigma_t_plus1)
expected_sigma <- as.numeric(coredata(expected_sigma[9:12]))
expected_AR <- event[,1] - coef(fit)[1] - coef(fit)[2] * event[,2]
# Standardized abnormal returns for event window
AR_event <- expected_AR/expected_sigma
# Engle LM test for ARCH(1) for heteroskedasticity
arch_t_pos <- ArchTest(residuals(fit, standardize=TRUE), lags=1)
# Test results after changing model
tests[2] <- ifelse (arch_t_pos$p.value <= 0.05, "still hk", "no more hk")
out = list(tests, AR_estimation, AR_event)
} else if(wald_t$`Pr(>Chisq)`[2] <= 0.05 & arch_t$p.value > 0.05) {
# Serial correlation, no heteroskedasticity
tests <- "sc_no_hk"
# ADL model
input_sc <- estimation
input_sc$asset_lag <- lag(input_sc[,1], k=1 )
input_sc$index_lag <- lag(input_sc[,2], k=1 )
input_sc <- na.omit(input_sc)
model_sc <- lm(input_sc[,1] ~ input_sc[,2] + input_sc[,3] + input_sc[,4] )
# Abnormal returns
AR_estimation <- residuals(model_sc)
AR_event <- c(event[,1] - model_sc$coefficients[1] -
event[,2] * model_sc$coefficients[2])
# Durbin's alternative test for serial correlation
aux_df <- estimation
aux_df$res <- model_sc$residuals
aux_df$res_lag <- lag(aux_df$res, k = 1)
aux_df <- as.zoo( na.omit(aux_df))
aux_reg_sc <- with ( aux_df, dynlm(formula = res ~ res_lag +index_return))
wald_t_pos <- waldtest(aux_reg_sc ,1 , test = "Chisq", vcov = vcovHC)
# Test results after changing model
tests[2] <- ifelse (wald_t_pos$`Pr(>Chisq)`[2] <= 0.05,
"still sc", "no more sc")
out <- list(tests, AR_estimation, AR_event)
} else {
# There is serial correlation and heteroskedasticity
# ADL model
lag_aux <- lag(returns[,2], 1)
input_xreg <- na.omit(as.matrix(cbind(window[,2], lag_aux)))
# ADL-GARCH(1,1) model specification
fit.spec <- ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH",
garchOrder = c(1, 1)),
mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(1, 0),
include.mean = TRUE,
external.regressors = input_xreg))
# Estimates the model excluding last 11 observations
fit <- ugarchfit( spec = fit.spec,
data = window[,1],
solver = "hybrid")
# Standardized abnormal returns for estimation window
AR_estimation <- (estimation[,1]-fitted(fit))/sigma(fit)
# Expected sigma and abnormal return of event window
expected_sigma <- xts::last(sigma(fit))
for (nrow in 1:11) {
expected_sigma_t_plus1 <- sqrt(coef(fit)[3] +
coef(fit)[5] * xts::last(expected_sigma)^2)
expected_sigma <- rbind(expected_sigma,expected_sigma_t_plus1)
expected_sigma <- as.numeric(coredata(expected_sigma[9:12]))
expected_AR <- event[,1] - coef(fit)[1] - coef(fit)[2]*event[,2]
# Standardized abnormal returns for event window
AR_event <- expected_AR/expected_sigma
# Engle LM test for ARCH(1) for heteroskedasticity
arch_t_pos <- ArchTest(as.zoo(residuals(fit, standardize = TRUE)), lags = 1)
tests <- ifelse (arch_t_pos$p.value <= 0.05, "still hk", "no more hk")
# Durbin's alternative test for serial correlation
aux_df <- estimation
aux_df$res <- residuals(fit)
aux_df$res_lag <- lag(aux_df$res, k = 1)
aux_df <- as.zoo( na.omit(aux_df))
aux_reg_sc <- with ( aux_df, dynlm(formula = res ~ res_lag +index_return))
wald_t_pos <- waldtest(aux_reg_sc ,1 , test = "Chisq", vcov = vcovHC)
# Test results after changing model
tests[2] <- ifelse(wald_t_pos$`Pr(>Chisq)`[2] <= 0.05,
"still sc", "no more sc")
out <- list(tests, AR_estimation, AR_event)
# Function for asset model and CONDITIONAL bootstrap
MethodB_calculation <- function(relevant_date, asset_returns)
# Extract estimation window and event window data
prev_days <- xts::last(asset_returns[index(asset_returns) <= relevant_date],
"250 days")
next_day <- asset_returns[index(asset_returns) > relevant_date]
# Stop function in case there is not enough data to apply model
if (nrow(prev_days) < 250 | nrow(next_day) < 1)
return(data.frame(Announc_date = relevant_date,
Upper_4CAR = NA ,
Lower_4CAR = NA, CAR_4days = 0,
Upper_2CAR = NA,Lower_2CAR = NA, CAR_2days = 0,
obs1 = "not enough data for model estimation", obs2 = NA,
row.names = NULL))
# Estimation window and event window
asset_returns_window <- rbind(prev_days, next_day[1])
estimation_window <- first(asset_returns_window, "240 days")
event_window <- xts::last(asset_returns_window, "4 days")
#Tests of Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity
tests_results <- Model_tests(returns = asset_returns,
window = asset_returns_window)
# Calculate abnormal returns for the event window
abnormal_returns_event <- tests_results[[3]]
CAR_4days <- sum(abnormal_returns_event)
CAR_2days <- sum(abnormal_returns_event[1:2])
# Calculate abnormal returns for the estimation window
abnormal_returns_240 <- tests_results[[2]]
# Bootstrap 4 day CAR
bootstrap_input <-
bootstrap_event <- replicate (50000,
4, replace = TRUE)) %>%
t() %>%
tbl_df() %>%
mutate(CAR = V1+V2+V3+V4)
Upper_cutoff = quantile(bootstrap_event$CAR, 0.995)
Lower_cutoff = quantile(bootstrap_event$CAR, 0.005)
if(CAR_4days < Lower_cutoff | CAR_4days > Upper_cutoff) {
# Bootstrap 2 day CAR conditional
bootstrap_pre_event <- replicate (50000,
4, replace = TRUE)) %>%
t() %>%
tbl_df() %>%
mutate(CAR = V1+V2+V3+V4) %>%
filter(CAR > Upper_cutoff| CAR < Lower_cutoff) %>%
mutate(CAR2 = V1+V2)
Upper_cutoff_event <- quantile(bootstrap_pre_event$CAR2, 0.90)
Lower_cutoff_event <- quantile(bootstrap_pre_event$CAR2, 0.10)
} else {
Upper_cutoff_event <- NA
Lower_cutoff_event <- NA
# Output
out = data.frame( Announc_date = relevant_date,
Upper_4CAR = Upper_cutoff, Lower_4CAR = Lower_cutoff,
CAR_4days = CAR_4days, Upper_2CAR = Upper_cutoff_event,
Lower_2CAR = Lower_cutoff_event, CAR_2days = CAR_2days,
obs1 = tests_results[[1]][1], obs2 = tests_results[[1]][2],
row.names = NULL)
# Function to calculate all CAR limits for an asset
MethodB_analysis <- function(asset_returns, announcements)
# Extract the asset's name, company name, announcement dates
asset_ticker <-strsplit(names(asset_returns)[1], "_")[[1]][1]
asset_company_name <- substr(asset_ticker, start = 1 , stop = 4 )
announc_dates <- filter(announcements, Company==asset_company_name)
# Stop function if there are no announcements for this asset
if (nrow(announc_dates) == 0)
return(data.frame(Announc_date = NA,
Upper_4CAR = NA ,
Lower_4CAR = NA, CAR_4days = 0,
Upper_2CAR = NA,Lower_2CAR = NA, CAR_2days = 0,
obs1 = "no announcements for this company", obs2 = NA,
event = NA, insider = NA, asset = asset_ticker,
row.names = NULL))
# Get all CAR limits for all announcements of this asset
asset_CAR_limits <- Reduce(rbind,
lapply(X = unique(announc_dates$News.Date),
FUN = MethodB_calculation,
asset_returns = asset_returns))
# Classify if events/pre-events CAR are relevant
CAR_analysis <- tbl_df(asset_CAR_limits) %>%
mutate(event = factor(ifelse(CAR_4days < Lower_4CAR |
CAR_4days > Upper_4CAR,
"relevant", "ok"))) %>%
mutate(pre_event = factor(ifelse((CAR_2days < Lower_2CAR |
CAR_4days > Upper_2CAR) &
CAR_2days*CAR_4days > 0 &
event == "relevant",
"IPM", "ok"))) %>%
mutate(asset = asset_ticker)
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