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Last active February 15, 2022 10:27
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sign (path, api = 'private', method = 'GET', params = {}, headers = undefined, body = undefined) {
let request = '/' + this.version + '/' + this.implodeParams (path, params);
params = this.omit (params, this.extractParams (path));
if (method === 'GET' || method === 'DELETE') {
if (Object.keys (params).length) {
request += '?' + this.urlencode (params);
const url = this.urls['api'][api] + request;
if (api === 'private') {
let isApiKeyBased = false;
let isPrivateKeyBased = false;
if (path === 'onboarding') { // it's only POST
isPrivateKeyBased = true;
} else {
isApiKeyBased = true;
if (isApiKeyBased) {
const timestamp = this.iso8601 (this.milliseconds ());
let auth = timestamp + method + request;
if (method !== 'GET') {
body = this.json (params);
auth += body;
const secret = this.base64ToBinary (this.secret);
const signature = this.hmac (this.encode (auth), secret, 'sha256', 'base64');
headers = {
'DYDX-TIMESTAMP': timestamp,
'DYDX-API-KEY': this.apiKey,
'DYDX-PASSPHRASE': this.password,
'DYDX-SIGNATURE': signature,
if (method !== 'GET') {
headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json';
} else if (isPrivateKeyBased) {
const isoTimestamp = this.iso8601 (this.milliseconds ()); // new Date ().toISOString ();
headers['DYDX-TIMESTAMP'] = isoTimestamp;
// ref:
headers['DYDX-ETHEREUM-ADDRESS'] = this.walletAddress;
body['action'] = 'DYDX-ONBOARDING';
body['onlySignOn'] = '';
// const obj = method + path + isoTimestamp + paramsEncoded;
// const auth = this.walletAddress + 'sha256' + isoTimestamp + this.json (obj);
const signature = this.createDydxSign ({
'requestPath': '/' + this.version + '/' + path,
'method': method,
'isoTimestamp': isoTimestamp,
// 'data': { 'market': 'BTC-USD', 'side': 'BUY', 'type': 'LIMIT', 'size': 0.0001, 'price': 3000, },
'data': params,
}, this.secret);
headers['DYDX-SIGNATURE'] = signature;
return { 'url': url, 'method': method, 'body': body, 'headers': headers };
async apiKeyHelper (generateOrCreate = false) {
const { DydxClient } = require ('@dydxprotocol/v3-client');
const Web3 = require ('web3');
const web3 = new Web3 ();
web3.eth.accounts.wallet.add (this.privateKey);
const client = new DydxClient ('', { web3 });
const apiCreds = generateOrCreate ? await client.onboarding.recoverDefaultApiCredentials (this.walletAddress) : await client.ethPrivate.createApiKey (this.walletAddress);
return apiCreds;
async generateApiKey () {
return this.apiKeyHelper (true); //
async createApiKey () {
return this.apiKeyHelper (false);
async createApiKeyByOnboard (params = undefined) { //
return {};
createDydxSign ({
}, apiSecret) {
const messageString = isoTimestamp + method + requestPath + JSON.stringify (data);
const crypto = require ('crypto');
return crypto.createHmac ('sha256', Buffer.from (apiSecret, 'base64')).update (messageString).digest ('base64');
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