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Last active March 15, 2022 19:34
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example puvox-library based plugin
* Plugin Name: My Example plugin
* Description: Somewhat plugin description here
* Text Domain: my-plugin-textdomain-slug
* Domain Path: /languages
* Version: 1.234
* WordPress URI:
* Plugin URI:
* Contributors: wpOrgUsername
* Author: MyCompany
* Author URI:
* License: GPL-3.0
* License URI:
namespace ExampleMyName
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
class PluginClass extends \Puvox\wp_plugin
public function declare_settings()
$this->set_initial_static_options ([
'has_pro_version' => 0,
'show_opts' => true,
'show_rating_message' => true,
'show_donation_footer' => true,
'show_donation_popup' => true,
'menu_pages' => [
'first' =>[
'title' => 'My Button Title',
'default_managed' => 'network', // network | singlesite
'required_role' => 'install_plugins',
'level' => 'mainmenu', // mianmenu | submenu
'icon' => $this->helpers->baseURL.'/icon.png" style="width:30px;',
'page_title' => 'Welcome to My Plugin Options page',
'tabs' => ['mytab1','mytab2'],
// ############ your custom options to be used throughout plugin ###########
$this->set_initial_user_options ([
'whatever_option_1' => 123, // can be obtained: $this->opts['whatever_option_1']
'whatever_option_2' => true,
// ############ if you want to add some shortcode-descriptions ###########
$this->shortcodes = [
'My_Shortcode_Name' => [
'description'=>__('Output the breadcrumbs in any place.', 'audio-video-download-buttons-for-youtube'),
['id', '', __('Youtube video ID [11 chars] (link is also accepted)', 'audio-video-download-buttons-for-youtube') ],
['text', 'Download', __('Text for button', 'audio-video-download-buttons-for-youtube') ],
['minutes', '15', __('Expire download links in X minutes (So, after X minutes is gone from initial page load, user will need to refresh page again to get fresh links from download-button. This is good to avoid abuse of download by bots or whatever)', 'audio-video-download-buttons-for-youtube') ],
// ############ if you want to add some hook-descriptions ###########
$this->hooks_examples = [
"youtube_download_button_shortcode" => [
'description' =>__('Modify output of the shortcode', 'audio-video-download-buttons-for-youtube'),
'parameters' =>['result','atts'],
'type' =>'filter'
public function __construct_my()
$this->helpers->error_to_mailaddress = ''; // send errors to email
$this->helpers->enable_write_logs = false; // enable logs writing
$this->helpers->PASSWORD_FOR_SITE = ''; //
$this->helpers->google_analytics_ID = ''; //
$this->helpers->google_tag_manager_ID = ''; //
$this->helpers->top_ge_ID = ''; //
$this->helpers->google_firebase_ID = ''; //
$this->helpers->auth_expiration_hours = 444; //
$this->helpers->posts_per_page = 20; //
$this->helpers->navmenu_search_items = 20; //
$this->helpers->shortcodes = []; //
$this->helpers->extend_shortcodes = true; // activates shortcodes: image, video, link, iframe, @, script, video, list_subpages ,
// i.e. [list type="categories" id="32" depth=0 exclude="4,28"]
// i.e. [list type="pages" id="32" depth=0 exclude="4,28"] (or id="this")
// i.e. [list type="menu" id="32"]
$this->helpers->disable_update = true; // disable update for current plugin
$this->add_my_site_options(['smth'=>'value']); // activates extra options page
//$this->site_favicon = '';
$this->helpers->load_scripts_override =
'jquery' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>false, 'public'=>false], 'urls'=>[
'js' => '//'
'jquery-ui' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>false, 'public'=>false], 'urls'=>[
'css' =>'//',
'js' => '//',
'datatables' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>false, 'public'=>false], 'urls'=>[
'css'=> '//',
'js' => '//',
'bootstrap' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>false, 'public'=>false], 'urls'=>[
'css'=> '//',
'js' => '//',
'my_javascript' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>false, 'public'=>false], 'urls'=>[
'js' => $this->helpers->baseURL.'/my-scripts.js',
'my_style' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>false, 'public'=>false], 'urls'=>[
'css' => $this->helpers->baseURL.'/my-styles.css',
'my-js-script' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>false, 'public'=>false], 'urls'=>[
'js' => $this->helpers->baseURL .'my_js_scripts.js'
// ===================================================================================== //
// ===================================================================================== //
// ================================================================= //
// ============================ OPTIONS ============================ //
// ================================================================= //
public function opts_page_output() { $this->settings_page_part("start"); ?>
p.submit { text-align:center; }
.myplugin {padding:10px;}
<form class="mainForm" method="post" action="">
<?php if ($this->active_tab=="Options") { ?>
//if form updated
if( $this->checkSubmission( 'nonceName998423', 'nonceActionk44' ) )
$this->opts['are_you_well']= !empty( $_POST[ $this->plugin_slug ]['are_you_well'] );
$this->opts['years_old'] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ $this->plugin_slug ]['years_old'] );
<table class="form-table"> <tbody>
<?php _e('Test checkbox');?>
<?php _e('No');?><input type="radio" name="<?php echo $this->plugin_slug;?>[are_you_well]" value="" <?php checked( !$this->opts['are_you_well'] );?> />
<?php _e('Yes');?><input type="radio" name="<?php echo $this->plugin_slug;?>[are_you_well]" value="yes" <?php checked($this->opts['are_you_well']);?> />
<?php _e('How input-text');?>
<input type="text" name="<?php echo $this->plugin_slug;?>[years_old]" value="<?php echo $this->opts['years_old'];?>" placeholder="your age" />
<?php $this->nonceSubmit('SAVE SETTINGS', 'nonceName998423', 'nonceActionk44') ; ?>
} ?>
<?php $this->settings_page_part("end");
public function plugin_reset_callback()
$GLOBALS[__NAMESPACE__] = new PluginClass();
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